Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Tax cuts equal charity? How?

What conditions caused the need for social programs?

Get a fucking history lesson and learn. The Great Depression which was caused by big businesses fucking up needed the federal government to step in with social programs to remedy the situation. Jim Crow in the southern United States led to terrible conditions for black people that needed federal social programs to remedy the problem. I can go on and fucking on, you can't sit here and fucking tell me that every poor person and every unemployed have ended up as such because of poor personal responsibility or that they willingly chose that path. Some but not the majority.

Could you be more specific? I mean, I do know history and your blanket statement that big business caused the great depression is rather lame. What exactly did big business do that caused the stock market to crash in 1929? What caused over 9000 banks to fail throughout the 1930's? Did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff play a role? And wouldn't you say the drought conditions in the 30's played a role as well?

Oh and you failed to address why you think tax cuts equals charity.

He can't address it.
The taxes I pay are always from $$$ I have earned. Any tax cut anyone ever receives is their OWN $$$ to begin with.
Never charity.
Welfare programs go to people that pay NO income taxes so we are in fact taxed TWICE.
Asswipe. Social security is not social welfare. You must pay into it to get it.

Turd breath, you do not have to pay into it, to get it.

Welfare is when you get something for nothing which is probably what you are used to doing and hence your outrage that it may stop for you. Sucks to be you donut?

Turd breath, almost anyone who works pays into welfare, and may end up drawing it, just like unemployment. The only one who sucks is you, so stop tickling my asshole.........

You have to work 40 quaters in order to draw social security. You also have to be disabled after that or reach retirement age. Your spouse or children may draw on this amount also, if you die prematurely.

Last night was exactly what is wrong with social security. A woman on a local political ad stated, Social Security is what she lived on. It was meant to be a supplement to retirement, not your retirement plan.

Without the option to save for retirement in other ways with the Social Security Tax, many people do have to use SS as their primary retirement. Interesting how you are forced to save with the government plan for all your working life with an average payout of eight years or less.
Oh and you failed to address why you think tax cuts equals charity.

Whoa whoa whoa! Back that truck up... Tax cuts are CHARITY now???? How the fuck does THAT work? This isn't like the government is giving me an allowance here. I earn my own damn money and expect to keep it. It's not charitable that the mugger known as gubmint is going to walk up to me and say 'since I'm feeling charitable, I'm only going to rob you of 25% instead of 25%. Ain't we nice? Now go earn my some more money, bitch. Uncle Sugar's got things to do.'

The government is NOT my pimp.
Conservatives have a problem with being consistent, they interpret the Constitution literally when it suits them and then pretend to know what its writers meant on other occasions. The second Amendment is taken literal by the Republican conservatives while general welfare is taken to mean something, make your minds up, either you're going to be literal or not.

Charlie, both sides do that.

And.... again... I can't 'make my mind up' for anyone but me.... and... again... I am NOT a Republican.

You could use some of that progressive in you grrrl..............:eek: If you believe in the constitution the same way consistently, you cannot go wrong. If you abide by the law of the land based on that Constitution consistently, you cannot go wrong. Can you take the oath to the American Creed.

by William Tyler Page

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

–Written 1917, accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.

If you live by that creed, you would be in my opinion a good American, because you have to sacrifice for America and freedom. It doesn't mean you live by a party affiliation, or a myth or old wives tale. You are truly in or you are out. :eusa_angel:

I don't actually care about what your opinion is.
Oh and you failed to address why you think tax cuts equals charity.

Whoa whoa whoa! Back that truck up... Tax cuts are CHARITY now???? How the fuck does THAT work? This isn't like the government is giving me an allowance here. I earn my own damn money and expect to keep it. It's not charitable that the mugger known as gubmint is going to walk up to me and say 'since I'm feeling charitable, I'm only going to rob you of 25% instead of 25%. Ain't we nice? Now go earn my some more money, bitch. Uncle Sugar's got things to do.'

