Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

It's funny how the MAGATs never thought of passing this law when they had the majority of government during Trump....Nothing better than a wedge issue the GOP can't figure out how to do when they are in power.
didn't have nearly 20 million cross the border when the GOP was in power ..nobody dreamed that even the Dems would be stupid enough to allow that to happen .
One would think that your home would take simple steps to prevent this. Even California has made it almost impossible to vote as a non citizen. Are you saying where you live they don't? Talk about a Hellhole
As far as I know there is no difference in the ID/License the Communistwealth of Mass is providing to illegal/undocumented individuals and the one they’re providing to citizens. If I’m correct, that makes it impossible for a registrar if voters to distinguish who is supposed to be voting and who isn’t.
Besides, the higher the issue level the harder it will be to police things. It makes a whole lot of sense for the states to do that heavy lifting which they already do. You vote here and then try and vote in Ohio you have some explaining to do
If not Federal level voter registration, then the Feds at least need to set the parameters for who is eligible to vote, how one must prove eligibility prior to registering to vote, and how voter roles are cleansed of defunct voting records.
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