Republican Health Care Plan

1) Don't Get Sick

2) If You Do Get Sick.....Die Quickly!

Dem plan:

1) Meddling in every aspect of health care so that costs rise far in excess of the overall rate of inflation
2) Steal more money from productive citizens to supplement your voters
Republicans have to pass it to see what's in it. It worked for Obama Care, remember?
dont worry campbell....i dont think trump will shut down the old folks home you are in....
The Republican plan should be let the free market dictate prices. I'm not responsible for you and you are not responsible for me. That means if I take care of my body I should be able to buy cheaper insurance. If you sit on your fat lazy ass living off of cornpuffs you should pay the premium rates. Like bad auto drivers.
Republicans and libertarians are tied to the fantasy that a 'free market' exists. How you convince someone who has faith in myth that it is myth is sorta impossible. The imaginary is not open to argument in spite of the growing disparities in rights and privilege. People are not free when their lives are controlled by market forces that push them aside. Having healthcare should be a right not the privilege of the wealthy only.

"The history of industrial development in the United States, often considered the epicenter of free markets, demonstrates the political nature of markets. The history of market formation in the United States reveals an industrial structure supplied by goods and capital extracted from slave labor and facilitated through a state-sponsored, genocidal land grab. Far-reaching government legislation protected domestic markets and infant industries from external competition, and federal and state governments played a central role in the development of physical infrastructure (canals, railways, telegraphy) and the creation of huge bodies of agricultural and industrial knowledge - all essential elements in the genesis of American industrial capitalism.

At the same time, society's greatest inventions and innovations of the past two hundred years-rockets to the moon, penicillin, computers, the internet - were not bestowed upon us by lone entrepreneurs and firms operating in free markets under conditions of healthy competition. They were the work of institutions: CERN and the Department of Defense created the internet, while Bell Labs - a subdivision of AT&T, freed from market competition by federally granted monopoly rights-generated transistors, radar, information theory, "quality control," and dozens of other innovations central to our epoch." Nearly every advance in science, technology, and mathematics emerged from people working together at universities supported by government funding. Creativity and innovation come from many places. Companies produce influential innovations, but so do other institutions that operate outside the confines of the profit motive, competitive markets, and the bottom line." Nicole Aschoff, p59 'The New Prophets of Capital'
1) Don't Get Sick

2) If You Do Get Sick.....Die Quickly!
Funny how you lift Alan Grayson up as some kind of a hero for spouting out ignorant Liberal Propaganda.

By violating House Ethics Rules / the Law and being a wife-beater, Alan fits right in with the DNC, the party that rigged it's own Primary, fed Hillary debate questions in advance, and hired thugs to firebomb GOP HQs and beat/bloody Trump supporters.

Grayson's ex-wife claimed domestic abuse over two decades

Rep. Alan Grayson, Alleged Wife-Beater, Loses Endorsements
1) Don't Get Sick

2) If You Do Get Sick.....Die Quickly!

Democrat's Obozocare
1.) Get sick only if you can afford the $7,000 deductible and the ever escalating monthly premium with fewer choices.
2.) It's been broken from day one and we can't fix it or would even if we knew how. This was designed to fail so we could ram Single Payer down your throat.
3.) We're Democrats and we only want to help you.
Poor wittle regressives, having to recycle propaganda. Too bad they have to rely on their loons, like Grayson, to occasionally come up with something original.

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