Republican bill will do away with overtime after 40 hours of work

Not an OPTION if your employer doesn't want to pay overtime you are shit out of luck

Not true, it actually leaves the choice entirely to the employee, even if they agreed to it already.

It absolutely does not.

You can "choose" to work for the time..

You cannot choose when you use the time.

It is like that now.. and rightfully so.. say you have a shop of 3 employees... 1 quits, you are waiting to get a new person hired, and the other is taking vacation for July 4... you do not get to FORCE upon the employer that you WILL take vacation for July 4, leaving the employer SOL... now, you can QUIT and terminate the agreement, leaving both you and the employer screwed.. but you better hope you don't need a reference for your next job
We're given the choice of getting comp time or overtime at my job I love having the option sometimes I take comp sometimes overtime.
Comp time is not so bad provided you can actually take it.

Time is more important than money. You can always make more money but you can't make more time.

This is actually the root of the matter.

Comp time is given at the option of the employer. And there are multiple ways that employers can get out of giving the comp time.

Just like vacation time, if you don't take it within the lose it.
Not true, it actually leaves the choice entirely to the employee, even if they agreed to it already.

It absolutely does not.

You can "choose" to work for the time..

You cannot choose when you use the time.

It is like that now.. and rightfully so.. say you have a shop of 3 employees... 1 quits, you are waiting to get a new person hired, and the other is taking vacation for July 4... you do not get to FORCE upon the employer that you WILL take vacation for July 4, leaving the employer SOL... now, you can QUIT and terminate the agreement, leaving both you and the employer screwed.. but you better hope you don't need a reference for your next job

What's your point here?

You reinforced what I just posted.
Cons are always busy lowering the wages of US workers. Soon they won't have to export jobs.

Libs are always putting people out of work so they can demonstrate their compassion by making them dependents on the state.

And that's bullshit.

Conservatives are the ones that started the outsourcing bonanza.

You just can't help yourself can you. Always the blame game. You're like a kid that can't help himself from sticking his finger in the icing on a cake.
Libs are always putting people out of work so they can demonstrate their compassion by making them dependents on the state.

And that's bullshit.

Conservatives are the ones that started the outsourcing bonanza.

You just can't help yourself can you. Always the blame game. You're like a kid that can't help himself from sticking his finger in the icing on a cake.

I suggest you stop focusing on me..and stick to the issues.

Unless of course "you can't help yourself."
Cons are always busy lowering the wages of US workers. Soon they won't have to export jobs.

Libs are always putting people out of work so they can demonstrate their compassion by making them dependents on the state.

And that's bullshit.

Conservatives are the ones that started the outsourcing bonanza.

It absolutely does not.

You can "choose" to work for the time..

You cannot choose when you use the time.

It is like that now.. and rightfully so.. say you have a shop of 3 employees... 1 quits, you are waiting to get a new person hired, and the other is taking vacation for July 4... you do not get to FORCE upon the employer that you WILL take vacation for July 4, leaving the employer SOL... now, you can QUIT and terminate the agreement, leaving both you and the employer screwed.. but you better hope you don't need a reference for your next job

What's your point here?

You reinforced what I just posted.

The point is it has ALWAYS been that you do not INHERENTLY get the time YOU WANT... it depends on many factors.. and that has NOTHING to do with having comp time as an option

Grow the fuck up
And that's bullshit.

Conservatives are the ones that started the outsourcing bonanza.

You just can't help yourself can you. Always the blame game. You're like a kid that can't help himself from sticking his finger in the icing on a cake.

I suggest you stop focusing on me..and stick to the issues.

Unless of course "you can't help yourself."

Focusing on you? Lol are you high? I made one comment based on your post which is what we do here. Do you think your posts are above comment or something lol
Here's to a quick defeat of this abortion-of-a-bill, as quickly as may be practicable.

The Pubs in Congress - many of them in-bed with Corporatists - aren't fooling anybody with this one.

The 75-year-old Overtime Laws were passed for a good reason and they have withstood the test of time for good reason, as well.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it - and - from the Little Guy's perspective, this ain't broke.

End of convo.

This 75-year-old legislation is one of only a handful of surviving protections that the union-busting Pubs haven't managed to kill-off or neutralize during the past couple of decades.

Leave it the hell alone.

We see a lot in the earliest posts here about 'Choice'.


If an employee is to be given Comp-Time rather than Overtime Pay, then let it be the CHOICE of the EMPLOYEE rather than the Employer, as it has been for the past 75 years.

These Corporatists (and their whores sitting in various legislatures) have to be bitch-slapped upside the head every so often, to keep the worst of their greed in-check.

Here's hoping that we witness another such Grand Bitch Slap at them, in this context, in the coming weeks.

bitch slap ? lol Word up from the ghetto.............
Right now we have people hurting because they are going from full time jobs to part time because of Obamacare and the libs stay silent. We have unions forcing people to join and pay dues if they want to work and the libs remain silent. Now people have a choice and the libs bitch. They have a problem with letting people decide things on their own.
Comp time is not so bad provided you can actually take it.

Time is more important than money. You can always make more money but you can't make more time.

This is actually the root of the matter.

Comp time is given at the option of the employer. And there are multiple ways that employers can get out of giving the comp time.

Just like vacation time, if you don't take it within the lose it.

How typical, Sallow ignores the actual bill which requires the employer to pay for any unused comp time, even if it is not used because the employee chose not to take it.
I used to work at a place that would offer comp time. I never chose to take it.

I don't see how it saves money. 8 hours worked for comp time got you 12 hours off later. So work 8 get paid twelve now or take 12 hours later for the same pay.

Time and a half can kill you on income tax.
Comp time is taxed at the regular rate.
No, because the Employer-Employee relationship is almost always one-sided in favor of the Employer, and because it's far too easy for the Employer - who holds most of the trump cards - to coerce Employees to agree to the option that the Employer wants.

And, beyond that bit o' common sense, comes the huge distrust which Labor has for Management - both historical, and in the context of the past couple of decades of bringing-in Illegal Aliens, outsourcing, and shipping jobs overseas. Frankly, I don't blame the Labor folk one little bit for that mindset, nowadays.

If Management tells you that the daytime sky is blue, chances are good that it is not blue after all.

Entitlment at its finest. As well as proof libs breathe and live....err well, live and whine
You may demonstrate the error(s) served-up in that post, at your discretion.

The mindset is not 'Entitlement' - it is hard-fought and hard-won Organized Labor benefits.

Did you have no parent nor grandparent nor great-grandparent nor uncle nor aunt nor beloved and respected friend of the family, who was a supporter of American Labor, or have you-and-yours been members of some sort of Entrepreneur or Wealthy or Privileged Family or group for so long that you have lost all sympathy with your fellow countrymen who must band together in order to prevent Business from taking undue advantage of them?

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