Republican majorities struggle to get Congress working

Both the House and Senate passed a Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Where's your boy king? :dunno:
Perfect example, Mr. H.!

Obama said he was going to veto it before they even gained the majority in January, yet they still wasted ime and taxpayer money passing a bill that they knew was going nowhere.

How is that working for the American people to end gridlock?

It's just partisan politics.
what is sooo difficult for the resident rw'ers Mr. H. Iceweasel to understand :dunno:
It quite simple, really. Obama is a delusional idiot who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Then your people can easily defeat him when the time comes. :thup: Oh wait!!! :redface: You had two chances and were bested both times :slap: Mr. H.
Both the House and Senate passed a Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Where's your boy king? :dunno:
Perfect example, Mr. H.!

Obama said he was going to veto it before they even gained the majority in January, yet they still wasted ime and taxpayer money passing a bill that they knew was going nowhere.

How is that working for the American people to end gridlock?

It's just partisan politics.
what is sooo difficult for the resident rw'ers Mr. H. Iceweasel to understand :dunno:
It quite simple, really. Obama is a delusional idiot who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Then your people can easily defeat him when the time comes. :thup: Oh wait!!! :redface: You had two chances and were bested both times :slap: Mr. H.
It just goes to show how stupid the voters are, vote for his color?
Both the House and Senate passed a Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Where's your boy king? :dunno:
Perfect example, Mr. H.!

Obama said he was going to veto it before they even gained the majority in January, yet they still wasted ime and taxpayer money passing a bill that they knew was going nowhere.

How is that working for the American people to end gridlock?

It's just partisan politics.
It's a bill that their constituents want passed.
The Obama said NO.
The wasted the time and money on a political stunt that they knew was going nowhere.

They were doing the Koch brother's bidding, not their constituents.
Both the House and Senate passed a Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Where's your boy king? :dunno:
Perfect example, Mr. H.!

Obama said he was going to veto it before they even gained the majority in January, yet they still wasted ime and taxpayer money passing a bill that they knew was going nowhere.

How is that working for the American people to end gridlock?

It's just partisan politics.
It's a bill that their constituents want passed.
The Obama said NO.
The wasted the time and money on a political stunt that they knew was going nowhere.

They were doing the Koch brother's bidding, not their constituents.

Poll Majority of Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built - Breitbart

CNN ORC Poll Most Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built

Joni Ernst says a strong majority of Americans back the Keystone XL pipeline PolitiFact

New Post-ABC News poll Keystone XL project overwhelmingly favored by Americans - The Washington Post
Both the House and Senate passed a Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Where's your boy king? :dunno:
Perfect example, Mr. H.!

Obama said he was going to veto it before they even gained the majority in January, yet they still wasted ime and taxpayer money passing a bill that they knew was going nowhere.

How is that working for the American people to end gridlock?

It's just partisan politics.
It's a bill that their constituents want passed.
The Obama said NO.
The wasted the time and money on a political stunt that they knew was going nowhere.

They were doing the Koch brother's bidding, not their constituents.

Poll Majority of Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built - Breitbart

CNN ORC Poll Most Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built

Joni Ernst says a strong majority of Americans back the Keystone XL pipeline PolitiFact

New Post-ABC News poll Keystone XL project overwhelmingly favored by Americans - The Washington Post
Guess that makes The Obama look like the ass, hunh, Synth
Both the House and Senate passed a Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Where's your boy king? :dunno:
Perfect example, Mr. H.!

Obama said he was going to veto it before they even gained the majority in January, yet they still wasted ime and taxpayer money passing a bill that they knew was going nowhere.

How is that working for the American people to end gridlock?

It's just partisan politics.
It's a bill that their constituents want passed.
The Obama said NO.
The wasted the time and money on a political stunt that they knew was going nowhere.

They were doing the Koch brother's bidding, not their constituents.

