Republican Darrell Issa Undermines U.S.Investigation In Libya

There have been many attacks on diplomats in and around Libya for many months now. I do not believe that our government and other countries didn't already know what was going on long before the Libyan attack. It makes no sense that no one would have investigated considering the ongoing threats and attacks. Now some are acting like the attack on our Libyan embassy was the first incident and no one knows for sure who did it or why. Sorry, not buying it.

Is there even an investigation to undermine? The Obama administration didn't even send people over there to look into things until after the media went and found Chris Steven's diary. They read about the threats and the requests for help.

There is no way the government didn't see this coming. Drones were flying over and witnessed the attacks- all 8 hours on 9/11. We didn't do anything before or during the attacks. Afterwards, we got lies for weeks.

It's assinine to pretend now that a serious investigation is underway. When they claim Issa is interferring with that, what they mean is that he is exposing indifference on the part of the Obama administration when it comes to radical Muslim terrorists. I don't doubt they object to the facts being made public.

It's OK to expose the US allies in the region?
Isn't one of the Republican talking points about Obama's alienation of allies?
Now it's actually OK to put individuals' lives in danger to score political points?
Why would anyone trust the US?
And where do you glean this?

What Issa did was to out people cooperating with US authorities. They now are most certainly are a target for Al Qaeda.

By the way I had the exact same problem with Bradley Manning when he did his little document dump. For the exact same reasons.


The lies you fucknuts tell for your little tin god are amazing.

No stupid, Issa brought to public attention documents that were released to the public - not classified the way you leftist regressives claim, but public domain, that clearly indict the stupidity, incompetence, and dishonesty of Barack Obama and his administration.

Another example of conservative civility?

You guys do yourselves "right" with every post you make.

Those 166 pages shown Stevens needed extra security and Obama couldn't give a fuck. This is why Kerry's whining like a little bitch.
He didn't expose Obama, he exposed himself as a traitor to America.

Speaking against your god is treason, huh?


what? Issa can say all the dumb shit he wants but to undermine U;S Foreign Policy and the investigation into the murder of 4 Americans is wrong at best...
Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack
Fox News ^ | 10-19-2012 | James Rosen
Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack | Fox News

Across 166 pages of internal State Department documents -- released Friday by a pair of Republican congressmen pressing the Obama administration for more answers on the Benghazi terrorist attack -- slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and the security officers assigned to protect him repeatedly sounded alarms to their superiors in Washington about the intensifying lawlessness and violence in Eastern Libya, where Stevens ultimately died.

On Sept. 11 -- the day Stevens and three other Americans were killed -- the ambassador signed a three-page cable, labeled "sensitive," in which he noted "growing problems with security" in Benghazi and "growing frustration" on the part of local residents with Libyan police and security forces. These forces the ambassador characterized as "too weak to keep the country secure."
There have been many attacks on diplomats in and around Libya for many months now. I do not believe that our government and other countries didn't already know what was going on long before the Libyan attack. It makes no sense that no one would have investigated considering the ongoing threats and attacks. Now some are acting like the attack on our Libyan embassy was the first incident and no one knows for sure who did it or why. Sorry, not buying it.

Is there even an investigation to undermine? The Obama administration didn't even send people over there to look into things until after the media went and found Chris Steven's diary. They read about the threats and the requests for help.

There is no way the government didn't see this coming. Drones were flying over and witnessed the attacks- all 8 hours on 9/11. We didn't do anything before or during the attacks. Afterwards, we got lies for weeks.

It's assinine to pretend now that a serious investigation is underway. When they claim Issa is interferring with that, what they mean is that he is exposing indifference on the part of the Obama administration when it comes to radical Muslim terrorists. I don't doubt they object to the facts being made public.

It's OK to expose the US allies in the region?
Isn't one of the Republican talking points about Obama's alienation of allies?
Now it's actually OK to put individuals' lives in danger to score political points?
Why would anyone trust the US?

its election time for repubs so everything is "fair game" to them a la the Rove/TurdBlossom playbook.
He didn't expose Obama, he exposed himself as a traitor to America.

Speaking against your god is treason, huh?


what? Issa can say all the dumb shit he wants but to undermine U;S Foreign Policy and the investigation into the murder of 4 Americans is wrong at best...

Issa is standing up to Obamas lies and spin. Stevens begged Obama for help...Yet, you're going to blindly support Obama.

Sad...Why support corruption?
Speaking against your god is treason, huh?


what? Issa can say all the dumb shit he wants but to undermine U;S Foreign Policy and the investigation into the murder of 4 Americans is wrong at best...

did you explain to us why the good Doctor is in the Pakastani jail, or knot? :eusa_whistle:

Pakistan was hiding Bin Laden. They didn't like that the doctor helped uncover him...

Pakistan isn't our friend.
Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) criticized House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R- Calif.) for releasing 166 pages of "sensitive but unclassified" State Department cables that contained the names of Libyans working within the United States.

"This is irresponsible and inexcusable, and perhaps worst of all it was entirely avoidable," Kerry said. "It is profoundly against America's interests in a difficult region."