The government is NOT my pimp.
Well stated. It's high time the Government return to the bounds originally granted them by the Constitution.
old ben was a smart man maybe he will share some more words of wisdom with us?.... Ben

Strangers are welcome because there is room enough for them all, and therefore the old Inhabitants are not jealous of them; the Laws protect them sufficiently so that they have no need of the Patronage of great Men; and every one will enjoy securely the Profits of his Industry. But if he does not bring a Fortune with him, he must work and be industrious to live.

Benjamin Franklin, Those Who Would Remove to America, February, 1784

The 'Give it to me now' Generation we are dealing with now can learn a few things from 'ol Ben. There is nothing free in this world. Someone had to toil in their sweat to just hand it to them.
You could use some of that progressive in you grrrl..............:eek: If you believe in the constitution the same way consistently, you cannot go wrong. If you abide by the law of the land based on that Constitution consistently, you cannot go wrong. Can you take the oath to the American Creed.

by William Tyler Page

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

–Written 1917, accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.

If you live by that creed, you would be in my opinion a good American, because you have to sacrifice for America and freedom. It doesn't mean you live by a party affiliation, or a myth or old wives tale. You are truly in or you are out. :eusa_angel:

Apparently the government has decided states rights and justice regarding illegals are to be excluded. So I ask you, who moved? Me or my country?
If it would be unconstitutional to end these social programs, because of the Constitutional call to "promote the general welfare," then explain why these programs didn't exist until more than 100 years AFTER the inception of the Constitution??????

That's like saying prayer is unconstitutional in schools, despite the fact prayer existed in schools, for more than 100 years until 1960.

are you really this stupid? what does it take 100 years have to do with anything? do you really think every law that is constitutional should have been written during the founders time?

and just because prayer went on in school for 100 years doesn't mean it was ever constitutional. it just means it wasn't challenged properly for 100 years.

you really are fucking stupid.
and just because prayer went on in school for 100 years doesn't mean it was ever constitutional.

The first act of congress when assembled was to pray.

One of the first laws voted on was to agree to PRINT THE BIBLE!

Until it was driven from schools following the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Bible was required reading in all schools, including public.

I assume you see this as progress that this activity doesn't go on anymore.
I would think that Benjamin Franklin would be at least as legit to quote here as William "let me lock my lips around Your Majesty's shaft" Blackstone. This is what he said about welfare and helping the poor.

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.

Repeal that [welfare] law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. St. Monday and St. Tuesday, will soon cease to be holidays. Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them."
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and just because prayer went on in school for 100 years doesn't mean it was ever constitutional.

The first act of congress when assembled was to pray.

One of the first laws voted on was to agree to PRINT THE BIBLE!

Until it was driven from schools following the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Bible was required reading in all schools, including public.

I assume you see this as progress that this activity doesn't go on anymore.

yes, forcing people to pray is unconstitutional. firing teachers who don't lead a public school classroom in prayer is unconstitutional. forcing kids at a public school to learn and recite bible verses is unconstitutional.
If it would be unconstitutional to end these social programs, because of the Constitutional call to "promote the general welfare," then explain why these programs didn't exist until more than 100 years AFTER the inception of the Constitution??????

That's like saying prayer is unconstitutional in schools, despite the fact prayer existed in schools, for more than 100 years until 1960.

are you really this stupid? what does it take 100 years have to do with anything? do you really think every law that is constitutional should have been written during the founders time?

and just because prayer went on in school for 100 years doesn't mean it was ever constitutional. it just means it wasn't challenged properly for 100 years.

you really are fucking stupid.

I think that the intent was to illustrate how far we have strayed from the intent of the Founders when this Republic was formed and how government has become what they warned us it would become if we weren't vigilant as citizens to remind them when they [government] steps out of bounds.

That is all...
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If it would be unconstitutional to end these social programs, because of the Constitutional call to "promote the general welfare," then explain why these programs didn't exist until more than 100 years AFTER the inception of the Constitution??????

