Republican Debate: March 3, 2016

I am thankful that Trump doesn't want a nuclear war with Russia!!!!


Aren't you????

He's the only candidate this a true conservative on foreign policy. REAL conservatives do not follow hyper-interventionist foreign policies that have us mired in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, and with our troops all over the world. That is what NEOCONS do.
Rubio claimed falsely that Trump has yet to give a serious answer on foreign policy.

That is a campaign tactic being used by everyone other than Kasich, that Trump isn't serious. Total horseshit.
That's all Rubio has in his bag of horse shit!

He can't do anything but repeat his lame talking points.

The night isn't yet. Watch for more repeats from Little Marco.
Rubio irritated me with the very first question. He started in on Trump..........did he not expect Trump to fight back?
Kasich just bowed humbly and submitted his resume for VP to Trump. I just lost all respect for the guy.
“As an individual, John Roberts is undoubtedly a principled conservative, as is the president who appointed him,” Cruz said.

Read more: When Ted Cruz Said John Roberts Is ‘Undoubtedly A Principled Conservative’
John Roberts *is* a principled conservative.

Conservatives who expect these people to agree on each and every issue are simply fooling themselves.

I want a jurist who will think for himself, and Roberts has taken some unpopular positions on Obamacare, but i dont want a SCOTUS that will throw out a program that a majority by 5 million voters called for and the POTUS got through Congress controlled by his party in both houses of Congress. Roberts did expand the Tenth Amendment powers of states in that decision and it got completely ignored from all the crying about Obamacare.

Shit, if it is going to get repealed, then we need to GET A MAJORITY IN CONGRESS AND DO IT RIGHT, not rely on a stacked court.
First you claim you Roberts is a PRINCIPLED conservative, and then you admit you support him for ignoring the Constitution in his Obamacare decision.

A "majority of 5 million voters" did not approve of that monstrosity Obama rammed down our throats. He lied about it, and polls show the majority opposes it and has always opposed it.

Majority vote does not overrule the Constitution. There wouldn't be any point in having the Constitution if it did.
AND Fox sucked with nothing but ''gotcha'' questions.

This debate was a waste. I want Rubio gone for sure. The idiots need to pull together, not act like 10 year olds.
The Republican Party, regardless of it's eventual candidate lost another debate. What an embarrassment.

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