The Obama administration has also criticized Issa for leaking the documents, which relate to the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and four others.

Administration officials told Foreign Policy magazine the leak, along with Issa's failure to redact the names of Libyan civilians and local leaders mentioned in the cables, could have "unintended consequences."

"This does damage to the individuals because they are named, danger to security cooperation because these are militias and groups that we work with and that is now well known, and danger to the investigation, because these people could help us down the road," an administration official said.

John Kerry: Darrell Issa's Release Of Raw Libya Cables 'Irresponsible And Inexcusable'

This borders on treason and makes it a lot harder to find the killers who attacked our embassy.

So to hell with the safety of your fellow Americans b/c we have to protect the boi king, I mean protect some lybians.

no, no

We all know it's to protect obama
It's OK to expose the US allies in the region?
Isn't one of the Republican talking points about Obama's alienation of allies?
Now it's actually OK to put individuals' lives in danger to score political points?
Why would anyone trust the US?

You're such a fucking hack;

{Rep. Cummings, Sen. Kerry, and administration officials are attempting to create a distraction to protect the President and mislead the American people. Their charges are not credible and they appear to be calling from the same playbook they used against CNN when that network first revealed Ambassador Stevens' concerns.

The documents Rep. Cummings, Sen. Kerry, and the State Department are now complaining about were given to State Department officials, Rep. Cummings, and others almost two weeks ago. That Cummings and State Department officials did not express specific concerns about Libyans mentioned in these unclassified documents obtained by the committee until three days before the Presidential debate on foreign policy is telling. The committee only began hearing, through a reporter, concerns of anonymous Obama Administration officials last night and the State Department has yet to directly contact the committee with any requests for specific redactions to documents it knew the committee possessed. If the State Department's concerns were genuine, it certainly begs the question about why they did not raise concerns at the time they were originally released almost two weeks ago instead of waiting until a number of these documents were sent to President Obama on Friday along with questions about the White House role in the disastrous Libya 'normalization' policy.

There are also legitimate questions that have been examined by other news organizations about the harm created by State Department officials highlighting a sensitive site on a poster board during a public forum and the administration's failure to secure sensitive documents for weeks after the Benghazi attack.

The committee did make a number of redactions to these unclassified documents and the Libyan individuals mentioned in them worked in positions where their interactions with westerners would not be surprising.

The only position on documents the State Department has expressed to the committee is their belief that the committee should not have or release any information contained in any State Department documents. This non-cooperation has made the Committee's efforts more challenging and only through non-official channels was the Committee able to expose security failure that led to an acknowledgement of legitimate problems by Secretary Clinton.}

John Kerry: Darrell Issa's Release Of Raw Libya Cables 'Irresponsible And Inexcusable'
the Republicans are simply desperate ... and above the laws of sensibility.


You people can flip flop on your story 5 times and you think we're the desperate ones???

What the fuck do you people want? The truth is the last thing you want.
Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) criticized House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R- Calif.) for releasing 166 pages of "sensitive but unclassified" State Department cables that contained the names of Libyans working within the United States.

"This is irresponsible and inexcusable, and perhaps worst of all it was entirely avoidable," Kerry said. "It is profoundly against America's interests in a difficult region."

The Obama administration has also criticized Issa for leaking the documents, which relate to the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and four others.

Administration officials told Foreign Policy magazine the leak, along with Issa's failure to redact the names of Libyan civilians and local leaders mentioned in the cables, could have "unintended consequences."

"This does damage to the individuals because they are named, danger to security cooperation because these are militias and groups that we work with and that is now well known, and danger to the investigation, because these people could help us down the road," an administration official said.

John Kerry: Darrell Issa's Release Of Raw Libya Cables 'Irresponsible And Inexcusable'

This borders on treason and makes it a lot harder to find the killers who attacked our embassy.

So to hell with the safety of your fellow Americans b/c we have to protect the boi king, I mean protect some lybians.

no, no

We all know it's to protect obama

how does releasing this help the safety of Americans? I told you how Issa hurt Americans
what? Issa can say all the dumb shit he wants but to undermine U;S Foreign Policy and the investigation into the murder of 4 Americans is wrong at best...

Undermine U.S. policy by criticizing the utter incompetence followed by complete lies from the Obama administration?

Obama is a fuckup and a liar, he spent 10 days openly lying to America and the world about this attack. If the fucker had ANY integrity, he would resign immediately. In the meantime, I applaud and depend on people like Rep. Issa to expose both the incompetence and chicanery of this dishonest fuck, Obama.
This borders on treason and makes it a lot harder to find the killers who attacked our embassy.

So to hell with the safety of your fellow Americans b/c we have to protect the boi king, I mean protect some lybians.

no, no

We all know it's to protect obama

how does releasing this help the safety of Americans? I told you how Issa hurt Americans

How doe Obama lying his ass off to the American people help them??? We know for a fact that stevens needed the security and we know that Obama was begging in front of the entire muslim world that our freedom of speech should be curtailed.:mad:

How does begging on your knees help Americans?

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