Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Should the wealth I accumulate end with me? When I die, should the government get it? If I can pass my pocket watch to my son, why can't I pass my wealth? I made my money for me AND my family. True, there are people who might not have the intelligence others posess. No one said life is fair. But in America, we do have a level playing field for educating yourself, taking risk and making money. The government can see to that thru the constitution. What it shouldn't do is take from one and give to another. I didn't earn my living to support other people. They are not entitled to my income. That is not what promote the general welfare means.

not really, a valedictorian in a new orleans inner city school a few years ago graduated with a 14 on her ACT. if you aren't familiar with the act, you need at least a 20 or 22 out of 36 to get into community colleges. No matter how hard people try in public schools in places like this they still aren't going to get a decent education and are still set to a life working minimum wage. all while the trust fund kids get sent to 30k a year schools and waste the opportunity.

I don't believe in the death tax at all though and find it horrendous. I just wish there was some way to make trust fund kids be responsible on otheir own and help out the unfortunate kids who were born into extreme poor with drugged out parents who don't give a fuck

Then it is incumbent upon society to hold the parents that don't 'give a fuck' responsible.

And it is also incumbent upon that same society to show them a better way and Government get out of their way. Government however, has put in so many roadblocks upon society to make it nearly impossible.

The result usually is beneficial to Government and their power over society to that end. Hence? Control.

yep I fully blame it on the parents involved. instead of taking their kids away and making them grow up and become useful parents they baby them all through life
Just cut out the income tax and don't replace it with anything:cool:

Why an Income Tax is Not Necessary
to Fund the U.S. Government

Why An Income Tax is NOT Necessary to Fund the U.S. Government

Good read.

Here's another.

The Income Tax: Root of all Evil

Thanks bro! I love Mises but missed this one somehow.

You're welcome.

If anything is to come out of this discourse is that the people are waking up. They suddenly realize what has been handed to them and how they have let it slip away by not being vigilant as any citizen should be.

And that what and it is control over their own lives unimpeded by those that are supposed to serve them that gladhand them for approval come election day...and insert the knife in the back the day after.
And yet, the first amendment prohibits government from restricting religious speech, but it is in every public school and event.
The government doesn't have the right to practice religion.

which did you say was unconstitutional again? Oh that's right. only the forcing of someone to pray. You're right there, but you always seem to ignore the second half of that. There is no freedom FROM religion in the constitution, and atheism is not the default setting.
Freedom of religion means freedom from any sort of government influence on religion.
And yet, the first amendment prohibits government from restricting religious speech, but it is in every public school and event.
The government doesn't have the right to practice religion.

NOR...Do they have the right to prohibit the free exercise of it wherever it may take place.
which did you say was unconstitutional again? Oh that's right. only the forcing of someone to pray. You're right there, but you always seem to ignore the second half of that. There is no freedom FROM religion in the constitution, and atheism is not the default setting.
Freedom of religion means freedom from any sort of government influence on religion.

Not only Government, but those that protest it's practice anywhere it's practiced because it bothers them. It's an affront to Liberty. And that Liberty is a two-way street.
The respective state governments will not have the power to raise one shilling in any way, but by the permission of the Congress....the states can raise money only by permission of the general government...the state governments will be dependent on the will of the general government for their existence.

--Robert Yates interpreting the U. S. Constitution
The power to lay and collect duties and excises, would invest the Congress with authority to impose a duty and excise on every necessary and convenience of life.

--Robert Yates interpreting the Constitution
we have strayed from the intent of the Founders when this Republic was formed
The founders intended for the government to be able to get as big as the problems it had to solved.

It takes a big government to keep big corporations from gaining monopolies and screwing the people.
we have strayed from the intent of the Founders when this Republic was formed
The founders intended for the government to be able to get as big as the problems it had to solved.

It takes a big government to keep big corporations from gaining monopolies and screwing the people.

However? They were to still stay within the agreed upon terms laid forth in the document. [Constitution]

As history shows? They more than strayed...they outright violated it.

And was it [IS IT] Government's responsibility to tell corporations how to operate?

IF they deal dirty? Then the people [heretofore known as the Free Market], will make that judgement ans cease patronizing the perps and some other person will come along and fill the void.

For without commerce flowing within a company and people's patronage? They cease being. The people make this economy flow. NOT government.

Government's role is to stay out of the way and make policy that encourages commerce.

Now that was easy, wasn't it?
The general government of the United States should... absorb and swallow up the state governments.

