Republican Debate: March 3, 2016

Don't you love how they were in Michigan and Trump went on and on and on about slashing the environmental protection That guy is out of touch.. Apparently he hasn't heard about the environmental disaster in Flint...*drum roll* Michigan!

Like EPA isn't partially responsible for that mess.
Don't you love how they were in Michigan and Trump went on and on and on about slashing the environmental protection That guy is out of touch.. Apparently he hasn't heard about the environmental disaster in Flint...*drum roll* Michigan!

Like EPA isn't partially responsible for that mess.
It could be, but eliminating the EPA? Really? I've seen some superfund cleanup sites. You don't want to stop regulation on pollution. Trust me. It will be in your drinking water next the minute you turn your back and big industry moves into your town. For that matter, if big industry can dump benzenes into fracked subsoils underneath aquifers, why can't I dump diesel fuel down my neighbor's well? With no EPA, who's gonna stop me?

Don't you love how they were in Michigan and Trump went on and on and on about slashing the environmental protection That guy is out of touch.. Apparently he hasn't heard about the environmental disaster in Flint...*drum roll* Michigan!

Like EPA isn't partially responsible for that mess.
It could be, but eliminating the EPA? Really? I've seen some superfund cleanup sites. You don't want to stop regulation on pollution. Trust me. It will be in your drinking water next the minute you turn your back and big industry moves into your town. For that matter, if big industry can dump benzenes into fracked subsoils underneath aquifers, why can't I dump diesel fuel down my neighbor's well? With no EPA, who's gonna stop me?


You really think there is nothing else that would let you get away with that. Seriously?
The audience clearly loved Kasich and even booed all three of the other candidates from time to time. No boos for Kasich though. He got the loudest applause more times than any of the others.
What did he say that you liked?
All of it. Whenever he spoke, the rare times the Fox News establishment shutout crew called on him to speak, he was on target, mature and someone you think "ah, if he was in the Whitehouse, I wouldn't be biting my nails wondering if he can learn on the job". He's already seasoned, but not the type of seasoned that caters to the good old boys. Fox doesn't want him. The establishment doesn't want him. He's seasoned, intelligent, effective and the establishment doesn't want him, and he's conservative. That's the magic mix.

Right now as I type this, my TV in the background is O' Reilly (after he just tried to shit on Kasich's thunder which was obvious) has that Bernie Goldberg who KNEW Kasich smoked it with the audience, also declare "Kasich did great but I don't think he has a chance" (paraphrased). I guess O'Reilly and Goldberg feel that the loudest, most frequent and longest applause doesn't render out in votes in the primaries..swine..

So there you go folks. You want someone that the establishment good old boys are trying to squish out of power with their powerhold on the right wing media, vote for Kasich. He's the one wearing the big boy pants. Kasich is the non-scary version of Donald Trump.
Kasich has no passion. He has no anger at the Muslims for 9/11. He has no passion in wanting to get Americans working at jobs instead of immigrants. He is very emotionless. The only emotion he seems to have is frustration that everybody doesn't understand that he knows it all already and therefore is the best candidate to do the job.

We want someone driven.
Don't you love how they were in Michigan and Trump went on and on and on about slashing the environmental protection That guy is out of touch.. Apparently he hasn't heard about the environmental disaster in Flint...*drum roll* Michigan!

Like EPA isn't partially responsible for that mess.
It could be, but eliminating the EPA? Really? I've seen some superfund cleanup sites. You don't want to stop regulation on pollution. Trust me. It will be in your drinking water next the minute you turn your back and big industry moves into your town. For that matter, if big industry can dump benzenes into fracked subsoils underneath aquifers, why can't I dump diesel fuel down my neighbor's well? With no EPA, who's gonna stop me?

Trump has a hard time explaining stuff. Cutting the EPA does more than save 8 Billion dollars we spend on the EPA. It cuts the amount of money businesses spend abiding by their rules. It frees up money for other stuff. Like simplifying the tax code means businesses can spend more money producing stuff and less money on accountants.

