Republican Debate, 2-6-2016

ISIS... back circuits of ...banking?? Take the oil from ISIS.
Bush Libya - no stable government...building a Sunni army
Carson - pro active foreign policy in Libya How do we stop attacks Joint chiefs decide if we should bomb
Cruz - no torture does not like water boarding for "wide spread use" waffling? people laughed
Trump: people having heads chopped off, bring back waterboarding and worse if it works.
Jeb: expand intelligence, forget about capturing people and asking them.
Rubio - waterboarding - don't talk about what we are going to use...good answer
I guess you Republicans don't really want to talk about it... It's on ABC now.
Well unlike a democrat we think about what we heard. They don't pre-send talking points to us like democrats.
Oh Republicans are heavily involved in talking points. My first thought was correct, you all are getting embarrassed about your sub par candidates. I don't blame you, really.
Kasich agrees with Trump on negotiations O. gave up working with congress..Just angered congress and nothing ever gets done. applause

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