Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

"The King is not only incapable of doing wrong, but even of thinking wrong: in him there is no folly or weakness"....William Blackstone

The guy loved a strong government more than a Sumo Wrestler loves a 20000 calorie meal.
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.
promote the general Welfare,
I am fed up with libtrards using this to justify to growth of big Government
Now I have a question I want someone who thinks the promotes the general welfare means that the federal government can do anything they want to.

Lets look at this seldom use portion that the libtards never use. "insuring domestic Tranquility"
How is forcing a program on people who do not want it insuring domestic Tranquility?
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.
promote the general Welfare,
I am fed up with libtrards using this to justify to growth of big Government
Now I have a question I want someone who thinks the promotes the general welfare means that the federal government can do anything they want to.

Lets look at this seldom use portion that the libtards never use. "insuring domestic Tranquility"
How is forcing a program on people who do not want it insuring domestic Tranquility?

I'd love to see this answered myself.
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.
promote the general Welfare,
I am fed up with libtrards using this to justify to growth of big Government
Now I have a question I want someone who thinks the promotes the general welfare means that the federal government can do anything they want to.

Lets look at this seldom use portion that the libtards never use. "insuring domestic Tranquility"
How is forcing a program on people who do not want it insuring domestic Tranquility?

I'd love to see this answered myself.

I askd the OP he spinned it and blamed Bush then left the discussion board.
"The King is not only incapable of doing wrong, but even of thinking wrong: in him there is no folly or weakness"....William Blackstone

The guy loved a strong government more than a Sumo Wrestler loves a 20000 calorie meal.

The founders viewed Blackstone as the foremost legal authority.

Now, if any legal controversy was ever suitable for the discussion of twelve men, surely it was this of the sloop Active; a mere question of fact; and the verdict is accordingly confined to fact strictly. If Judge Blackstone's opinion is looked for, he, upon trial by jury, says, "that there is no method of reversing an error in the determination of facts, but by an attaint; or a new trial, to correct the mistakes of a former verdict."

--Letter from Gouverneur Morris to John Dunlap dated April 22, 1779​
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"The King is not only incapable of doing wrong, but even of thinking wrong: in him there is no folly or weakness"....William Blackstone

The guy loved a strong government more than a Sumo Wrestler loves a 20000 calorie meal.

The founders viewed Blackstone as the foremost legal authority.

Now, if any legal controversy was ever suitable for the discussion of twelve men, surely it was this of the sloop Active; a mere question of fact; and the verdict is accordingly confined to fact strictly. If Judge Blackstone's opinion is looked for, he, upon trial by jury, says, "that there is no method of reversing an error in the determination of facts, but by an attaint; or a new trial, to correct the mistakes of a former verdict."

--Letter from Gouverneur Morris to John Dunlap dated April 22, 1779​

I know not what to say about your proposal relating to Johnny. I fear it is too late in the Day for him to think of dragging out five long Years at the Study of the Law, wch must be done before he can get a Licence-unless he can get a Diploma & then it will deduct but one Year from that Number. It can do him no harm to spend his time this winter in reading the 3d Vol of Blackstone, which may be of service to him in any Profession whatever-but I doubt not the Spring will bring both of you to this City. I have no hope of Peace under two Years at least, and then it is uncertain.

--Elias Boudinot to Lewis Pintard; February 18, 1782​
"The King is not only incapable of doing wrong, but even of thinking wrong: in him there is no folly or weakness"....William Blackstone

The guy loved a strong government more than a Sumo Wrestler loves a 20000 calorie meal.

The founders viewed Blackstone as the foremost legal authority.

Now, if any legal controversy was ever suitable for the discussion of twelve men, surely it was this of the sloop Active; a mere question of fact; and the verdict is accordingly confined to fact strictly. If Judge Blackstone's opinion is looked for, he, upon trial by jury, says, "that there is no method of reversing an error in the determination of facts, but by an attaint; or a new trial, to correct the mistakes of a former verdict."

--Letter from Gouverneur Morris to John Dunlap dated April 22, 1779​

I know not what to say about your proposal relating to Johnny. I fear it is too late in the Day for him to think of dragging out five long Years at the Study of the Law, wch must be done before he can get a Licence-unless he can get a Diploma & then it will deduct but one Year from that Number. It can do him no harm to spend his time this winter in reading the 3d Vol of Blackstone, which may be of service to him in any Profession whatever-but I doubt not the Spring will bring both of you to this City. I have no hope of Peace under two Years at least, and then it is uncertain.

--Elias Boudinot to Lewis Pintard; February 18, 1782​

Yet there is no restraint, in form of bill of rights, to secure (what Dr. Blackstone calls) that residuum of human rights which is not meant to be given up to society, and which, indeed, is not necessary to be given for any good social purpose.

--James Madison to George Washington; October 16, 1787​
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.
promote the general Welfare,
I am fed up with libtrards using this to justify to growth of big Government
Now I have a question I want someone who thinks the promotes the general welfare means that the federal government can do anything they want to.

