Republican candidates are screwed if they do not condemn Trump's comments

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
Hispanic groups will pressure Republicans to say whether they agree with Trump, and whoever wins the GOP primary that candidate has no chance to beat Hillary without getting at least a significant number of Hispanic votes.

Will Republican candidates condemn Trump's statement?
Trump said what they would all like to but a couple have said they don't agree. Just saw that but the only one I can remember is Rick oops Perry.

And of course, he was 100% wrong.

Thing is, even though we know there is now a net zero of illegals coming into the country, there are still people who believe the kind of nonsense we read here - that they're pouring over the southern border. One of our own RWs nutters recently wrote "millions every day".
Trump reaping incredible benefit from his truthful comments. Republicans will not condemn them and lose the votes of millions of voters. At most they will have no comment.
Pfft.... ROFLMFAO... so where's all you jackasses FAUX OUTRAGE about obama calling Mexican's *GANG BANGERS?!*

Ya'll are a bunch of freakin' MORONS. NO conservative is going to say shit to Trump, because we all AGREE WITH HIM.

Trump is polling SECOND because of his TRUTHFULNESS. So go pound sand, idiots.
They'll be screwed because you say so?

I didn't realize you had been put in charge of who gets screwed by the manufactured outrage machine known as the progressive.
Hispanic groups will pressure Republicans to say whether they agree with Trump, and whoever wins the GOP primary that candidate has no chance to beat Hillary without getting at least a significant number of Hispanic votes.

Will Republican candidates condemn Trump's statement?

That depends..... candid like Rubio who think they can get part of the Hispanic vote nay condemn the comments. Candidates like Scott Walker who already have no chance of getting Hispanics to vote for him may prefer to solidify the Caucasian vote by agreeing with Trump.
Hispanic groups will pressure Republicans to say whether they agree with Trump, and whoever wins the GOP primary that candidate has no chance to beat Hillary without getting at least a significant number of Hispanic votes.

Will Republican candidates condemn Trump's statement?

That depends..... candid like Rubio who think they can get part of the Hispanic vote nay condemn the comments. Candidates like Scott Walker who already have no chance of getting Hispanics to vote for him may prefer to solidify the Caucasian vote by agreeing with Trump.
NO conservative needs to WORRY about "getting the Hispanic vote" anyway, dumbass, because they WON'T GET IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

It's IRRELEVANT, a MOOT POINT, and they certainly don't need it to WIN.
Hispanic groups will pressure Republicans to say whether they agree with Trump, and whoever wins the GOP primary that candidate has no chance to beat Hillary without getting at least a significant number of Hispanic votes.

Will Republican candidates condemn Trump's statement?

That depends..... candid like Rubio who think they can get part of the Hispanic vote nay condemn the comments. Candidates like Scott Walker who already have no chance of getting Hispanics to vote for him may prefer to solidify the Caucasian vote by agreeing with Trump.
NO conservative needs to WORRY about "getting the Hispanic vote" anyway, dumbass, because they WON'T GET IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

It's IRRELEVANT, a MOOT POINT, and they certainly don't need it to WIN.
They need a significant percentage of the Hispanic vote. The last Republican who won got 44% of the Hispanic vote. Bush share of Hispanic vote rose to 44 percent - Washington Times
Hispanic groups will pressure Republicans to say whether they agree with Trump, and whoever wins the GOP primary that candidate has no chance to beat Hillary without getting at least a significant number of Hispanic votes.

Will Republican candidates condemn Trump's statement?

That depends..... candid like Rubio who think they can get part of the Hispanic vote nay condemn the comments. Candidates like Scott Walker who already have no chance of getting Hispanics to vote for him may prefer to solidify the Caucasian vote by agreeing with Trump.
And what tells you that the white vote will be solidified by supporting Trump's comments?
Hispanic groups will pressure Republicans to say whether they agree with Trump, and whoever wins the GOP primary that candidate has no chance to beat Hillary without getting at least a significant number of Hispanic votes.

Will Republican candidates condemn Trump's statement?

That depends..... candid like Rubio who think they can get part of the Hispanic vote nay condemn the comments. Candidates like Scott Walker who already have no chance of getting Hispanics to vote for him may prefer to solidify the Caucasian vote by agreeing with Trump.
NO conservative needs to WORRY about "getting the Hispanic vote" anyway, dumbass, because they WON'T GET IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

It's IRRELEVANT, a MOOT POINT, and they certainly don't need it to WIN.

