Republican have always used Socialism as a excuse not to help the American People

Compare donation from Bush to Obama? Or Cheney to Biden? That's the "proof"?

OK, let's look at some of that evidence. Bush's father was a former president. He was put through Harvard. His father protected him from prosecution by the SEC. He managed to move hundreds of people out of their property so he could make money on the land surrounding his new stadium. He headed or was on the board of directors of three companies that went bankrupt and ended up with at least 30 million dollars. Who goes bankrupt and ends up with money?

Obama was on food stamps as a child. He didn't pay off his student loans until he was forty.

Biden is hardly a millionaire.

Cheney was the head of Halliburton. With the no bid contracts him and Bush passed out like candy corn, his stock options when up over 5,000%.

I don't know what to say. Do Republicans know anything about the awful people they promote? Seriously. What is going on with those people?

If there is something wrong with being rich then your democrat party is in trouble. If I remember right 8 of the 10 richest people in congress are democrats. DUH
Compare donation from Bush to Obama? Or Cheney to Biden? That's the "proof"?

OK, let's look at some of that evidence. Bush's father was a former president. He was put through Harvard. His father protected him from prosecution by the SEC. He managed to move hundreds of people out of their property so he could make money on the land surrounding his new stadium. He headed or was on the board of directors of three companies that went bankrupt and ended up with at least 30 million dollars. Who goes bankrupt and ends up with money?

Obama was on food stamps as a child. He didn't pay off his student loans until he was forty.

Biden is hardly a millionaire.

Cheney was the head of Halliburton. With the no bid contracts him and Bush passed out like candy corn, his stock options when up over 5,000%.

I don't know what to say. Do Republicans know anything about the awful people they promote? Seriously. What is going on with those people?

If there is something wrong with being rich then your democrat party is in trouble. If I remember right 8 of the 10 richest people in congress are democrats. DUH

Is that the best you can respond? The only thing you can say is, "If there is something wrong with being rich..." That is pretty weak. Try denying some of the assertions, maybe....WAIT! You can't because they are all true!
Compare donation from Bush to Obama? Or Cheney to Biden? That's the "proof"?

OK, let's look at some of that evidence. Bush's father was a former president. He was put through Harvard. His father protected him from prosecution by the SEC. He managed to move hundreds of people out of their property so he could make money on the land surrounding his new stadium. He headed or was on the board of directors of three companies that went bankrupt and ended up with at least 30 million dollars. Who goes bankrupt and ends up with money?

Obama was on food stamps as a child. He didn't pay off his student loans until he was forty.

Biden is hardly a millionaire.

Cheney was the head of Halliburton. With the no bid contracts him and Bush passed out like candy corn, his stock options when up over 5,000%.

I don't know what to say. Do Republicans know anything about the awful people they promote? Seriously. What is going on with those people?

If there is something wrong with being rich then your democrat party is in trouble. If I remember right 8 of the 10 richest people in congress are democrats. DUH

Is that the best you can respond? The only thing you can say is, "If there is something wrong with being rich..." That is pretty weak. Try denying some of the assertions, maybe....WAIT! You can't because they are all true!

There really isn't anything there to respond to. Other than Cheney was not the head of Haliburton while he was VP and that Haliburton received it's first no bid contracts under Clinton. But we are used to seeing this misinformation so no biggy. The bush haters and Cheney haters will believe what they want regardless of facts.

That Bush 43 was a piss poor businessman is not any great secret.

I don't know about Cheneys stock options, never looked into it if that information is available. Actually I could care less. I normally don't comment when I don't care about something. Or like some people when I just don't know.
Sure. The Goddamned Entitlement Generation. CEOs that draw tens, sometimes hundreds of millions a year while their company is going down the tube. People that take taxpayer money to prevent a repeat of 1929, then use some of that money to pay themselves the same thieving salaries as before.

And when we try to limit just the salaries in the companies that the govenment had to bail out, the Repucks scream their head off.

What we should be doing is busting up every company that is too big too fail.

Or simply let them fail, it's called capitalism. If a company can't make it oh well, 3 others will spring up to take their place. If there are customers. There is no such thing as too big to fail. I was totally against any bailouts from the getgo, to include Bush's.

Abso-fricking-lutely correct. More often than not, when the government goes after a business for being a "monopoly", by the time the antitrust case makes it to court, its market share has already been reduced on its own. The only purpose to "trust-busting" is to give businesses that can't compete effectively on their own a government leg-up they don't deserve. It doesn't do a damned thing for the consumer.
"More often than not, when the government goes after a business for being a "monopoly", by the time the antitrust case makes it to court, its market share has already been reduced on its own."

"The only purpose to "trust-busting" is to give businesses that can't compete effectively on their own a government leg-up they don't deserve."

Any evidence that your assertions are valid?
In the first place, monopolies can never exist in a free capitalistic market where there are constant competition. More often than not, monopolies are created by government through special privileges, grants and handouts.
<snip> A few minutes later, I will re-edit some: Cyrano, the nature of unfettered free markets is to create monopolies because of the development of the corporation. Both Carnegie and Rockefeller showed others how to devour competition horizontally and vertically through integration of weaker companies by purchase, price war, merger, and holding companies.
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That is because when you help some one--you socialize with them.

..........And conservatives hate to socialize!! Being rugged individualists and all...
In the first place, monopolies can never exist in a free capitalistic market where there are constant competition. More often than not, monopolies are created by government through special privileges, grants and handouts.

Not "more often than not". Always. The government is the only entity that CAN create a monopoly.

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