Republican Governor Joins Defense of Obamacare

Another pol that supports unconstitutional legislation.
Color me shocked
Oh if Rhenquist had still been alive and Chief Justice of the SC, Obamacare would have been kicked to the curb.

The only reason it passed was because Robert REWROTE THE WHOLE THING turning it into a tax.

A tax they hung around the necks of the American taxpayer. The ONLY people who liked Obama care were the people the rest of us were paying for. What a POS it is.
I applaud this governor. It's putting the people of his state before his party.

That's what a real politician does for the people they represent.

Republican gov joins legal fight to keep 'Obamacare'
While he (sununu) does not believe the law known as “Obamacare” has cut health care costs, Sununu told WMUR-TV that repealing the law without an “adequate replacement” would be harmful to New Hampshire residents.

Obama bots gave no thought to the harm obamacare would do before they imposed it on new hampshire
The Affordable Care Act is based on a corruption of normal insurance foundations, but it purports to balance the corruption with the individual mandate. Since the individual mandate has been repealed, the entire law must go.

Specifically, Insurance is based on spreading risks over large numbers of people in a rational way. An example is car insurance. People are grouped by various factors including age, gender, location, and driving record. If the Sovereign passed a law that demanded that all insurance companies insure repeated drunk drivers at the same rates as people with perfect driving records - rather than charge them higher rates or put them into Assigned Risk - then EVERYONE with a good driving record would suffer with higher rates, because they would have to subsidize the losses of the drunk drivers.

This is what ACA did with health insurance. It DEMANDED that insurers cover people with expensive pre-existing conditions at the same rates as healthy people. Once you do that, every relatively healthy person will experience a health insurance rate hike. But ACA seeks to soften the blow by REQUIRING HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE to purchase insurance that they don't actually need. The influx of these low-risk insurance clients would compensate the insurance companies for the losses they would surely suffer due to the coverage of those with expensive pre-existing conditions.

But when the law was passed, they knew that this was all bullshit, as has been documented over and over. There are simply not enough young healthy people to make up the difference.

WHEN ACA is declared unconstitutional, Congress will act quickly to re-authorize most of its stupid provisions, including most of all, the protection for pre-existing conditions.

Because this coverage, stupid as it is, has become yet another "third rail" in American politics. Even The Donald is unwilling to touch it, which is why he constantly says that any program that the Republicans come up with will regain this absurd perversion of traditional insurance.

Sununu is right. He is trying to help his constituents, who rely on the stupid law. But the law is unconstitutional, as will be confirmed when the decision is published.
The bottom line is that the majority of the people in our nation don't want this law repealed.

We now have a republican governor who is joining in defense of this law.

No one is forced to have Obamacare. There is no penalty for not having it.

So why do those who don't want it believe they can take it away from the majority of us who do want it?

Seriously here, why does the far right radical extremists believe they have the right to force their way of life and beliefs on the nation?

Once again the far right radical extremists show how much they hate freedom.
Another pol that supports unconstitutional legislation.
Color me shocked

Since the Supreme Court has ruled it constitutional, you don't make much sense.
Thats because you are illiterate. Show me where the constitution gives the fed gov the power to create obamacare.
The SC says all kinds of fucked up things. Like arresting people simply for their nationality.
The bottom line is that the majority of the people in our nation don't want this law repealed.

We now have a republican governor who is joining in defense of this law.

No one is forced to have Obamacare. There is no penalty for not having it.

So why do those who don't want it believe they can take it away from the majority of us who do want it?

Seriously here, why does the far right radical extremists believe they have the right to force their way of life and beliefs on the nation?

Once again the far right radical extremists show how much they hate freedom.
LOL big govt equals freedom. Using the fruits of my labor to give to others agaibst my will is freedom.
You dont know what freedom is.
The bottom line is that the majority of the people in our nation don't want this law repealed.

We now have a republican governor who is joining in defense of this law.

No one is forced to have Obamacare. There is no penalty for not having it.

So why do those who don't want it believe they can take it away from the majority of us who do want it?

Seriously here, why does the far right radical extremists believe they have the right to force their way of life and beliefs on the nation?

Once again the far right radical extremists show how much they hate freedom.

What a load of horse shit.

The ONLY people who loved Obamacare were the people the rest of us were paying for.

Anyone who already had benefits provided by an employer ended up paying more for their benefits. Mine went up by 60% all so I could pay for idiots who couldn't pay for themselves.

Such a fucking deal.
Another pol that supports unconstitutional legislation.
Color me shocked

Since the Supreme Court has ruled it constitutional, you don't make much sense.
Thats because you are illiterate. Show me where the constitution gives the fed gov the power to create obamacare.
The SC says all kinds of fucked up things. Like arresting people simply for their nationality.

You are right. You won't find health care mentioned in the Constitution just as you won't find charity mentioned there.

The Op's a clueless idiot.
Since the Supreme Court has ruled it constitutional, you don't make much sense.
The John Roberts ruling? There's a case of John Roberts reaching over the finish line and pulling Obama across.

It's not really constitutional is it when the chief justice of the court has to advise the president in a partisan activist way how to fashion his law (turning a mandate into a tax) in order to achieve his goals?
I applaud this governor. It's putting the people of his state before his party.

That's what a real politician does for the people they represent.

Republican gov joins legal fight to keep 'Obamacare'
While he (sununu) does not believe the law known as “Obamacare” has cut health care costs, Sununu told WMUR-TV that repealing the law without an “adequate replacement” would be harmful to New Hampshire residents.

Obama bots gave no thought to the harm obamacare would do before they imposed it on new hampshire
Why does having an “adequate replacement” trigger conservatives so much??