Lets look at this seldom use portion that the libtards never use. "insuring domestic Tranquility"
How is forcing a program on people who do not want it insuring domestic Tranquility?
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"The King is not only incapable of doing wrong, but even of thinking wrong: in him there is no folly or weakness"....William Blackstone

The guy loved a strong government more than a Sumo Wrestler loves a 20000 calorie meal.

The founders viewed Blackstone as the foremost legal authority.

Now, if any legal controversy was ever suitable for the discussion of twelve men, surely it was this of the sloop Active; a mere question of fact; and the verdict is accordingly confined to fact strictly. If Judge Blackstone's opinion is looked for, he, upon trial by jury, says, "that there is no method of reversing an error in the determination of facts, but by an attaint; or a new trial, to correct the mistakes of a former verdict."

--Letter from Gouverneur Morris to John Dunlap dated April 22, 1779​

"Blackstone and Hume have made Tories out of all of England, these two have done more toward the suppression of liberties of man than all the millions of men in arms of Bonaparte and the millions of human lives with the sacrifice of which he will stand loaded before the judgement seat of his maker"....Thomas Jefferson

He didn't seem to care THAT much for him when he wrote that little jewel:tongue:
No charity no problem, tell the Republicans to quit lobbying for charity taxcuts for the richest of rich

This is where folks like this one get it ALL wrong,they think its everyone else's money but the one that EARNED it.

A fundamental flaw.

The fundemental FLAW is that the Governemnt thinks all wealth in this nation belongs to them as they see fit to distribute it.

The basic tennants to the founding...all geared to the individual citizen...


Those in government are poised in November to be given a rude reminder of just WHO is in charge...and a hint? It isn't them.
I am fed up with libtrards using this to justify to growth of big Government
Now I have a question I want someone who thinks the promotes the general welfare means that the federal government can do anything they want to.

Lets look at this seldom use portion that the libtards never use. "insuring domestic Tranquility"
How is forcing a program on people who do not want it insuring domestic Tranquility?

I'd love to see this answered myself.

I askd the OP he spinned it and blamed Bush then left the discussion board.

The OP in typical fashion does this frequently. He gets OWNED in his own threads.
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.

Promoting the general welfare is great as long as the programs established do what they are supposed to do and dont get out of they usually do.....
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.
promote the general Welfare,
I am fed up with libtrards using this to justify to growth of big Government
Now I have a question I want someone who thinks the promotes the general welfare means that the federal government can do anything they want to.

Lets look at this seldom use portion that the libtards never use. "insuring domestic Tranquility"
How is forcing a program on people who do not want it insuring domestic Tranquility?

What do you mean HUH?

If you can justify using "promote the general Welfare" in the preamble of the Constitution, how can you justify this part of the preamble "insure domestic Tranquility." How can you do it when millions of Americans said they do not want obamacare. I think the last count was 65 percent. I also think there's an even bigger number about intrusion of the government into the private sector. So if you can use one part to justify your argument you should also be able to use " insure domestic Tranquility" and millions of pissed off people.
I suspect that some of the intelligent liberals will join forces with us. When left and right combine do deal with misogynists or liars, we are a force to be reckoned with. Just imagine what we could achieve if we stopped arguing between us and focused our attention where it should be focused.... on our corrupt political system.

i would love to see more step up and tell Dean how much he hurts the lefts point of view....
Promoting the "general welfare" would require the elimination of handouts, higher taxes, wreckless spending, entitlements and race preferences....................
I am fed up with libtrards using this to justify to growth of big Government
Now I have a question I want someone who thinks the promotes the general welfare means that the federal government can do anything they want to.

Lets look at this seldom use portion that the libtards never use. "insuring domestic Tranquility"
How is forcing a program on people who do not want it insuring domestic Tranquility?

What do you mean HUH?

If you can justify using "promote the general Welfare" in the preamble of the Constitution, how can you justify this part of the preamble "insure domestic Tranquility."
You're confusing my interpretations of the Constitution with those of Fisher Ames.
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What do you mean HUH?

If you can justify using "promote the general Welfare" in the preamble of the Constitution, how can you justify this part of the preamble "insure domestic Tranquility."
You're confusing my interpretations of the Constitution with those of Fisher Ames.

No I am not confusing it with anyone.

I want to know how you can justify one part for government control and obamacare and negate the other part "insure domestic Tranquility."

The federal government is not insuring tranqility when over half of America is so pissed off. With the growth of the federal government obama has create.
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.

You seriously think they meant the kind of Welfare we talk about today. If that is true then why did they not have any welfare programs at all, and continued not to have any for Decades?

Promote the General Welfare in that context simply means Promote the general Well being of the country.

Besides it is in the PREAMBLE you do know what that is right. It is simply stating why they were doing what they were doing. Not what they were doing.

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