Jeb has strong Hispanic support and won't want to alienate that.

As far as winning without Hispanic votes goes that is a self inflicted injury you are about to incur.

Let us know how that works out for you.
The way I see it is that the only hispanics that should be upset with the comment are the illegals. Most of the legal hispanics I know are just as pissed at the illegal ones.
Now, since its only the illegals and they cant vote anyway, right? I mean, thats what the liberals are trying to tell us, the illegals dont vote so we dont need voter ID, but, since they cant vote it doesnt matter what those filthy disease infested drugged up flea covered rapists think. or am I wrong, do the liberals let those illegals vote.
They'll be screwed because you say so?

I didn't realize you had been put in charge of who gets screwed by the manufactured outrage machine known as the progressive.
They'll be screwed because Bush junior won 44% of the Hispanic vote, which isn't bad at all. No other candidates since has gotten close to that.
White conservatives in message boards think it's all about getting the conservative cracker vote. We are not in Finland though. There are Hispanics here.
Hispanic groups will pressure Republicans to say whether they agree with Trump, and whoever wins the GOP primary that candidate has no chance to beat Hillary without getting at least a significant number of Hispanic votes.

Will Republican candidates condemn Trump's statement?

That depends..... candid like Rubio who think they can get part of the Hispanic vote nay condemn the comments. Candidates like Scott Walker who already have no chance of getting Hispanics to vote for him may prefer to solidify the Caucasian vote by agreeing with Trump.
NO conservative needs to WORRY about "getting the Hispanic vote" anyway, dumbass, because they WON'T GET IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

It's IRRELEVANT, a MOOT POINT, and they certainly don't need it to WIN.
They need a significant percentage of the Hispanic vote. The last Republican who won got 44% of the Hispanic vote. Bush share of Hispanic vote rose to 44 percent - Washington Times
No they don't.
Pfft.... ROFLMFAO... so where's all you jackasses FAUX OUTRAGE about obama calling Mexican's *GANG BANGERS?!*

Ya'll are a bunch of freakin' MORONS. NO conservative is going to say shit to Trump, because we all AGREE WITH HIM.

Trump is polling SECOND because of his TRUTHFULNESS. So go pound sand, idiots.
Trump polls second in the Republican primary field with 11% of primary voters supporting him. That means 89% of the primary voters choose one of the other candidates over Trump.
Trump reaping incredible benefit from his truthful comments. Republicans will not condemn them and lose the votes of millions of voters. At most they will have no comment.
That might work in the Republican primaries, but it's a loser in the general. It's this campaign's "47%".
Arpaio stated, “There’s no lie about the drugs coming from Mexico.”

“Everybody knows that,” he said. “I talk about it all the time. The majority of the drugs coming into my county, they are from Mexico. So that’s a true statement.”

Read more at Sheriff Joe s got Trump s back

wow, just shot down the liberscums talking points. :lmao:
They'll be screwed because you say so?

I didn't realize you had been put in charge of who gets screwed by the manufactured outrage machine known as the progressive.
They'll be screwed because Bush junior won 44% of the Hispanic vote, which isn't bad at all. No other candidates since has gotten close to that.
White conservatives in message boards think it's all about getting the conservative cracker vote. We are not in Finland though. There are Hispanics here.
You people seem to think that the word "Hispanic" is some homogenous block of people. is NOT necessary to get the Hispanic block to win.

Just the Independent one.

As I said, you let Me know when they put you in charge and I'll consider your opinion a little bit more carefully.
Trump is a liberal. And an idiot.

The thing is, however -- He was right. But dimocrap scum are too fucking stupid to realize it.

Very few of us can trace our ancestral roots back to rich Europeans who decided to leave their Castle in Germany or England because they were bored and wanted to go fight Indians in the Northwest Territories.

Most of our ancestors left because were in the lower strata of the society at that time. Just a fact.

A FACT that dimocrap FILTH are too racist and too scummy to admit.

Most of your ancestors came over on a boat in Cargo Class. Just a fact. None of your ancestors were wealthy Brits or Germans or Italians coming to the Shores of America.

Why in the FUCK would they?

So, yeah, the people we'rre getting from Mexico are NOT their best or their brightest.


God DAYUM but dimocraps are some stupid motherfuckers

Honest to God, drool cup carrying, Pied Piper, Pop Culture, follow-the-leader fucking stupid

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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