Republican Debate: March 3, 2016

Another embarrassment for the gop. Makes jerry springer look tame.


How did last nights debate differ from Jerry Springer along with the audience hooting and hollering
I'm under the impression that Kasich would be more than happy to lie at the feet of any of these frauds.


Thats rich coming from a supporter of the KKK Dhimmicratic Socialist Party.

I don't support a party that either sharers the views of the KKK or is even named that mishash of rightwing hash that you typed. I You should ask the klan what they think of Democratic Socialism though, I think you would be surprised.
You support a party that started the KKK and also started it rebirth in the late 1920s.
Welcome to the last 50 years.
By sitting on her ass.

You just awarded it to her without her doing a thing.

That's what Democrats do.
Along with everyone who owns stock that goes up in value?

Hillary's stock is soaring, as is Bernie's.

Republicans crash and burn

This has to be their worst candidate since Goldwater and at least Goldwater had some redeeming qualities
How can you increase military spending AND cut the debt?

Cutting taxes and cutting other areas of the government

Cutting taxes will mean less revenue . At the same time you've increased costs wh more military which a best is washed out by cutting "other areas" .

You've just increased the debt more . In fact, that's exactly how our debt just ballooned ! Tax cuts plus the costs of two U funded wars.
How can you increase military spending AND cut the debt?

Cutting taxes and cutting other areas of the government

Cutting taxes will mean less revenue . At the same time you've increased costs wh more military which a best is washed out by cutting "other areas" .

You've just increased the debt more . In fact, that's exactly how our debt just ballooned ! Tax cuts plus the costs of two U funded wars.

People don't seem to learn from history. Bush was handed a balanced budget. Bush gave tax cuts and spent on wars. No more balanced budget.
How can you increase military spending AND cut the debt?

Cutting taxes and cutting other areas of the government

Cutting taxes will mean less revenue . At the same time you've increased costs wh more military which a best is washed out by cutting "other areas" .

You've just increased the debt more . In fact, that's exactly how our debt just ballooned ! Tax cuts plus the costs of two U funded wars.

People don't seem to learn from history. Bush was handed a balanced budget. Bush gave tax cuts and spent on wars. No more balanced budget.

The balanced budget went away when the tech bubble collapsed. That started on Slick Willy's watch.
The Republican Party, regardless of it's eventual candidate lost another debate. What an embarrassment.

I can't believe that spectacle is what passes as "Presidential" to Republicans

Don Rickles for President

It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.
The Republican Party, regardless of it's eventual candidate lost another debate. What an embarrassment.

I can't believe that spectacle is what passes as "Presidential" to Republicans

Don Rickles for President

It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.

In the primaries I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, I'll vote for him over Hillary the criminal.
The Republican Party, regardless of it's eventual candidate lost another debate. What an embarrassment.

I can't believe that spectacle is what passes as "Presidential" to Republicans

Don Rickles for President

It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.

In the primaries I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, I'll vote for him over Hillary the criminal.

Point stands, thank you.
The Republican Party, regardless of it's eventual candidate lost another debate. What an embarrassment.

I can't believe that spectacle is what passes as "Presidential" to Republicans

Don Rickles for President

It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.

In the primaries I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, I'll vote for him over Hillary the criminal.

Point stands, thank you.
lIke I said, I'll take Trump over the filthy criminal Hillary any day of the week. Making jokes about your penis isn't in the same league as selling out your country for material gain.
I can't believe that spectacle is what passes as "Presidential" to Republicans

Don Rickles for President

It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.

In the primaries I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, I'll vote for him over Hillary the criminal.

Point stands, thank you.
lIke I said, I'll take Trump over the filthy criminal Hillary any day of the week. Making jokes about your penis isn't in the same league as selling out your country for material gain.
Somehow, I feel safer electing a president who you are so violently opposed to
Trump was center of attention and attacks in GOP debate

At one point, a moderator asked Trump about an interview with former National Security Agency and CIA director Michael Hayden, in which Hayden said the U.S. military might refuse orders that Trump has contemplated, including plans to kill the family members of Islamic terrorists.

“They won’t refuse. They’re not going to refuse me,” Trump said. “If I say do, they’re going to do it.”

Trump...if I tell them to torture and kill family members....they will do what I tell them

Nice to get along with the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:lol: :uhoh3:
Dangerous dictator mentlity! How can so many idiots be voting for this guy? Are Americans really that stupid?
I can't believe that spectacle is what passes as "Presidential" to Republicans

Don Rickles for President

It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.

In the primaries I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, I'll vote for him over Hillary the criminal.

Point stands, thank you.
lIke I said, I'll take Trump over the filthy criminal Hillary any day of the week. Making jokes about your penis isn't in the same league as selling out your country for material gain.

It takes a special kind of stupid to think vulgar jokes are more disqualifying that selling your office for material gain, allowing your employees to be killed to spare yourself political embarrassment, and criminal violations of the security regulations of the United States.

Hillary is a despicable piece of shit, and so is anyone who votes for her.
The audience clearly loved Kasich and even booed all three of the other candidates from time to time. No boos for Kasich though. He got the loudest applause more times than any of the others.
What did he say that you liked?
All of it. Whenever he spoke, the rare times the Fox News establishment shutout crew called on him to speak, he was on target, mature and someone you think "ah, if he was in the Whitehouse, I wouldn't be biting my nails wondering if he can learn on the job". He's already seasoned, but not the type of seasoned that caters to the good old boys. Fox doesn't want him. The establishment doesn't want him. He's seasoned, intelligent, effective and the establishment doesn't want him, and he's conservative. That's the magic mix.

Right now as I type this, my TV in the background is O' Reilly (after he just tried to shit on Kasich's thunder which was obvious) has that Bernie Goldberg who KNEW Kasich smoked it with the audience, also declare "Kasich did great but I don't think he has a chance" (paraphrased). I guess O'Reilly and Goldberg feel that the loudest, most frequent and longest applause doesn't render out in votes in the primaries..swine..

So there you go folks. You want someone that the establishment good old boys are trying to squish out of power with their powerhold on the right wing media, vote for Kasich. He's the one wearing the big boy pants. Kasich is the non-scary version of Donald Trump.
Kasich has no passion. He has no anger at the Muslims for 9/11. He has no passion in wanting to get Americans working at jobs instead of immigrants. He is very emotionless. The only emotion he seems to have is frustration that everybody doesn't understand that he knows it all already and therefore is the best candidate to do the job.

We want someone driven.
We need someone smart with real plans, not wacko ideas that came to his head the other day.
It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.

In the primaries I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, I'll vote for him over Hillary the criminal.

Point stands, thank you.
lIke I said, I'll take Trump over the filthy criminal Hillary any day of the week. Making jokes about your penis isn't in the same league as selling out your country for material gain.
Somehow, I feel safer electing a president who you are so violently opposed to

Then you would vote for Adolph Hitler.
It doesn't, but at least it's not a total farce like the so-called Democrat "debates."

Says the guy who is going to vote for the candidate who felt the need to confirm to the audience that he is paranoid about the size of his penis.

In the primaries I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, I'll vote for him over Hillary the criminal.

Point stands, thank you.
lIke I said, I'll take Trump over the filthy criminal Hillary any day of the week. Making jokes about your penis isn't in the same league as selling out your country for material gain.

It takes a special kind of stupid to think vulgar jokes are more disqualifying that selling your office for material gain, allowing your employees to be killed to spare yourself political embarrassment, and criminal violations of the security regulations of the United States.

Hillary is a despicable piece of shit, and so is anyone who votes for her.

You keep telling yourself that.

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