The biggest thing preventing businesses from thriving is the bullshit regulations they have to abide by to do business. Uber has a great business, people can get in their cars and make money. But then every city wants to require regulations and force them to pay for permitting and crap for each city they do business in. I drive the entire state of Florida and I can't afford to get a permit for every city I drive through. That's ridiculous. And I shouldn't have to. It's my car and it's buyer beware for my services.
Don't you love how they were in Michigan and Trump went on and on and on about slashing the environmental protection That guy is out of touch.. Apparently he hasn't heard about the environmental disaster in Flint...*drum roll* Michigan!

Like EPA isn't partially responsible for that mess.
It could be, but eliminating the EPA? Really? I've seen some superfund cleanup sites. You don't want to stop regulation on pollution. Trust me. It will be in your drinking water next the minute you turn your back and big industry moves into your town. For that matter, if big industry can dump benzenes into fracked subsoils underneath aquifers, why can't I dump diesel fuel down my neighbor's well? With no EPA, who's gonna stop me?

Trump has a hard time explaining stuff. Cutting the EPA does more than save 8 Billion dollars we spend on the EPA. It cuts the amount of money businesses spend abiding by their rules. It frees up money for other stuff. Like simplifying the tax code means businesses can spend more money producing stuff and less money on accountants.

The biggest thing preventing businesses from thriving is the bullshit regulations they have to abide by to do business. Uber has a great business, people can get in their cars and make money. But then every city wants to require regulations and force them to pay for permitting and crap for each city they do business in. I drive the entire state of Florida and I can't afford to get a permit for every city I drive through. That's ridiculous. And I shouldn't have to. It's my car and it's buyer beware for my services.
Cutting EPA anymore is stupid.

That's why you don't need a permit for every city. It would be stupid.
Conservatives who expect these people to agree on each and every issue are simply fooling themselves.
You are correct.

But those people are not called conservatives, they're called wingnuts.

I am sorry to keep questioning you......especially since I do consider you a friend, but Let me ask.......why does anyone have to be called a name at all? Does it give you a thrill running down your leg?
Our military is NOT depleted - but Trump wants to spend zillions more on defense. If anything - we should be cutting defense spending.

:disbelief: It's not??? Since when? That's not what the ones running it say.

What's killing the jobs under Obama then?
I am sorry to keep questioning you......especially since I do consider you a friend, but Let me ask.......why does anyone have to be called a name at all? Does it give you a thrill running down your leg?

No, that would be something else, no doubt.
Don't you love how they were in Michigan and Trump went on and on and on about slashing the environmental protection That guy is out of touch.. Apparently he hasn't heard about the environmental disaster in Flint...*drum roll* Michigan!

Like EPA isn't partially responsible for that mess.
It could be, but eliminating the EPA? Really? I've seen some superfund cleanup sites. You don't want to stop regulation on pollution. Trust me. It will be in your drinking water next the minute you turn your back and big industry moves into your town. For that matter, if big industry can dump benzenes into fracked subsoils underneath aquifers, why can't I dump diesel fuel down my neighbor's well? With no EPA, who's gonna stop me?

Trump has a hard time explaining stuff. Cutting the EPA does more than save 8 Billion dollars we spend on the EPA. It cuts the amount of money businesses spend abiding by their rules. It frees up money for other stuff. Like simplifying the tax code means businesses can spend more money producing stuff and less money on accountants.

The biggest thing preventing businesses from thriving is the bullshit regulations they have to abide by to do business. Uber has a great business, people can get in their cars and make money. But then every city wants to require regulations and force them to pay for permitting and crap for each city they do business in. I drive the entire state of Florida and I can't afford to get a permit for every city I drive through. That's ridiculous. And I shouldn't have to. It's my car and it's buyer beware for my services.
Cutting EPA anymore is stupid.

That's why you don't need a permit for every city. It would be stupid.
Allowing the EPA to live is stupid. It's a Stalinist snake in our midst.
The Republican Party, regardless of it's eventual candidate lost another debate. What an embarrassment.

I can't believe that spectacle is what passes as "Presidential" to Republicans

Don Rickles for President
Rubio said Republicans care about the people of Flint. What a lying prick. Republicans don't care and the governor didn't take responsibility. What a liar saying he did.
Democrats went there because they care. Republicans didn't because they don't. And yes, it's just that simple.

It must be really hard living in your little world.....
Republicans make it hard. They cause so much damage.

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