Republican mantra....Poor people do not suffer enough

What charities are capable of doing to help the needy pales in comparison to what We the People can do do help our fellow citizens
This literally may be the dumbest post in the history of USMB. We the people are the charity for our fellow people. We do not need government to do it. You want government to do it because you want to take by force and lower the standard of living to your level.

It isn't about charity with you at all. It's about punishing those that have more and dragging them down so you feel "equal" to them.

We the People decided to help our fellow Americans in need through welfare, Medicaid, housing assistance, food stamps, Social Security........something private charities are incapable of doing
No - we didn't. You the minority left-wing hatriots decided that. And it was 100% unconstitutional. In addition, charity is completely capable of handling everything. But it doesn't give you control over others - uh wrongwinger?
We the People

Our Constitution at work
We the People didn't amend the U.S. Constitution, snowflake. You, the minority hatriots created unconstitutional programs against the will of the people (like Obamacare). Which is why Republicans control the nation coast-to-coast right now.
Of course we did
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


Unlike you I was actually a sentient being when LBJ launched his "War on Poverty". The net result for the expenditure of well over 5 trillion dollars is more people are in poverty than when the "War" began. In other words, mr. dim bulb. The poor have remained poor, and the lower middle class have been made poor by the actions of government. When will morons like you figure out that your way doesn't work? How many people have to be harmed before your tiny little brain understands that your methods simply don't work?

Agree that the liberal war on poverty has been a failure. However the Republican war on poverty seems to be just kicking the poor off and igoring them. Then Republicans use stereotypes to attack the por to justify their actions. Americorp for example is not a bad idea. It needs to be tweaked to give government a smaller role bu it could be useful. We should be working on helping Americans who are poor to get them off of welfare by giving them the tools they need That is h you make this counry great.
The War on Poverty provided people shelter, provided food, provided healthcare.....kept them alive
How can that be a failure?

Because they already had those things. Is your goal to make more people poor? If that is indeed your goal then by all means carry on carrying on. On the other hand if your goal is to elevate them out of poverty than I submit your methods are faulty.
The War on Poverty provided people shelter, provided food, provided healthcare.....kept them alive
How can that be a failure?

The percentage of people considered to live in "poverty" in this country is almost exactly the same as it was 50 years ago when those programs were passed, despite spending well over a trillion dollars on them.

Sure sounds like success to me................

A trillion dollars over 50 years sure isn't much when you consider a defense budget that is over half a trillion dollars in one year.

It's actually five trillion dollars. And the result is there are more living in poverty than there were before.
Some things are more effectively done as individuals, others more effectively as a society
Charity is not done individually. It is done as a society. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is not just Bill Gates and it is not just Melinda Gates. There are hundreds of thousands of donors.
Very true And as wealthy as Bill and Melinda Gates are.......they pale in comparison with We the People
Wait...what?!? I thought you official false narrative is that the 1% owns 98% of the wealth in this nation?!? :lmao:

That's why We the People join the Gates' and other foundations. The real question is - why don't you the hatriots join in assisting in these foundations as well? :dunno:
OMG a drug test! Lol..
And don't sit there and act like leftist policies don't hurt the poor. You aren't fooling anyone but your retarded ilk.
Why are the fourth and fifth amendments so flexible, yet other preceding amendments are inviolable?

Is it part and parcel of Conservative doctrine that the poor have too much and the rich don't have enough?
The War on Poverty provided people shelter, provided food, provided healthcare.....kept them alive
How can that be a failure?

The percentage of people considered to live in "poverty" in this country is almost exactly the same as it was 50 years ago when those programs were passed, despite spending well over a trillion dollars on them.

Sure sounds like success to me................

A trillion dollars over 50 years sure isn't much when you consider a defense budget that is over half a trillion dollars in one year.

It's actually five trillion dollars. And the result is there are more living in poverty than there were before.

Poverty 50 years ago verses poverty today are like night and day... especially given the differences in what is required to get a good paying job today verses what was required back then... jobs are more skilled then they were back then. Widget screwing jobs that were top earners 50 years ago are now barely over minimum wage.
Is it part and parcel of Conservative doctrine that the poor have too much and the rich don't have enough?
It is "part and parcel" of the conservatives doctrine to uphold the U.S. Constitution. And no where does it authorize the federal government to take from one and give to another (while first wasting 90% of what was taken).

