Republican hypocrisy

Kavanaugh was mistaken when he cited the legal drinking age 40 years ago. To a snowflake, that means he's a liar.

Snowflakes will be snowflakes. Each has its own finger print but they're essentially the same. They fall and then they melt.
Kavanaugh was mistaken when he cited the legal drinking age 40 years ago. To a snowflake, that means he's a liar.

Snowflakes will be snowflakes. Each has its own finger print but they're essentially the same. They fall and then they melt.

WASHINGTON ― Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said Sunday that if Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath, his nomination is over.

“Oh, yes,” Flake told CBS News’ Scott Pelley.

Well, Senator? Do we have some news for you! Kavanaugh lied throughout his confirmation hearing. He told big lies and easily disprovable small lies. This may not even be the first time he has lied under oath: former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) said Kavanaugh lied to him in his 2006 confirmation hearing for his current seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

So, Sen. Flake, we now present to you all the lies Kavanaugh told in last week’s hearing — at least all the ones we can prove.

(A Flake spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.)

Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations are ‘refuted’
A key point made by Kavanaugh throughout his defense was that Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations were “refuted” by three contemporaries alleged to have been at the party where she said he sexually assaulted her. Those alleged attendees said, under penalty of perjury, that the event did not take place, Kavanaugh argued.

“Dr. Ford’s allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there, including by a longtime friend of hers,” Kavanaugh said.

“The evidence is not corroborated at the time,” he said at another time. “The witnesses who were there say that it didn’t happen.”

But none of the alleged party attendees ― Mark Judge, Leland Keyser and P.J. Smyth ― ever refuted anything Blasey claimed. They simply said they could not recall attending such a get-together.

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” Judge said.

“I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct,” Smyth said.

Keyser said that she has “no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where [Kavanaugh] was present, with, or without Dr. Ford.” She added that while she can’t remember the event from 36 years ago, she believes Blasey’s allegations. She reiterated this after Kavanaugh’s misleading testimony.

Blasey explained that there was no reason for them to remember the party. “It was not one of their more notorious parties because nothing remarkable happened to them that evening,” she said.

‘Never attended a gathering’ like the one described by Blasey
“I never attended a gathering like the one Dr. Ford describes in her allegation,” Kavanaugh said.

But according to Kavanaugh’s calendars from the summer of 1982, which he submitted as evidence in his defense, he did.

As he said himself, “The calendars show a few weekday gatherings at friends’ houses after a workout or just to meet up and have some beers.” He says that he never attended a gathering like this, but that’s obviously false because the type of gathering he said he did attend is exactly the kind she described.

“None of those gatherings included the group of people that Dr. Ford has identified,” he also said.

On July 1, Kavanaugh wrote that he planned to go “to Timmy’s for skis w/Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi.” “Skis” are “brewskis,” a popular slang term for canned or bottled beer in the early 1980s.

So he gathered for brewskis with two of the three people Blasey said she remembers being there. Small gathering? Beer? Judge, Brett and P.J.? Check, check and check.
Kavanaugh was mistaken when he cited the legal drinking age 40 years ago. To a snowflake, that means he's a liar.

Snowflakes will be snowflakes. Each has its own finger print but they're essentially the same. They fall and then they melt.

WASHINGTON ― Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said Sunday that if Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath, his nomination is over.

“Oh, yes,” Flake told CBS News’ Scott Pelley.

Well, Senator? Do we have some news for you! Kavanaugh lied throughout his confirmation hearing. He told big lies and easily disprovable small lies. This may not even be the first time he has lied under oath: former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) said Kavanaugh lied to him in his 2006 confirmation hearing for his current seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

So, Sen. Flake, we now present to you all the lies Kavanaugh told in last week’s hearing — at least all the ones we can prove.

(A Flake spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.)

Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations are ‘refuted’
A key point made by Kavanaugh throughout his defense was that Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations were “refuted” by three contemporaries alleged to have been at the party where she said he sexually assaulted her. Those alleged attendees said, under penalty of perjury, that the event did not take place, Kavanaugh argued.

“Dr. Ford’s allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there, including by a longtime friend of hers,” Kavanaugh said.

