Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

There is no way to prove it did not happen. I cannot give evidence of something that does not exist.

It is your claim, back it up or be dismissed as one more MAGA cult member.

He's blowing smoke.

The original source claim (which was false to begin with) was 10 million registered, not 10 million voting.

What loopholes and which states? This isn't a Federal Problem and according to the Constitution, the Feds can only suggest, not pass laws concerning the States Elections.
Let’s start here in The Communistwealth of Taxachusetts. We’re giving drivers licenses to illegals and undocumented residents. Those IDs can be used to register to vote.

Never mind the fact that voter registrations are not being properly updated. I found out online last year that I (a legal voter) was actually registered to vote at four separate addresses… my current one and my past three addresses (2 in 1 town)… one of which I haven’t lived at since 2012. It took me nearly a month, and three separate visits to Town Halls to correct the issue.
Let’s start here in The Communistwealth of Taxachusetts. We’re giving drivers licenses to illegals and undocumented residents. Those IDs can be used to register to vote.

Yes, I see the problem. Using DLs to get to vote. We issue DLs as well but on those licenses it clearly states that they cannot vote in elections. On my license there is no mention of voting or not. This means, Me as a Citizen, can vote if I am registered (which I am) but they as non citizens cannot. The State is doing it's job. BTW, I just googled the immigrant voting in your state and you are wrong. At least for Federal and State elections. Boston just opened up voting for immigrants for city elections on SOME items.

Never mind the fact that voter registrations are not being properly updated. I found out online last year that I (a legal voter) was actually registered to vote at four separate addresses… my current one and my past three addresses (2 in 1 town)… one of which I haven’t lived at since 2012. It took me nearly a month, and three separate visits to Town Halls to correct the issue.

Now, had you decided to vote in two or more addresses then guess what, you would have committed a felony and probably have lost your right to vote over it. Jurisdictions do compare records. In 2018, we had the State GOP Chairman vote twice. Once for himself and once for his ex wife. Meanwhile, She voted herself in another state. He should be eligible for parole any day now. And he's lost his right to vote.
BTW, I just googled the immigrant voting in your state and you are wrong. At least for Federal and State elections. Boston just opened up voting for immigrants for city elections on SOME items.
They’re not supposed to vote in those elections, but are you truly naive enough to think they aren’t? I’ve lived in the Communistwealth for 26 years. The only time I’ve ever been asked for me ID before being allowed to vote was in a Ward 3 vote in Fitchburg, MA. A vote not even everyone in town was allowed to vote in. 2 months later in the General Election I got a ballot simply by proven name and address. Once these folks get in the voting roles there’s really nothing to stop them from noting illegally.
Now, had you decided to vote in two or more addresses then guess what, you would have committed a felony and probably have lost your right to vote over it. Jurisdictions do compare records
That’s wonderful… after the fact. Then I, through no fault of my own have to show that I only voted once and someone fraudulently voted in my name somewhere else because the system is too flawed to do basic scrubbing. That’s ridiculous.
They’re not supposed to vote in those elections, but are you truly naive enough to think they aren’t? I’ve lived in the Communistwealth for 26 years. The only time I’ve ever been asked for me ID before being allowed to vote was in a Ward 3 vote in Fitchburg, MA. A vote not even everyone in town was allowed to vote in. 2 months later in the General Election I got a ballot simply by proven name and address. Once these folks get in the voting roles there’s really nothing to stop them from noting illegally.

We don't seem to have that problem because we constantly check the votes against the public records. And, unlike where you live, we do bag those that try to vote when they aren't supposed to and give them extended stays in State Prison in Canyon City. Or we can just make shit up about how illegals are voting.

That’s wonderful… after the fact. Then I, through no fault of my own have to show that I only voted once and someone fraudulently voted in my name somewhere else because the system is too flawed to do basic scrubbing. That’s ridiculous.

If you voted once then you don't have to prove a damned thing. Now, if you voted more than once then you have to prove you didn't. Or you can just keep making shit up like you are doing.
If you voted once then you don't have to prove a damned thing. Now, if you voted more than once then you have to prove you didn't. Or you can just keep making shit up like you are doing.
That's not how it works. The state must prove someone DID vote twice.

You cannot prove a negative.

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