Why is it that the left finds such a simple and basic concept so difficult to grasp? We have hundreds of thousands of charities - let them do what they were designed to do and let government do what it was designed to do.
The poor are the pets of liberals. They are dragged out to show the world how good liberals are to the poor. Pets need do nothing for the support liberals give them. In fact, animals who work are considered abused by liberals. So too, asking or expecting the poor to do anything for themselves is abuse and anti poor.
OMG a drug test! Lol..
And don't sit there and act like leftist policies don't hurt the poor. You aren't fooling anyone but your retarded ilk.
Why are the fourth and fifth amendments so flexible, yet other preceding amendments are inviolable?

Is it part and parcel of Conservative doctrine that the poor have too much and the rich don't have enough?
Huh? Did you even read my post?
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How much do you give to charities? That's where you help your fellow man, not through government programs.
The War on Poverty provided people shelter, provided food, provided healthcare.....kept them alive How can that be a failure?
  1. It cost trillions and trillions of dollars
  2. There are still many people without shelter, food, and healthcare
  3. It violated the U.S. Constitution
Is it part and parcel of Conservative doctrine that the poor have too much and the rich don't have enough?
It is "part and parcel" of the conservatives doctrine to uphold the U.S. Constitution. And no where does it authorize the federal government to take from one and give to another (while first wasting 90% of what was taken).

Why is it that the left finds such a simple and basic concept so difficult to grasp? We have hundreds of thousands of charities - let them do what they were designed to do and let government do what it was designed to do.
Are you channeling the ghost of Herbert Hoover? How did that work out?

If you find any and all entitlements; welfare, food stamps, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, farm subsidies, corporate welfare including tax breaks as incentive, Pell Grants, every penny to be unconstitutional, why are they in place? Haven't they already been adjudicated as constitutional?

Having a very narrow view of the constitutional should be consistent. Slavery is legal in that document and slaves are counted as 3/5 a person.

If you want to strictly adhere to the 1789 document, you believe that, essentially, the federal government is there to deliver the mail, defend the sea shore, protect our rights and get out of the way. A grand formula if you want society to stay stuck in the 18th century. No paved roads, rum used as anesthetic and no American settlement west of the Mississippi..
Every associate and employee at my husband's firm is subject to a pre employment drug screen and random checks after employment.
All corporations have drug screening as does the government. Plus back ground checks.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How much do you give to charities? That's where you help your fellow man, not through government programs.


Individual donations to charity is a drop in the bucket. We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education to tens of millions
Individual charities cannot handle it
Last edited:
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How much do you give to charities? That's where you help your fellow man, not through government programs.


Individual donations to charity is a drop in the bucket. We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Individual charities cannot handle it

Not to mention...when a person donates to charity that charity can pick and chose who they decided to help, many times on something that isn't even related to need but something else. Like for example there is a homeless shelter in the town I live, and the man who runs it would only let people stay there that would go to HIS church, and go to it every Sunday morning and night, and Wednesdays... and someone just as needy or more that didn't follow that rule he would kick out after 3 days.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How many times do we get this thread ?
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How much do you give to charities? That's where you help your fellow man, not through government programs.


Individual donations to charity is a drop in the bucket. We the People provide housing, health insurance, food, education
Individual charities cannot handle it

Afraid you are the one spouting bulls**t.
If you find any and all entitlements; welfare, food stamps, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, farm subsidies, corporate welfare including tax breaks as incentive, Pell Grants, every penny to be unconstitutional, why are they in place?
Because we have unethical representatives who buy their way into power with taxpayer money and we have greedy, unethical citizens like weingwinger who cheer them on and support it.
Haven't they already been adjudicated as constitutional?
Having a very narrow view of the constitutional should be consistent.
Having any view should be consistent. But proclaiming I have a "narrow" view of the law is like proclaiming to an officer who pulled you over for going 55 in a 35 that he has a "narrow view of the speed limit". You can't have a "narrow view" of the law. It says what it says.
If you want to strictly adhere to the 1789 document, you believe that, essentially, the federal government is there to deliver the mail, defend the sea shore, protect our rights and get out of the way. A grand formula if you want society to stay stuck in the 18th century. No paved roads, rum used as anesthetic and no American settlement west of the Mississippi..
Why - because states aren't capable of doing anything beyond the 18th century? Come on Nosmo King - that's an absurd argument.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


How many times do we get this thread ?

I dunno, how many threads does there need to be saying that "Trump was right" about being put under surveillance? Despite the fact it isn't what was said?

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