“The evidence is not corroborated at the time,” he said at another time. “The witnesses who were there say that it didn’t happen.”

But none of the alleged party attendees ― Mark Judge, Leland Keyser and P.J. Smyth ― ever refuted anything Blasey claimed. They simply said they could not recall attending such a get-together.

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” Judge said.

“I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct,” Smyth said.

Keyser said that she has “no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where [Kavanaugh] was present, with, or without Dr. Ford.” She added that while she can’t remember the event from 36 years ago, she believes Blasey’s allegations. She reiterated this after Kavanaugh’s misleading testimony.

Blasey explained that there was no reason for them to remember the party. “It was not one of their more notorious parties because nothing remarkable happened to them that evening,” she said.

‘Never attended a gathering’ like the one described by Blasey
“I never attended a gathering like the one Dr. Ford describes in her allegation,” Kavanaugh said.

But according to Kavanaugh’s calendars from the summer of 1982, which he submitted as evidence in his defense, he did.

As he said himself, “The calendars show a few weekday gatherings at friends’ houses after a workout or just to meet up and have some beers.” He says that he never attended a gathering like this, but that’s obviously false because the type of gathering he said he did attend is exactly the kind she described.

“None of those gatherings included the group of people that Dr. Ford has identified,” he also said.

On July 1, Kavanaugh wrote that he planned to go “to Timmy’s for skis w/Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi.” “Skis” are “brewskis,” a popular slang term for canned or bottled beer in the early 1980s.

So he gathered for brewskis with two of the three people Blasey said she remembers being there. Small gathering? Beer? Judge, Brett and P.J.? Check, check and check.

I really didn't need the validation, but I appreciate your input.
So now republicans will have 2 on the SC accused of attempted rape and sleeze against women
I like that word....."accused", no facts, no witnesses, and no rule of law. Just accused. I'm laughing at you.
what of all those prevented from being questioned by the WH ? Don't you want the WHOLE truth?? OOOPS pardon me ,,,you're probably a republican
ed what the democrats did over this is one of the main reasons no quality people want to run for a public office,bring up shit they did when they were teens and drag their family through mounds of shit,so now we end up getting the bottom of the barrel or bottom rung people,the politicians in this country are pretty bad as compared to the way they were at one time.....and before you have a shit hemorrhage.... the republicans would do the same shit if the situation warranted it....
So now republicans will have 2 on the SC accused of attempted rape and sleeze against women
I like that word....."accused", no facts, no witnesses, and no rule of law. Just accused. I'm laughing at you.
what of all those prevented from being questioned by the WH ? Don't you want the WHOLE truth?? OOOPS pardon me ,,,you're probably a republican
ed what the democrats did over this is one of the main reasons no quality people want to run for a public office,bring up shit they did when they were teens and drag their family through mounds of shit,so now we end up getting the bottom of the barrel or bottom rung people,the politicians in this country are pretty bad as compared to the way they were at one time.....and before you have a shit hemorrhage.... the republicans would do the same shit if the situation warranted it....
I get no shit hemorrages but I can't argue with you least you credit both parties with the same flinging of shit and I don't think it'll end over party has vanished
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
"Misappropriate behavior"? As usual the democrat party set the bar too high. Does anyone remember the Clintons creating a national argument about the difference between sexual intercourse and sodomy? Remember the DNA on Monica's dress? Bill Clinton couldn't even keep his urges in check in the freaking White House. Short memory and short sighted hypocrite democrats doubled down and nominated a world class enabler for her husband's sexual abuse (the Bimbo Eruption Squad) and then they pretended to be surprised when Hillary lost.