Poll Majority of Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built - Breitbart

CNN ORC Poll Most Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built

Joni Ernst says a strong majority of Americans back the Keystone XL pipeline PolitiFact

New Post-ABC News poll Keystone XL project overwhelmingly favored by Americans - The Washington Post
Your link is from March 2014.

And who gives a shit what Joni Ernst has to say? She's a welfare moocher.
The indisputable fact remains that Republicans wasted time and taxpayer money on a Bill they knew in advance was going to be vetoed.

That's partisan politics, not working for the American people.
What would you say to the Democrat House and Senate members who voted in favor of the KXL bill?
Stop siding with losers? ;)
The indisputable fact remains that Republicans wasted time and taxpayer money on a Bill they knew in advance was going to be vetoed.

That's partisan politics, not working for the American people.
What would you say to the Democrat House and Senate members who voted in favor of the KXL bill?
Stop siding with losers? ;)

This is why you are a waste of time here at USMB. Bye Bye forever.
Brotch. :slap:
The indisputable fact remains that Republicans wasted time and taxpayer money on a Bill they knew in advance was going to be vetoed.

That's partisan politics, not working for the American people.
What would you say to the Democrat House and Senate members who voted in favor of the KXL bill?
Stop siding with losers? ;)

This is why you are a waste of time here at USMB. Bye Bye forever.
The indisputable fact remains that Republicans wasted time and taxpayer money on a Bill they knew in advance was going to be vetoed.

That's partisan politics, not working for the American people.
What would you say to the Democrat House and Senate members who voted in favor of the KXL bill?
Individual Congresscritters only have to worry about making a group of people happy. The president is entrusted to be the steward of our country as a whole.
I think people have to face a very simple fact, republicans in congress are extreme ideologues when they aren't fools. But they know what they want and what they want is to suck on the teat of government until a corporation offers them another teat. The republican voters are their pansies and more often than not they vote their hatred of people who they think live off government. This is one of the great paradoxes of modern American politics, the people vote for people who are against the very thing they are truly for, power and privilege granted by corporate republicanism. Doing things for America is far from their value system as the useless pipeline vote proves once again. Those who believe in the myths of entitlement miss the elephant completely. Oh and they miss the entitled too. Education For A Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The indisputable fact remains that Republicans wasted time and taxpayer money on a Bill they knew in advance was going to be vetoed.

That's partisan politics, not working for the American people.
What would you say to the Democrat House and Senate members who voted in favor of the KXL bill?
Individual Congresscritters only have to worry about making a group of people happy. The president is entrusted to be the steward of our country as a whole.
Maybe that's why He approved the Alberta Clipper pipeline? :dunno:

Take a look at that project and tell me how it differs in design, scope, and purpose from the Keystone XL. Obama is no steward, he's a misguided obstructionist.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.
I think people have to face a very simple fact, republicans in congress are extreme ideologues when they aren't fools. But they know what they want and what they want is to suck on the teat of government until a corporation offers them another teat. The republican voters are their pansies and more often than not they vote their hatred of people who they think live off government. This is one of the great paradoxes of modern American politics, the people vote for people who are against the very thing they are truly for, power and privilege granted by corporate republicanism. Doing things for America is far from their value system as the useless pipeline vote proves once again. Those who believe in the myths of entitlement miss the elephant completely. Oh and they miss the entitled too. Education For A Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

oh brother. calling your fellow country men and women pansies? so what is your lovely name for the Democrat voters you of so much wisdom? by they way who did you steal all that barf from?
Both the House and Senate passed a Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Where's your boy king? :dunno:

yeah because we really need those 35 jobs Mr. H. :rolleyes-41: Besides, communist China has waited this long for their Canuck oil, they can wait a little longer :thup:

Construction jobs don't count?
assembling imported Indian pipes? No.

So the pipes assemble themselves?
do i have to spell it out for you? :banghead: Assembling those imported pipes is a domestic steel mill, jobs killer. Why don't you just put "I hate America" in your siggie and save everyone the time & trouble of figuring it out?
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