--Robert Yates

James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, elaborated upon this limitation in a letter to James Robertson:
“With respect to the two words ‘general welfare,’ I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.”
we have strayed from the intent of the Founders when this Republic was formed
The founders intended for the government to be able to get as big as the problems it had to solved.

It takes a big government to keep big corporations from gaining monopolies and screwing the people.

I wouldn't bet my last welfare check on it Micky if I was you.
“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.”
-Thomas Jefferson to Charles Hammond, 1821. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, (Memorial Edition) Lipscomb and Bergh, editors, ME 15:332
we have strayed from the intent of the Founders when this Republic was formed
The founders intended for the government to be able to get as big as the problems it had to solved.

It takes a big government to keep big corporations from gaining monopolies and screwing the people.

I wouldn't bet my last welfare check on it Micky if I was you.
“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.”
-Thomas Jefferson to Charles Hammond, 1821. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, (Memorial Edition) Lipscomb and Bergh, editors, ME 15:332

Odd he saw it coming huh?
No, ending these programs would be constitutional... if we elected to do so

By "we" I assume you mean the degenerate, sorry, socialist parasites who cling to the out-dated and out-of-step democrat party that would turn America into a complete welfare state, reliant on the few entities who would continue to produce for the benefit of the swelling numbers of sucklings who refuse to take responsibility for their own lives until the country ceased to exist as the Framers of the Constitution anticipated - the "flounders," as you like to call them, right?

As is having them also constitutional according to our current interpretation of our laws.

"Our" laws? Are you trying to pass yourself off as an American? LOL!!

The world belongs to the LIVING, not to the dead.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

The flounder fathers wrote a document that did NOT ties our hands with specific laws.

The "flounder fathers" would have put you and your ilk on a slow boat to England to join your comrades in your love of tyranny over the human spirit.

They understood, like those of you who imagine that there is a right "literal" interpretation of the Constitution do not, that one cannot bind the FUTURE generations to the vision of the current generation.

Then what was the purpose of a Constitution that has served us well for over 200 years and has made us the envy of the civilized world, where most of the rest of the population of your ideal "socialist" nations are yearning to come to escape the dirty, diseased, backwater lands they live in?

Most of us would not be able to VOTE, if we'd stuck to the constitution that our floundering fathers originally wrote.

I'm sure you are one that would have been disenfranchised in those days when the vote was a priviledge earned by loyalty to the Constitution, pride in country, willingness to defend America, and abiding love for one's own home; not given to any riff-raff who managed to crawl here for what's in it for him. Your kind are the ones who are gnawing away at the foundations of this great country for the purpose of the ever-discredited institutions of collectivism, socialism and communism.

Now who here wants to come out in favor of only allowing a very small percentage of the population to vote?

I will be proud to state that I am in favor of disenfranchising all the people on welfare, those with reduced mental abilities, criminals, lay-abouts, and all other leeches whose only interests lie in what they can get from the taxpayers.

Who here wants to come out in favor of once again allowing slavery?

Now you are becoming ridiculous and asinine for the purpose of stirring emotions. If we adopt your type of government, we will all be slaves to the state as you well know, but refuse to admit. To what end do you desire to change a system that has worked magnificently for all these years and is now beset with the likes of you and your comrades in an effort to change us into your and Obama's vision of a communist utopia?

THAT would be a literal interpretation of the constitution that our floundering fathers passed.

It is my personal opinion that your "floundering fathers" are the same ones who are presently stirring up all the turmoil and wars in the Middle East.

Now I know some of you would be in favor of those changes to our society

Junior, you don't know anything except what your radical socialist teachers have beaten into your "skull full of mush."

I also know most of you who would like thise things, don't have the balls to openly admit it.

Like I said, you know very little, if anything, about life and politics.
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tax cuts are charity for people who get back more than they pay in

That is a deliberate lie, and if you will prove it, I will go to work for Obama. You must be thinking of those "tax credits" that give people who pay no taxes tax refunds.
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The founders intended for the government to be able to get as big as the problems it had to solved.

It takes a big government to keep big corporations from gaining monopolies and screwing the people.

I wouldn't bet my last welfare check on it Micky if I was you.
“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.”
-Thomas Jefferson to Charles Hammond, 1821. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, (Memorial Edition) Lipscomb and Bergh, editors, ME 15:332

Odd he saw it coming huh?
Smart men those founders of ours:clap2:

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