And now it's deemed fine and dandy to have a president ACCUSED and SELF ADMITTING to inappropriate conduct with women The clinton BS doesn't stand when we talk about the here and now and the truth..Seems all you have is Clinton
Democrats made excuses (still do) about credible accusation of rape against Bill Clinton. Clinton couldn't keep his urges in check and molested an intern barely older than his own daughter. Most CEO's would lose their job if they engaged in sodomy with an intern in the workplace but Bill's wife appeared before the cameras and called it a "right wing conspiracy" even though she must have known about Bill's DNA on Monica's dress. I hope they fumigated that closet after the Arkansas hick finally left office.
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
"Misappropriate behavior"? As usual the democrat party set the bar too high. Does anyone remember the Clintons creating a national argument about the difference between sexual intercourse and sodomy? Remember the DNA on Monica's dress? Bill Clinton couldn't even keep his urges in check in the freaking White House. Short memory and short sighted hypocrite democrats doubled down and nominated a world class enabler for her husband's sexual abuse (the Bimbo Eruption Squad) and then they pretended to be surprised when Hillary lost.

And now it's deemed fine and dandy to have a president ACCUSED and SELF ADMITTING to inappropriate conduct with women The clinton BS doesn't stand when we talk about the here and now and the truth..Seems all you have is Clinton
Democrats made excuses (still do) about credible accusation of rape against Bill Clinton. Clinton couldn't keep his urges in check and molested an intern barely older than his own daughter. Most CEO's would lose their job if they engaged in sodomy with an intern in the workplace but Bill's wife appeared before the cameras and called it a "right wing conspiracy" even though she must have known about Bill's DNA on Monica's dress. I hope they fumigated that closet after the Arkansas hick finally left office.
and burn down the WH after that perverted scum leaves Build a new one with his tax money
The same man that encouraged Ken Starr to question a sworn in Bill Clinton about explicit details of his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinski that led to Republicans impeaching Clinton for lying under oath will be confirmed by Republicans even though that same man just lied under oath.

LOL, prove it.
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
"Misappropriate behavior"? As usual the democrat party set the bar too high. Does anyone remember the Clintons creating a national argument about the difference between sexual intercourse and sodomy? Remember the DNA on Monica's dress? Bill Clinton couldn't even keep his urges in check in the freaking White House. Short memory and short sighted hypocrite democrats doubled down and nominated a world class enabler for her husband's sexual abuse (the Bimbo Eruption Squad) and then they pretended to be surprised when Hillary lost.

And now it's deemed fine and dandy to have a president ACCUSED and SELF ADMITTING to inappropriate conduct with women The clinton BS doesn't stand when we talk about the here and now and the truth..Seems all you have is Clinton
Democrats made excuses (still do) about credible accusation of rape against Bill Clinton. Clinton couldn't keep his urges in check and molested an intern barely older than his own daughter. Most CEO's would lose their job if they engaged in sodomy with an intern in the workplace but Bill's wife appeared before the cameras and called it a "right wing conspiracy" even though she must have known about Bill's DNA on Monica's dress. I hope they fumigated that closet after the Arkansas hick finally left office.
and burn down the WH after that perverted scum leaves Build a new one with his tax money
You have to scratch your head when lefties bring up the issue of hypocrisy when the post is a freaking example of a hypocritical rant. No first lady in the history of the great Republic ever presided over a government financed unauthorized little club like the "bimbo eruption squad". The criminal conspiracy in the MSM giggled about it while federally funded hit men like James Carville intimidated potential whistleblowers with insulting stuff like "drag a $20 through a trailer park".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
"Misappropriate behavior"? As usual the democrat party set the bar too high. Does anyone remember the Clintons creating a national argument about the difference between sexual intercourse and sodomy? Remember the DNA on Monica's dress? Bill Clinton couldn't even keep his urges in check in the freaking White House. Short memory and short sighted hypocrite democrats doubled down and nominated a world class enabler for her husband's sexual abuse (the Bimbo Eruption Squad) and then they pretended to be surprised when Hillary lost.

