SFC Ollie
Still Marching
Compare donation from Bush to Obama? Or Cheney to Biden? That's the "proof"?
OK, let's look at some of that evidence. Bush's father was a former president. He was put through Harvard. His father protected him from prosecution by the SEC. He managed to move hundreds of people out of their property so he could make money on the land surrounding his new stadium. He headed or was on the board of directors of three companies that went bankrupt and ended up with at least 30 million dollars. Who goes bankrupt and ends up with money?
Obama was on food stamps as a child. He didn't pay off his student loans until he was forty.
Biden is hardly a millionaire.
Cheney was the head of Halliburton. With the no bid contracts him and Bush passed out like candy corn, his stock options when up over 5,000%.
I don't know what to say. Do Republicans know anything about the awful people they promote? Seriously. What is going on with those people?
If there is something wrong with being rich then your democrat party is in trouble. If I remember right 8 of the 10 richest people in congress are democrats. DUH