That's like saying prayer is unconstitutional in schools, despite the fact prayer existed in schools, for more than 100 years until 1960.

are you really this stupid? what does it take 100 years have to do with anything? do you really think every law that is constitutional should have been written during the founders time?

and just because prayer went on in school for 100 years doesn't mean it was ever constitutional. it just means it wasn't challenged properly for 100 years.

you really are fucking stupid.

I think that the intent was to illustrate how far we have strayed from the intent of the Founders when this Republic was formed and how government has become what they warned us it would become if we weren't vigilant as citizens to remind them when they [government] steps out of bounds.

That is all...

this I can agree with....
and just because prayer went on in school for 100 years doesn't mean it was ever constitutional.

The first act of congress when assembled was to pray.

One of the first laws voted on was to agree to PRINT THE BIBLE!

Until it was driven from schools following the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Bible was required reading in all schools, including public.

I assume you see this as progress that this activity doesn't go on anymore.

yes, forcing people to pray is unconstitutional. firing teachers who don't lead a public school classroom in prayer is unconstitutional. forcing kids at a public school to learn and recite bible verses is unconstitutional.

And on that note? Forcing them to do anything, and belive anything would be an affront to their Liberty at the hands of government would it not?:eusa_think:
The first act of congress when assembled was to pray.
Nope, you're wrong.

The first act of the House of Representatives of the First U. S. Congress was to elect a Speaker. The first act of the Senate was to choose a President.

One of the first laws voted on was to agree to PRINT THE BIBLE!
You lie.

Until it was driven from schools following the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Bible was required reading in all schools, including public.
You lie.
are you really this stupid? what does it take 100 years have to do with anything? do you really think every law that is constitutional should have been written during the founders time?

and just because prayer went on in school for 100 years doesn't mean it was ever constitutional. it just means it wasn't challenged properly for 100 years.

you really are fucking stupid.

I think that the intent was to illustrate how far we have strayed from the intent of the Founders when this Republic was formed and how government has become what they warned us it would become if we weren't vigilant as citizens to remind them when they [government] steps out of bounds.

That is all...

this I can agree with....

Thanks. And I think that is what TPS was alluding to. That was my take on it. ;)
The first act of congress when assembled was to pray.
Nope, you're wrong.

The first act of the House of Representatives of the First U. S. Congress was to elect a Speaker. The first act of the Senate was to choose a President.

One of the first laws voted on was to agree to PRINT THE BIBLE!
You lie.

Until it was driven from schools following the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Bible was required reading in all schools, including public.
You lie.

I am not sure about the first two, but the last one is true.
And on that note? Forcing them to do anything, and belive anything would be an affront to their Liberty at the hands of government would it not?:eusa_think:

you can be forced to do some things, liike go to school unless your parents emancipate you. I don't think the government should have this power though.

They can't make you believe anything though and I don't think they do now, unless I am missing something
The first act of congress when assembled was to pray.
Nope, you're wrong.

The first act of the House of Representatives of the First U. S. Congress was to elect a Speaker. The first act of the Senate was to choose a President.

One of the first laws voted on was to agree to PRINT THE BIBLE!
You lie.

Until it was driven from schools following the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Bible was required reading in all schools, including public.
You lie.

Congress and the Founding Fathers Pray


The good prayer and fasting has done cannot be underestimated. It has often both thwarted evil and moved God in heaven. It is terribly unfortunate that very few know the truth about American history and the great influence that praying men who lived fasted lives had upon this nation.
The Continental Congress made their first official act a call to prayer on September 6, 1774, after just receiving news that the British troops had attacked Boston. The first prayer in Congress was uttered on September 7, 1774, in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia.

The first act of congress when assembled was to pray.
Nope, you're wrong.

The first act of the House of Representatives of the First U. S. Congress was to elect a Speaker. The first act of the Senate was to choose a President.

You lie.

Until it was driven from schools following the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Bible was required reading in all schools, including public.
You lie.

I am not sure about the first two, but the last one is true.
You lie.

Conservatives in the 1850's were bitching about public schools not using the Bible.

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