Republican Joe Scarborough and panel horrified by Trump's obvious mental illness

That all may very well be true, I certainly wouldn't argue it isn't. But if I had to choose between him and that evil bulldyke again, I'd still pick him. That is how bad she is.
Very possibly so. She's gone. Let's get Trump "gone" by Amendment XXV or impeachment.

I think we are a long way from either of those 2 things occurring. The republicans would have to carry the water, and it seems very unlikely that they'd spend their political capital ousting the orange clown when they can spend it not replacing BOcare, or tax reforms. There are so many other things they are busy not doing to get bogged down with not getting Trump out. Besides, if he turns out to be a horror show, he'll be gone in 4 anyway.
Mika, "I'm not sure he's OK. He's not OK."
Joe, "It's worse than it's ever been"
Joe, "It's beyond bizarre, there's no one capable of stopping him, confused mental state, things are not well in the White House."

Donald J. Drumpf - America's first totally insane POTUS

historic and bigly tremendously sad, who knew?
Mika, "I'm not sure he's OK. He's not OK."
Joe, "It's worse than it's ever been"
Joe, "It's beyond bizarre, there's no one capable of stopping him, confused mental state, things are not well in the White House."

Donald J. Drumpf - America's first totally insane POTUS

historic and bigly tremendously sad, who knew?
Oh, joy, "Republican" Joe Scumborrough and his side kick Zika Brazinski. You just cant get more FAKE news than that. Is the reason why you are called John is that you are so full of shit. Seig Heil, Zika..

Mika, "I'm not sure he's OK. He's not OK."
Joe, "It's worse than it's ever been"
Joe, "It's beyond bizarre, there's no one capable of stopping him, confused mental state, things are not well in the White House."

Donald J. Drumpf - America's first totally insane POTUS

historic and bigly tremendously sad, who knew?
Regardless of old age ravaging his mind, trump is a psychopath and always has been.

Psychopathic Traits - The Sociopathic Style
This is all I need to show who the real Sociopaths are.

I am talking psycho not socio, and we are talking real. Harvard Dr.s are collecting video clips and samples of trump speaking to archive. They said he is such a clear cut example of a psychopath, they want to use him as a model in their lectures.

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable. Other psychiatrists wrote copiously on the subject, and homosexuality was “treated” on a wide basis. There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
Want to continue down on Mental Illness?

Yea I am going to cite a BS article that uses half a century old science..... take a lap.
Scarborough and crew helped get Trump elected. Now they pontificate about his madness as if they knew better all along.
Not on your life NyCarbinated, it was the shrill yelling of the slimy, sickly vagina ex candidate that got Trump elected. Along with his Make America Great. All the bitch could bring is more divisiveness with 4 more years of Obama's failed policies.

Mika, "I'm not sure he's OK. He's not OK."
Joe, "It's worse than it's ever been"
Joe, "It's beyond bizarre, there's no one capable of stopping him, confused mental state, things are not well in the White House."

Donald J. Drumpf - America's first totally insane POTUS

historic and bigly tremendously sad, who knew?
Regardless of old age ravaging his mind, trump is a psychopath and always has been.

Psychopathic Traits - The Sociopathic Style
This is all I need to show who the real Sociopaths are.

I am talking psycho not socio, and we are talking real. Harvard Dr.s are collecting video clips and samples of trump speaking to archive. They said he is such a clear cut example of a psychopath, they want to use him as a model in their lectures.

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable. Other psychiatrists wrote copiously on the subject, and homosexuality was “treated” on a wide basis. There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
Want to continue down on Mental Illness?

Yea I am going to cite a BS article that uses half a century old science..... take a lap.

You fuckers are all about science, yet it was bullshit politicians and queer Hollywood types that ended up denying the science. Look at today, you leftards are so screwed up in the mind, that you cant even decide where to piss.
looks like jim got out of Elementary School early today
Notice how he isn't trying to say what I posted was wrong, just goes on the attack. You liberals are a Cancer, and needs to be removed from this country.

oh paleeze, your posts are laughable
Laughing all the way to the bank, when less of my taxes are taking out. ROTFLMAO, how butthurt you liberals are. I guess when you are a welfare puke, tax breaks don't help you.

