Republican Debate: February 13, 2016

So trump is talking about Carrier closing in the US and moving 1400 jobs to Mexico, there is a video where these people are distraught of course.

trump though says he would tell Carrier if you move 'he will get consensus and tax Carrier so much their move wouldn't be worth it'.

So by every measure that conservatives 'trump up' about not wanting government to interfere with their lives or business, this certainly qualifies as 'government heavily regulating business'. For trump its to the point of threatening a single company with the overwhelming power of the federal government.

Simply put, this represents, in its most naked form, conservative ideas?

After 40 years of republican outsourcing of our jobs. What other choice do we have? Trump is at least somewhat right.

Don't misunderstand me, I would also make it difficult and very expensive for companies to move out of the country and take those jobs with them.

The question is for conservatives that seem to support this guy. I'm wondering why.

Keeping manufacturing in America is in the national interest.

I don't remember WWII, but my folks told me about rationing, and the manufacturing sector turning to war production. My kin worked for National Cash Register in Ohio when they shifted production to anti-aircraft gun magazines; my uncle...too old for service, worked at Bethlehem Steel Mills.

Where is Bethlehem Steel today?

Where is NCR's manufacturing plant?

I'm from Pittsburgh, the generation before mine all worked for US Steel or Bethlehem steel their whole lives. I was born in Munhall.

I agree, these jobs should stay. I visit Pitt now and then and all that is left of the steel mills are a line of smoke stacks but no buildings or steel mills.

Of course I remember the sky was always orange/brown when I was a child so that part is better!
I think Trump should back off Bush...Bush is not a threat. If Trump attacks W next week it could cause him problems.
I agree. He is starting to sound like a moonbat.

The iraq war is a cluster fuck. The left was proven right and I supported the war so that is saying something.
Well... You are also a moonbat... So I'm not exactly shocked that you agree.

I seen the cluster fuck of our middle east wars and the idiocy of the republican party and grew up. ;)
Trump SC debate poll.png

I think Trump should back off Bush...Bush is not a threat. If Trump attacks W next week it could cause him problems.
I agree. He is starting to sound like a moonbat.

The iraq war is a cluster fuck. The left was proven right and I supported the war so that is saying something.
Well... You are also a moonbat... So I'm not exactly shocked that you agree.

I seen the cluster fuck of our middle east wars and the idiocy of the republican party and grew up. ;)
Yes... Be that as it may. Conservatives don't want another moonbat in office. So it makes no sense for them to support Trump
My take on the debate Kasich and Carson good steady but nothing that really stands out Jeb had strong moments but I think it's taken him to long to get his legs under him and can't make up the ground Trump reverted back to sounding like an arrogant gasbag and did nothing to help himself Cruz was strong hit the right notes and did nothing to hurt himself Rubio needed a strong debate to wipe out the image of the New Hampshire one and got it he was on top of his game and looked the Rubio in the last Iowa debate and most important no gaffs or stumbles for him.
Can someone please translate each of Cruz's answers?

Uh oh, Rubio vs Cruz again. LMAO!! Rubio says Cruz doesn't know what he said on Univision because he doesn't speak Spanish. Rubio owned Cruz on that exchange.
How did he own Cruz when Rubio looked like an idiot after Cruz clearly showed he can speak Spanish?
I think Trump should back off Bush...Bush is not a threat. If Trump attacks W next week it could cause him problems.
I agree. He is starting to sound like a moonbat.

The iraq war is a cluster fuck. The left was proven right and I supported the war so that is saying something.
Well... You are also a moonbat... So I'm not exactly shocked that you agree.

I seen the cluster fuck of our middle east wars and the idiocy of the republican party and grew up. ;)
Yes... Be that as it may. Conservatives don't want another moonbat in office. So it makes no sense for them to support Trump

Moonbats are about all that conservatives have to offer. Palin, Bachmann, trump, Cruz, Carson. Weridos all. Kasich, Rubio, Bush, and a few others are at least human beings but those are the ones rejected by the whackjob rightwing moonbat minions.
I'm from Pittsburgh, the generation before mine all worked for US Steel or Bethlehem steel their whole lives. I was born in Munhall.

I agree, these jobs should stay. I visit Pitt now and then and all that is left of the steel mills are a line of smoke stacks but no buildings or steel mills.

Of course I remember the sky was always orange/brown when I was a child so that part is better!

I imagine some of my kin knew some of your kin. I come from those same hills. The Youghiogheny (pronounced yak-uh-gainey, for you all that are struggling with it. The "ya" is pronounced like the "ya" sound in yacht ) River flowed by my fathers family farm in Western Maryland, and my mothers father was Western Pennsylvania coal miner. Most of my kin still live out there, some still working in the West Virginia coal mines.

I get out to Pittsburgh from time to time. When you go to Pittsburgh, you better know where "Blvd of the Allies" is, or you are going to end up very, very lost. They have started to reinvent themselves the way Chicago has. But they have a long way to go yet.
Can someone please translate each of Cruz's answers?

Uh oh, Rubio vs Cruz again. LMAO!! Rubio says Cruz doesn't know what he said on Univision because he doesn't speak Spanish. Rubio owned Cruz on that exchange.
How did he own Cruz when Rubio looked like an idiot after Cruz clearly showed he can speak Spanish?
Cruz does speak Spanish but by his own admission he doesn't speak it very well where Rubio does so given this it's pretty unlikely Cruz knew what Rubio was saying on Univision.

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