Didn't Trump say Trumpcare would cover more people, with better quality for lower cost?? I am sure the American people would have gave that plan well over 60% approval....oh wait!

Trump Takes Credit For Obamacare, Says Democrats Want to Repeal It
The bottom line is that the majority of the people in our nation don't want this law repealed.

We now have a republican governor who is joining in defense of this law.

No one is forced to have Obamacare. There is no penalty for not having it.

So why do those who don't want it believe they can take it away from the majority of us who do want it?

Seriously here, why does the far right radical extremists believe they have the right to force their way of life and beliefs on the nation?

Once again the far right radical extremists show how much they hate freedom.
Because it's named after a black......and that isn't what America is about

If only Trump could clone it and call it Trumpcare -- just maybe, Trumpers would love it...especially if it triggers the libs
The bottom line is that the majority of the people in our nation don't want this law repealed.

We now have a republican governor who is joining in defense of this law.

No one is forced to have Obamacare. There is no penalty for not having it.

So why do those who don't want it believe they can take it away from the majority of us who do want it?

Seriously here, why does the far right radical extremists believe they have the right to force their way of life and beliefs on the nation?

Once again the far right radical extremists show how much they hate freedom.
Because it's named after a black......and that isn't what America is about

If only Trump could clone it and call it Trumpcare -- just maybe, Trumpers would love it...especially if it triggers the libs

I could care less what it's called.

There are protections in that law for preexisting conditions. If that law is declared unconstitutional since the penalty is gone, millions of Americans will lose their insurance again. It will be unconstitutional to protect those with preexisting conditions ever again. At least as long as there is no penalty for not buying it.

There is no replacement which means that preexisting conditions clauses come back. Lifetime caps come back. People can't stay on their parents insurance until they are 26 anymore. Preventative care won't be 100% covered and so many other proper regulations on insurance will be gone. With no replacement.

I mean if people don't want to buy insurance they don't have to but why are they doing all they can to take that right from others who want to buy it?

If the supreme court rules it unconstitutional and takes it away, it's going to be even more hard for any conservative to get elected. The Republican Party will forever be known as the party that took health care from millions of people. Again. They did it in the reagan years with his deregulation. They won't stop until they can do it again.
The bottom line is that the majority of the people in our nation don't want this law repealed.

We now have a republican governor who is joining in defense of this law.

No one is forced to have Obamacare. There is no penalty for not having it.

So why do those who don't want it believe they can take it away from the majority of us who do want it?

Seriously here, why does the far right radical extremists believe they have the right to force their way of life and beliefs on the nation?

Once again the far right radical extremists show how much they hate freedom.
Because it's named after a black......and that isn't what America is about

If only Trump could clone it and call it Trumpcare -- just maybe, Trumpers would love it...especially if it triggers the libs

I could care less what it's called.

There are protections in that law for preexisting conditions. If that law is declared unconstitutional since the penalty is gone, millions of Americans will lose their insurance again. It will be unconstitutional to protect those with preexisting conditions ever again. At least as long as there is no penalty for not buying it.

There is no replacement which means that preexisting conditions clauses come back. Lifetime caps come back. People can't stay on their parents insurance until they are 26 anymore. Preventative care won't be 100% covered and so many other proper regulations on insurance will be gone. With no replacement.

I mean if people don't want to buy insurance they don't have to but why are they doing all they can to take that right from others who want to buy it?

If the supreme court rules it unconstitutional and takes it away, it's going to be even more hard for any conservative to get elected. The Republican Party will forever be known as the party that took health care from millions of people. Again. They did it in the reagan years with his deregulation. They won't stop until they can do it again.
Let the free markets take care of it....they will do what is best for the American people like they always do.....they never let profit motives get in the way of human life
I applaud this governor. It's putting the people of his state before his party.

That's what a real politician does for the people they represent.

Republican gov joins legal fight to keep 'Obamacare'
While he (sununu) does not believe the law known as “Obamacare” has cut health care costs, Sununu told WMUR-TV that repealing the law without an “adequate replacement” would be harmful to New Hampshire residents.

Obama bots gave no thought to the harm obamacare would do before they imposed it on new hampshire
Why does having an “adequate replacement” trigger conservatives so much??

Didn't Trump say Trumpcare would cover more people, with better quality for lower cost?? I am sure the American people would have gave that plan well over 60% approval....oh wait!

Trump Takes Credit For Obamacare, Says Democrats Want to Repeal It
Its mostly libs who are moaning about an adequate replacement
I applaud this governor. It's putting the people of his state before his party.

That's what a real politician does for the people they represent.

Republican gov joins legal fight to keep 'Obamacare'
While he (sununu) does not believe the law known as “Obamacare” has cut health care costs, Sununu told WMUR-TV that repealing the law without an “adequate replacement” would be harmful to New Hampshire residents.

Obama bots gave no thought to the harm obamacare would do before they imposed it on new hampshire
Why does having an “adequate replacement” trigger conservatives so much??

Didn't Trump say Trumpcare would cover more people, with better quality for lower cost?? I am sure the American people would have gave that plan well over 60% approval....oh wait!

Trump Takes Credit For Obamacare, Says Democrats Want to Repeal It
Its mostly libs who are moaning about an adequate replacement
Probably because they care about governing...

Self centered narcissists like yourself don't
I applaud this governor. It's putting the people of his state before his party.

That's what a real politician does for the people they represent.

Republican gov joins legal fight to keep 'Obamacare'
While he (sununu) does not believe the law known as “Obamacare” has cut health care costs, Sununu told WMUR-TV that repealing the law without an “adequate replacement” would be harmful to New Hampshire residents.

Obama bots gave no thought to the harm obamacare would do before they imposed it on new hampshire
because they're freaking brain dead.

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