And now it's deemed fine and dandy to have a president ACCUSED and SELF ADMITTING to inappropriate conduct with women The clinton BS doesn't stand when we talk about the here and now and the truth..Seems all you have is Clinton
Democrats made excuses (still do) about credible accusation of rape against Bill Clinton. Clinton couldn't keep his urges in check and molested an intern barely older than his own daughter. Most CEO's would lose their job if they engaged in sodomy with an intern in the workplace but Bill's wife appeared before the cameras and called it a "right wing conspiracy" even though she must have known about Bill's DNA on Monica's dress. I hope they fumigated that closet after the Arkansas hick finally left office.
and burn down the WH after that perverted scum leaves Build a new one with his tax money
You have to scratch your head when lefties bring up the issue of hypocrisy when the post is a freaking example of a hypocritical rant. No first lady in the history of the great Republic ever presided over a government financed unauthorized little club like the "bimbo eruption squad". The criminal conspiracy in the MSM giggled about it while federally funded hit men like James Carville intimidated potential whistleblowers with insulting stuff like "drag a $20 through a trailer park".
NOW it takes a $50 Inflation you know
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
He "admitted" nothing of the kind, you lying piece of shit. When did the number of accusers become 18? The last I heard it was four. The Senate douchebags could dig up 1000 "accusers" and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. There is no practical limit on the number of perjurers one can find by combing through the sewers of this country. Accusations with no credible evidence mean nothing. The people you named stepped down because there was irrefutable evidence of their guilt. The Dim douchebags in the Senate have produced no evidence whatsoever.
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
BBBBBBBBUT Clinton BBBBBBBBBut hillary ?

Using the "whataboutism" meme is just an admission that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
So now republicans will have 2 on the SC accused of attempted rape and sleeze against women
I like that word....."accused", no facts, no witnesses, and no rule of law. Just accused. I'm laughing at you.
what of all those prevented from being questioned by the WH ? Don't you want the WHOLE truth?? OOOPS pardon me ,,,you're probably a republican
What about all those prevented? What were they going to say, Eddie? Please be specific with the facts as you know them. I'll be patiently waiting.
Who TF knows what they'd say but we do know they supported ford You need not wait longer
Yeah just like the other 2-3-4 victims. All found to be disingenuous and lying.
You mean all of them: 1-2-3-4.
Hypocrisy is a bunch of women wearing "We believe the victims" T-shirts who voted for Hillary Clinton after she threatened the women who came after her husband Bill - a TRUE, CERTIFIED sexual assailant who paid off Paula Jones and was named by at least four other women as a rapist or sexual predator.
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
BBBBBBBBUT Clinton BBBBBBBBBut hillary ?

Using the "whataboutism" meme is just an admission that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
jerko I was a republican all my life GWB was my last repub vote
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
BBBBBBBBUT Clinton BBBBBBBBBut hillary ?

Using the "whataboutism" meme is just an admission that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
jerko I was a republican all my life GWB was my last repub vote
Only idiots bring up clinton when trying to make excuses for their own perverts
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
BBBBBBBBUT Clinton BBBBBBBBBut hillary ?

Using the "whataboutism" meme is just an admission that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
jerko I was a republican all my life GWB was my last repub vote
Yeah, sure you were. You became a commie because of something Bush did. That's entirely believable . . . . . . NOT!
Talk about hypocrisy, lefties go after uncorroborated claims that a supreme court nominee may have touched a woman inappropriately forty years ago while they call Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and sodomy in a freaking closet with an intern barely older than his daughter "a relationship".
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
BBBBBBBBUT Clinton BBBBBBBBBut hillary ?

Using the "whataboutism" meme is just an admission that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
jerko I was a republican all my life GWB was my last repub vote
Only idiots bring up clinton when trying to make excuses for their own perverts
Another example of resorting to the whataboutism meme. We already know that you're proud to be a hypocrite. You claim to have voted for GWB, but you're always defending Clinton and Obama. Do you actually expect us to believe that?
Since you want to go there tell us about the 18 women accusing the slime in our WH of misappropriate behavior A pos who admitted his abuse before the world and dotards still supported him Franken at least stepped down The Gov of NY stepped down The AG of NY stepped down but the scum in our WH lives on thanks to people like you
BBBBBBBBUT Clinton BBBBBBBBBut hillary ?

Using the "whataboutism" meme is just an admission that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
jerko I was a republican all my life GWB was my last repub vote
Only idiots bring up clinton when trying to make excuses for their own perverts
Another example of resorting to the whataboutism meme. We already know that you're proud to be a hypocrite. You claim to have voted for GWB, but you're always defending Clinton and Obama. Do you actually expect us to believe that?
I don't defend Bill for what he did And gwb was the worst to come to washington ,,,until this moron this human POS Trump was elected

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