Regardless of old age ravaging his mind, trump is a psychopath and always has been.

Psychopathic Traits - The Sociopathic Style
This is all I need to show who the real Sociopaths are.

I am talking psycho not socio, and we are talking real. Harvard Dr.s are collecting video clips and samples of trump speaking to archive. They said he is such a clear cut example of a psychopath, they want to use him as a model in their lectures.

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable. Other psychiatrists wrote copiously on the subject, and homosexuality was “treated” on a wide basis. There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
Want to continue down on Mental Illness?

Yea I am going to cite a BS article that uses half a century old science..... take a lap.

You fuckers are all about science, yet it was bullshit politicians and queer Hollywood types that ended up denying the science. Look at today, you leftards are so screwed up in the mind, that you cant even decide where to piss.

Its the GOP having pissing problems lol
The alternative to Trump was possibly one of the most corrupt prolific lying losers in politics, Hillary. Then there's Hillary's head bobbing, brain seizing, falling down shit.
Scarborough and crew helped get Trump elected. Now they pontificate about his madness as if they knew better all along.
Not on your life NyCarbinated, it was the shrill yelling of the slimy, sickly vagina ex candidate that got Trump elected. Along with his Make America Great. All the bitch could bring is more divisiveness with 4 more years of Obama's failed policies.

lol, so you agree with me that Trump's election was far more about Hillary being bad than Trump having any merit.
The alternative to Trump was possibly one of the most corrupt prolific lying losers in politics, Hillary. Then there's Hillary's head bobbing, brain seizing, falling down shit.

No, the alternative to Trump was a far saner and more decent Republican like Jeb Bush.
looks like jim got out of Elementary School early today
Notice how he isn't trying to say what I posted was wrong, just goes on the attack. You liberals are a Cancer, and needs to be removed from this country.

oh paleeze, your posts are laughable

All of these RW'ers got angrier AFTER Trump won, have you noticed?

I guess it's the stress of defending a megalomaniacal lunatic.
This presidency has been very hard on all of us.
The alternative to Trump was possibly one of the most corrupt prolific lying losers in politics, Hillary. Then there's Hillary's head bobbing, brain seizing, falling down shit.

No, the alternative to Trump was a far saner and more decent Republican like Jeb Bush.
Bwwwahhhhhhhhaaaaaa. Sorry but we don't like the US being turned into a Kingdom. I voted for ABBA, during the Republican Run UP. ABBA - Anybody But Bush Again.
Then in the general election it was ABC. Anybody But Clinton. Trump has you liberals on the run, you focus on his statements, while his policies are being enacted. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
The alternative to Trump was possibly one of the most corrupt prolific lying losers in politics, Hillary. Then there's Hillary's head bobbing, brain seizing, falling down shit.

No, the alternative to Trump was a far saner and more decent Republican like Jeb Bush.
Bwwwahhhhhhhhaaaaaa. Sorry but we don't like the US being turned into a Kingdom. I voted for ABBA, during the Republican Run UP. ABBA - Anybody But Bush Again.
Then in the general election it was ABC. Anybody But Clinton. Trump has you liberals on the run, you focus on his statements, while his policies are being enacted. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

He is about to enact a budget bill that concedes almost every disputed issue to the Democrats.

Pay attention.
Anti-The Donald folks are mentally ill. Straight up, niggah. There is simply no question anti-The Donald folks are fucked up mentally.
With his comment Joe Scarborough reminds me of Fred MacMurray in The Caine Mutiny with Trump playing Bogart's role.

Mika, "I'm not sure he's OK. He's not OK."
Joe, "It's worse than it's ever been"
Joe, "It's beyond bizarre, there's no one capable of stopping him, confused mental state, things are not well in the White House."

Donald J. Drumpf - America's first totally insane POTUS

historic and bigly tremendously sad, who knew?


Naw, Ballsack though the diminutive size allows for uncertainty.

This OP had to be original as even the fruitcake DNC spinmeisters would not pay for that......

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