Republican Debate: March 3, 2016

O'Reilly is becoming negative with Trump...
are you watching?
First you claim you Roberts is a PRINCIPLED conservative, and then you admit you support him for ignoring the Constitution in his Obamacare decision.

I dont 'support' SCOTUS justices. There is no point to it. The dude will be there till he croaks and there is nothing I have to say about any of that.

If Roberts is so bad, then why did Republicans put him there in the first place? Nah, Roberts is fine, the problem is that people need to calm down and actually read the decisions. Have you?

A "majority of 5 million voters" did not approve of that monstrosity Obama rammed down our throats. He lied about it, and polls show the majority opposes it and has always opposed it.

Opinions have changed, but a great many people voted for Obama on the promise of Obamacare and Obama won by more than 5 million votes.

If you dont like it complain to the ghost of James Madison about it.

Majority vote does not overrule the Constitution. There wouldn't be any point in having the Constitution if it did.

There is more to the interpretation of the Constitution than just reading the words. It has two centuries of case law built up around it that filter and magnify and diminish part of it as we have had it hashed out in the courts for 220ish years.

And part of the practice of ruling on the Constitution has long been to not enforce the letter of the law in the face of huge public demand.

If you really want to see Obamacare ended, then elect Congressmen who share your mind on the matter, but dont blame Roberts for doing his fucking job.
Trump At Republican Debate: 'I Totally Disavow The Ku Klux Klan'


Trump just wants his cake and eat it too. White psychos still love him.
Trump: We need to get along with the world, let Russia help us with fighting ISIS, these trillions of dollars we've wasted overseas should go into our infrastructure, just look at Flint! :thup:

Are we sure Russia has the same goals as we do?

It's less about having the same goals, and more to do with the nonsensical policies in the Arab world. Syria is such a big mess, that even local nations are distancing themselves from it. There are hundreds of armed factions there, many that are hardcore religious. This won't benefit anybody if they gain the upper hand, then Iraq would be destabilized further. But you also have Jordan, which would face a possible insurgency at its northern border. Then you have the increasingly sectarian nature of the conflict over there, which is causing a chain of chaos all across Iraq, Yemen, Syria, even now Nigeria, etc....This is a ideological task the locals need to figure out. Not our problem.

In the meantime, we should continue containment policy of ISIS, while protecting strategic assets. But this nation building business can't go on anymore. Egypt and Saudi Arabia at risk of instability, those are two of the greatest nations there. Saudi Arabia is facing possible sectarian issues as well, if that place destabilizes you will have Sunni and Shia Muslims duking it out like no other, it will be horrifying and uncontrollable. So stability is preferable in my opinion.
Kasich just bowed humbly and submitted his resume for VP to Trump. I just lost all respect for the guy.
If true, I'm a damned fool.

I'm under the impression that Kasich would be more than happy to lie at the feet of any of these frauds.
Why, because he's not such a low-life that he doesn't want to participate in that public drubbing for their establishment bosses?
Trump At Republican Debate: 'I Totally Disavow The Ku Klux Klan'


Trump just wants his cake and eat it too. White psychos still love him.
He never said he liked the KKK in the first place.

But the truth doesn't matter to Democrat voters. So they get these criminals into office, who then blame everything that goes wrong on Republicans.

When and where do you get your news? You always seem a year behind.
I usually get it from everywhere. Not just Media Matters or the NYTimes.
I'm under the impression that Kasich would be more than happy to lie at the feet of any of these frauds.


Thats rich coming from a supporter of the KKK Dhimmicratic Socialist Party.

I don't support a party that either sharers the views of the KKK or is even named that mishash of rightwing hash that you typed. You should ask the klan what they think of Democratic Socialism though, I think you would be surprised.
O'Reilly is becoming negative with Trump...
are you watching?

That kind of surprises me since they are friends of sorts. What is he saying to Trump??
When and where do you get your news? You always seem a year behind.
I usually get it from everywhere. Not just Media Matters or the NYTimes.

As any intelligent person would, realizing that each news source has its own agenda and owners with their agendas too.

Read about a story from multiple perspectives then read between the lines is how you should do it.
Kasich just bowed humbly and submitted his resume for VP to Trump. I just lost all respect for the guy.
If true, I'm a damned fool.

I'm under the impression that Kasich would be more than happy to lie at the feet of any of these frauds.
Why, because he's not such a low-life that he doesn't want to participate in that public drubbing for their establishment bosses?

Kaisch is about as establishment as you can get. My point is he's a little too concerned with coming off as the nice guy that he's lost. The GOPs best bet to take the White House and because nobody is paying him any attention because of the whores in your party sucking in all the oxygen that he is forced to just not piss anyone off in hopes of being considered.
I'm under the impression that Kasich would be more than happy to lie at the feet of any of these frauds.


Thats rich coming from a supporter of the KKK Dhimmicratic Socialist Party.

I don't support a party that either sharers the views of the KKK or is even named that mishash of rightwing hash that you typed. I You should ask the klan what they think of Democratic Socialism though, I think you would be surprised.
You support a party that started the KKK and also started it rebirth in the late 1920s.

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