Republican congressman Dave Joyce supports trump's desire to terminate the Constitution

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What makes me sound radicalized? Because im not a duopoly cuck? I have self awareness? I dont throw away my integrity for corrupt pieces of shit politicians that dont give 2 shits about me?
I'm sorry I thought you were a trump supporter. Who's responsible for most of these lies. He's actually made the whole world worse by doing so. Very sad and angry little man.
You are totally insane. Biden is a very sincere and honest man, he tells it like it is.
OH FUCK YOU, you deranged lunatic hack.

I’ve seen some real whoppers on here but this takes the cake.

I am sure you could find something dubious or subjective to try to defend that utterly meritless shitstain, but his SINCERITY? JOE BIDEN? Fuck off.
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Trump is not really the problem, it is the high percent of his followers that are fine with the idea of terminating the rules of the Constitution.
/——/ You mean like censorship of opposing ideas and gun confiscation? You mean like that?
I'm sorry I thought you were a trump supporter. Who's responsible for most of these lies. He's actually made the whole world worse by doing so. Very sad and angry little man.
All pols lie. Our president is one of the worst offenders. He lies about easily debunked bullshit.
Just like your obsession named trump.
Where are your threads on biden being a piece of shit? Comments on it?
I have posted his entire statement multiple times, there is nothing taken out of context.

I have addressed it, he thinks the fraud that took place is enough to terminate the rules of the Constitution. I disagree with him, you agree with him. what more is there you would like addressed?
We both said it over and over, his exact words what more do you want. Why don't you complain to trump about the words he chooses to use just to get you riled up.

Here's what your boy had to say after the media freak out:

“The Fake News is actually trying to convince the American People that I said I wanted to ‘terminate’ the Constitution. This is simply more DISINFORMATION & LIES, just like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of their other HOAXES & SCAMS,” Trump wrote Monday afternoon, saying he meant that “steps must be immediately taken to RIGHT THE WRONG.”
Here's what your boy had to say after the media freak out:

“The Fake News is actually trying to convince the American People that I said I wanted to ‘terminate’ the Constitution. This is simply more DISINFORMATION & LIES, just like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of their other HOAXES & SCAMS,” Trump wrote Monday afternoon, saying he meant that “steps must be immediately taken to RIGHT THE WRONG.”

Yep, that is what your god said, and all he did was double down on his calls to terminate the rules of the Constitution
Only trouble here was Trump never said He wanted to terminate the constitution.
You been punked by your favorite media, again.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

-----Donald J. Trump
Obviously Republican Dave Joyce is unfit to be a congressman. He took an oath to support the Constitution. Yet he not only does he not condemn Trump for declaring this crazy whim of his, he has said he would actually support him in doing so. I believe he has committed a crime against our country in being so foolish to support such an idea. This is the thing third world dictators are made of; it has no place in America. Kick this man out of Congress right now. rolling>GOP congressman okay with trump saying he'd terminate the Constitution.
Where's your link? I thought a linkless OP was frowned upon. So going by post #2, shouldn't the thread title not match the story as opposed to twisting the facts?

I'll give it a report and see.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

-----Donald J. Trump
/——-/ Where does it say in the Constitution that election rigging is allowed if they cheat right under your nose? ——- Cellblock2429
/——-/ Where does it say in the Constitution that election rigging is allowed if they cheat right under your nose? ——- Cellblock2429
Where does it say that idiots who keep bleating about "election rigging" without being able to offer one iota of credible PROOF of actual election rigging should be taken seriously rather than just brushed off as the stark-raving lunatic, yapping hyenas that they are?
So his personal beliefs are a reason for removal?
No, but perjury is. Congressmen take an oath to defend and support the Constitution. He and other Republicans that do not condemn this are now all criminals and unfit to be congressman.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

-----Donald J. Trump
You can say it a thousand times they're not listening they are cult members and have been radicalized into those false beliefs. Did you ever listen to one of trump's rallies; he repeats the same lies over and over.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion....
but not their own FACTS.

These lunatic Trumptards don't get to be "right" just because they happen to believe something.

They MIGHT be eligible for some kind of participation trophy though.
Do you have anything original. Quoting socialist Lawrence O'Donnell isn't gonna cut it.
Where does it say that idiots who keep bleating about "election rigging" without being able to offer one iota of credible PROOF of actual election rigging should be taken seriously rather than just brushed off as the stark-raving lunatic, yapping hyenas that they are?
/——-/ Not one iota of proof?
This is your cue to deny, deflect and throw a hissy fit.
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