Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Republicans have long criticized then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi for saying of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Yet that’s not a far cry from the argument coming from Senate Republican leaders Thursday, who are pushing their rank and file to vote to begin debating a health care bill next week even though no one knows what’s in that bill.

GOP senator: We don’t have ‘luxury’ of knowing what health care plan we’ll move on

In fact, the Speaker's comment was taken totally out of context, making Republican's not only hypocrites but damn liars too.
As usual.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

It was bad when she said it, but "this" is "different". Gotta love it.

Keeping track of the hypocrisy of politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits would keep us busy, that's for sure.

I doubt this site contains the requisite bandwidth for such an endeavor.
Republicans have long criticized then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi for saying of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Yet that’s not a far cry from the argument coming from Senate Republican leaders Thursday, who are pushing their rank and file to vote to begin debating a health care bill next week even though no one knows what’s in that bill.

GOP senator: We don’t have ‘luxury’ of knowing what health care plan we’ll move on

In fact, the Speaker's comment was taken totally out of context, making Republican's not only hypocrites but damn liars too.

A vote to begin debating isn't anything near a vote to pass something you have no clue what it contains. I'm not surprised a hypocrite like you can't see that.

The hypocrites are you lefties that do something a certain way and cry when you claim the other side did it the same way. You set a standard then whine when you claim the standard is applied.

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