Republican Debate: March 3, 2016

The audience clearly loved Kasich and even booed all three of the other candidates from time to time. No boos for Kasich though. He got the loudest applause more times than any of the others.
What did he say that you liked?
All of it. Whenever he spoke, the rare times the Fox News establishment shutout crew called on him to speak, he was on target, mature and someone you think "ah, if he was in the Whitehouse, I wouldn't be biting my nails wondering if he can learn on the job". He's already seasoned, but not the type of seasoned that caters to the good old boys. Fox doesn't want him. The establishment doesn't want him. He's seasoned, intelligent, effective and the establishment doesn't want him, and he's conservative. That's the magic mix.

Right now as I type this, my TV in the background is O' Reilly (after he just tried to shit on Kasich's thunder which was obvious) has that Bernie Goldberg who KNEW Kasich smoked it with the audience, also declare "Kasich did great but I don't think he has a chance" (paraphrased). I guess O'Reilly and Goldberg feel that the loudest, most frequent and longest applause doesn't render out in votes in the primaries..swine..

So there you go folks. You want someone that the establishment good old boys are trying to squish out of power with their powerhold on the right wing media, vote for Kasich. He's the one wearing the big boy pants. Kasich is the non-scary version of Donald Trump.
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Kasich just bowed humbly and submitted his resume for VP to Trump. I just lost all respect for the guy.
I thought he had a great night until he flubbed at the end. I don't think he would be a bad leader but he comes of as more a great right hand man for a better leader.

I don't think he comes off as a leader at all. I mean, nobody gave a single fuck about anything he had to say. It was all about the establishment vs. Trump and the only reason anyone is being nice to Kasich is because he's the current governor of Ohio and that may be useful unless they find a tool to run as VP who also happens to be a minority.
Let me expand on what I mean. I personally think he is a smart guy and would not be a bad leader. I agree with you he doesn't come off as a leader, which is why I think he is more of a great second hand man to a better one.
The audience clearly loved Kasich and even booed all three of the other candidates from time to time. No boos for Kasich though. He got the loudest applause more times than any of the others.
What did he say that you liked?
All of it. Whenever he spoke, the rare times the Fox News establishment shutout crew called on him to speak, he was on target, mature and someone you think "ah, if he was in the Whitehouse, I wouldn't be biting my nails wondering if he can learn on the job". He's already seasoned, but not the type of seasoned that caters to the good old boys. Fox doesn't want him. The establishment doesn't want him. He's seasoned, intelligent, effective and the establishment doesn't want him, and he's conservative. That's the magic mix.

Is it the magic mix or just another also ran?
Trump tonite....:lmao:

Rubio tonite .....:night:

Cruz tonite.....:night:

kasisch tonite....:lalala:
Kasich just bowed humbly and submitted his resume for VP to Trump. I just lost all respect for the guy.
I thought he had a great night until he flubbed at the end. I don't think he would be a bad leader but he comes of as more a great right hand man for a better leader.

I don't think he comes off as a leader at all. I mean, nobody gave a single fuck about anything he had to say. It was all about the establishment vs. Trump and the only reason anyone is being nice to Kasich is because he's the current governor of Ohio and that may be useful unless they find a tool to run as VP who also happens to be a minority.
Let me expand on what I mean. I personally think he is a smart guy and would not be a bad leader. I agree with you he doesn't come off as a leader, which is why I think he is more of a great second hand man to a better one.

I don't see him as attracting much other than his home state to a ticket. Granted it's Ohio, but the GOP needs to win more than that to have a chance. If Trump is the nominee, Kasich doesn't really bring anything else to the ticket.
I don't see him as attracting much other than his home state to a ticket. Granted it's Ohio, but the GOP needs to win more than that to have a chance. If Trump is the nominee, Kasich doesn't really bring anything else to the ticket.

Kasich has some strong backers in California too (ie: the West). And, I think from the audience's response tonight, he's going to smoke it in the Rust Belt. By the time he gets to California and takes it from Trump (should Trump still be running then), his delegates might surprise you...

Like I said, Fox News is shit-talking Kasich and he is the GOP's golden lamb. O'Reilly is calling him "repetitive" etc. ??? WTF? He barely got to talk because O'Reilly's netword WOULDN'T LET HIM. And then he's "repetitive"???

Fuck Fox News. They don't represent the People. And the audience tonight DOES represent the people..
I don't see him as attracting much other than his home state to a ticket. Granted it's Ohio, but the GOP needs to win more than that to have a chance. If Trump is the nominee, Kasich doesn't really bring anything else to the ticket.

Kasich has some strong backers in California too (ie: the West). And, I think from the audience's response tonight, he's going to smoke it in the Rust Belt. By the time he gets to California and takes it from Trump (should Trump still be running then), his delegates might surprise you...

Ronald Reagan couldn't win California today.
The Conservative Movement is about to nominate a man who referenced the size of his penis during a presidential debate.

If Obama did that, the outrage - especially on the Right - would be 24/7 for weeks. It would lead off every broadcast.

Republicans would call it a bad example for their children. Remember the holier than thou bluster over Clinton.

If anyone on the Left said that, it would end their political career immediately.

What happened to the Republican Party? How did we get here? Can it really be explained by the fact that the Republican Party is now the party of low-information bigots and people who have no post high school education?
The audience tonight (and this is important because they are the ones voting in the Rust Belt, like dominoes..) were clapping and hooting in applause the loudest and the longest and the most frequently for John Kasich. Hands down. The people have spoken. Fox News can fuck off trying to knock Kasich off the obvious wave he was riding tonight.


They did the same thing to Christ Christie. They hand picked Rubio long ago and they will stop at nothing to squeeze out real contenders who could actually turn their good old boy group around to serve the People and not the opposite.
Trump was center of attention and attacks in GOP debate

At one point, a moderator asked Trump about an interview with former National Security Agency and CIA director Michael Hayden, in which Hayden said the U.S. military might refuse orders that Trump has contemplated, including plans to kill the family members of Islamic terrorists.

“They won’t refuse. They’re not going to refuse me,” Trump said. “If I say do, they’re going to do it.”

Trump...if I tell them to torture and kill family members....they will do what I tell them

Nice to get along with the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:lol: :uhoh3:
I just want somebody to FIX something! At least I heard get rid of Dept of ED, EPA tonight. Thank You. Before you start Frankoh, let the states deal with ED. EPA not work in Flint, dump it. Dump all waste.
You know, Trump missed a chance to further explain how ending the EPA will do more than just save $8 billion. It will also unfetter new growth.

The Many Problems of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations: A Primer
  • An average annual employment shortfall of nearly 300,000 jobs;
  • A peak employment shortfall of more than 1 million jobs;
  • A loss of more than $2.5 trillion (inflation-adjusted) in aggregate gross domestic product (GDP); and
  • A total income loss of more than $7,000 (inflation-adjusted) per person.
Getting rid of the EPA would put at least $1 trillion in the US treasuries pocket annually from unfettered economic growth.

I don't care. I love my clean air, water and food! It needs to continue to be regulated. It is all about quality of life...Not everything is about the fucking dollar!
Don't you love how they were in Michigan and Trump went on and on and on about slashing the environmental protection That guy is out of touch.. Apparently he hasn't heard about the environmental disaster in Flint...*drum roll* Michigan!

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