Republican mantra....Poor people do not suffer enough

Fuck you! Fuck the right!
You gotta really hate this country to do what you're doing to Americans.
We've come to expect that from you people though. There is a reason the American people call you lefties "hatriots". We're used to you hating the country, hating the people, hating liberty, hating the U.S. Constitution, etc.
We've come to expect that from you people though. There is a reason the American people call you lefties "hatriots". We're used to you hating the country, hating the people, hating liberty, hating the U.S. Constitution, etc.

this is why the liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb while he was slowly starving 60 million to death!! Whoops!
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obscene when we don't even have a star wars system yet that can shoot down N Korean nukes that can kill millions of us????
We need to cut that defense budget in half; close all these over 1000 bases around the world; end these bullshit fucking wars; get the hell out of Africa; and bring our troops home.
We need to cut that defense budget in half; close all these over 1000 bases around the world; end these bullshit fucking wars; get the hell out of Africa; and bring our troops home.
Well considering that unconditional entitlements are more than double the annual budget of defense, it's pretty clear we need to cut unconstitutional entitlements in half.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.

Say that to all the baby manufacturers sponging off of Welfare and child support while trying to find New men to impregnate them.
obscene when we don't even have a star wars system yet that can shoot down N Korean nukes that can kill millions of us????
We need to cut that defense budget in half; close all these over 1000 bases around the world; end these bullshit fucking wars; get the hell out of Africa; and bring our troops home.
Agree with part of what you said. We need to close bases in Countries that should be paying for their own militaries to defend themselves, or charging them what it costs to do it for them. Trump will do that.
All this is accompanied, of course, by the Republicans' eternal desire to cut taxes on the wealthy. So pay attention, because this is what Republicans do when they get the chance: They work like dogs to make the lives of those at the bottom and middle more difficult, while trying equally hard to ease the burdens so unjustly suffered by those at the top.

I never understood the whole, "Tax the rich to feed the poor" mantra of the left.

It's not like they are going to spend more or less money on the poor based on what taxes they take in. They just print more money if they have to.

/----- It's all class envy. "Vote democrat and we'll get even with those evil rich guys. We won't do anything to help you out of poverty but you'll get your revenge."

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