Republican mantra....Poor people do not suffer enough

Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How much do you give to charities? That's where you help your fellow man, not through government programs.


Individual donations to charity is a drop in the bucket. We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Individual charities cannot handle it

Sorry, but about 1/2 of We The People don't provide anything.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How many times do we get this thread ?

I dunno, how many threads does there need to be saying that "Trump was right" about being put under surveillance? Despite the fact it isn't what was said?

I don't keep track of that one.
Bullshit Individual donations to charity is a drop in the bucket.
Bullshit. We lead the world in charity and we would do more if you parasitic hatriots weren't stealing from us.
We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Bullshit. We the people did no such thing. The U.S. Constitution has never been amended to make that the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. You, the hatriots illegally created some programs to attempt to stay in power.
Individual charities cannot handle it
Bullshit. Yes they can. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation alone proves that every day. They do incredible work all over the world.
It sees them not as those who have had hard lives or encountered some bad luck or who could use help, but people who are fundamentally lazy and trying to scam the system. What they need is a lecture on bootstrap-pulling and maybe some humiliation, and then through that suffering they might improve their moral character enough to be worthy of the government benefits those with higher incomes enjoy.

exactly!! When Newt and Clinton ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed welfare.

Liberalism not only cripples its victims but encourages ever growing populations of them.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How much do you give to charities? That's where you help your fellow man, not through government programs.


Individual donations to charity is a drop in the bucket. We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Individual charities cannot handle it
Since the needy rely on charity to pick up the slack. We the people DONT provide all necessities.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.

The corollary from the righties on this is, "We're not getting F'ed in the A enough from the rich!"
We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Since the needy rely on charity to pick up the slack. We the people DONT provide all necessities.
Most of all - We the People overwhelmingly reject wrongwinger's illegal, unethical, bat-shit crazy view of destroying the U.S. Constitution, eliminating liberty, and stealing from the people.
IF the needy relied only on the alleged graciousness of the democrats they would starve.
We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Since the needy rely on charity to pick up the slack. We the people DONT provide all necessities.
Most of all - We the People overwhelmingly reject wrongwinger's illegal, unethical, bat-shit crazy view of destroying the U.S. Constitution, eliminating liberty, and stealing from the people.
IF the needy relied only on the alleged graciousness of the democrats they would starve.
and Republicans give more to charity than Democrats!! There are whole books on this!!
The War on Poverty provided people shelter, provided food, provided healthcare.....kept them alive How can that be a failure?
  1. It cost trillions and trillions of dollars
  2. There are still many people without shelter, food, and healthcare
  3. It violated the U.S. Constitution

It costs money to help the poor
It also costs money to maintain the largest military on earth

We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Since the needy rely on charity to pick up the slack. We the people DONT provide all necessities.
Most of all - We the People overwhelmingly reject wrongwinger's illegal, unethical, bat-shit crazy view of destroying the U.S. Constitution, eliminating liberty, and stealing from the people.
IF the needy relied only on the alleged graciousness of the democrats they would starve.
and Republicans give more to charity than Democrats!! There are whole books on this!!
No they don't

They contribute to their churches
We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Since the needy rely on charity to pick up the slack. We the people DONT provide all necessities.
Most of all - We the People overwhelmingly reject wrongwinger's illegal, unethical, bat-shit crazy view of destroying the U.S. Constitution, eliminating liberty, and stealing from the people.
IF the needy relied only on the alleged graciousness of the democrats they would starve.
and Republicans give more to charity than Democrats!! There are whole books on this!!
No they don't

They contribute to their churches

Republicans contribute more to charity everywhere!! There are whole books on this!!!
It costs money to help the poor
It also costs money to maintain the largest military on earth


yes better to cripple the poor with more andmore welfare than invest in star wars so we all don't get nuked by N Korea!!! See why we say liberalism is bsaed in pure ignorance?
the goof liberal is befuddled so tries to change the subject
You are fucking this country so your rich bitches can get more money that they don't need. And you want to give our already obscene defense budget $54 billion at the expense of average Americans. Fuck you! Fuck the right!
It costs money to help the poor
It also costs money to maintain the largest military on earth
The difference being, of course, is that one is the legal responsibility of the federal government and one is not. Can you guess which is which?

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