Republican Congress approves 21% increase to Medicare Doctors

I have mentioned the doc fix many times on this forum as an example of the Republicans knowing how to fix something that is broken in laws they passed, but then they mysteriously find themselves unable to figure out how to fix things that are broken in the ACA and force a constitutional crisis instead.

Rank hypocrisy.
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Background: When a physician treats a patient on Medicare, the government pays for the services he performs. In 1997, Congress became concerned with the growing cost of these payments to physicians. In response, lawmakers included in the Balanced Budget Act a restriction on growth in Medicare payments to doctors. This cap is called the “Sustainable Growth Rate” (SGR). The increase in payments could not be larger than the overall growth of the economy.

Since 2003, Congress has passed 17 bills stopping these payment cuts from going into effect.

Fast Facts Medicare Doc Fix - Heritage Action for America
it's just a matter of time before the ACA is dead in the water. I can see it coming. Saving Dr's 21% across the board is a sure sign.
it's just a matter of time before the ACA is dead in the water. I can see it coming. Saving Dr's 21% across the board is a sure sign.
The ACA will be replaced with single payer healthcare.
give it some time .. it hasn't been 20 years yet.


hope !

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