Republican Mike Crapo Blocks Democrat Maggie Hassan's Bill To Suspend Gas Tax Until End Of Year

Winson, you are as phony as the day is long. Are you uninformed, a partisan, or just that damn DUMB!

Here is the production. Look at both the blue line, then scroll down, and look at actual production. DO YOU notice that team Obysmal could NEVER hit even our output from 1971! U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Dude, this is a GOVERNMENT chart! Did you see that from the time of Obysmals last year in the height of our economic expansion in 2019, after all the regs were reduced and everything else, our oil output was up almost 25%, and yes......gasp.....FINALLY surpassed 1971!

And then your guy, Biden took over. Look what happened! Just don't look at the blue line, scroll down and compare 19 with 21! 20 was a pandemic year, so we can throw that out because oil production was purposely brought down to prop up the price. Trump ADMITTED that!

So you are of base. Either learn something, or just say you are a Leftist.

Supplies were plentiful during the pandemic because no one was driving. My 11 mile commute to work and my wife's 60 mile commute to work vanished! It had nothing to do with production being slowed. Production slowed because there was no place to put the oil!
The Democrat filth fucked up the price of gas at the pump with their crazy Environmental Wacko policies and now they know they are going to get their asses kicked in the midterm elections so they are doing everything possible to change the cost, except domestic drilling. Hell President Potatoead even begged the Saudis to bail out the Democrat Party.

The high cost of fuel is the price we Americans have to pay for the stupidity of letting the Democrats steal the election.

First the Democrat shitheads begged other countries for the oil to bail them util until the election was over. When that didn't work Potatohead decided to drain the strategic oil reserves. Now they are trying to raid the Highway Trust fund to cover up their stupidity.

It is good that we know that price on election day lest we forget.
I am actually glad to see this being blocked. If the tax is suspended until 2023 then they will keep suspending it and it will then be removed entirely.

Keep taxing. It pays for roads

Yep, we are too damn far in debt to be doing dumb shit like this
Total policy gimmick.

lt will give the demoiccrats an excuse to subsequently raise fuel taxes, on the pretext that the highway funds are depleted.

Oil producers make just about 10 cents in profits on gallon of gas.
The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18 cents per gallon and 24 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.
State governments are taxing from 9 cents per gallon in Alaska, to 59 cents in Pennsylvania.
Who exactly is to blame for high gas prices?
Biden gas is unchanged in my blue state at $5.07 a gallon. Dems are nothing but hot air, they have yet to reverse a single 'climate' policy to reduce the price of gas. Way to care about the poor and working class Dems you assholes!
Oil producers make just about 10 cents in profits on gallon of gas.
The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18 cents per gallon and 24 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.
State governments are taxing from 9 cents per gallon in Alaska, to 59 cents in Pennsylvania.
Who exactly is to blame for high gas prices?
That 10 cents a gallon is for refined products. Oil companies make about 1-2 cents for every gallon of oil taken out the ground.

The government makes a whole lot more money off a gallon of gas at the pump than the people who provide it. That is with no overhead.
Those are STATE taxes causing that increased cost. Dropping the federal gas tax would be like throwing rocks in the Grand Canyon to try and fill it up, all the while digging a new canyon to get the rocks!
I mentioned those States because they are the Lowest Priced in Country ( When they pay what we pay in California they will anger enough
I mentioned those States because they are the Lowest Priced in Country ( When they pay what we pay in California they will anger enough
That will never happen because of California's gas tax which I found to be 51 cents per gallon. Gas here is down to the $3.60s per gallon right now with a state gas tax of 26 cents per gallon.

I took a trip to California from Florida in 2004. My daughter bought gas on the Navy base which at that time was exempt from state taxes. It was nearly double what I was paying in Florida.

The lowest gas prices are in Oklahoma at $3.71and Arkansas at $3.73. New Jersey isn't even close at $4,12 and Texas is closer with $3.75.

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That will never happen because of California's gas tax which I found to be 51 cents per gallon. Gas here is down to the $3.60s per gallon right now with a state gas tax of 26 cents per gallon.

I took a trip to California from Florida in 2004. My daughter bought gas on the Navy base which at that time was exempt from state taxes. It was nearly double what I was paying in Florida.

The lowest gas prices are in Oklahoma at $3.71and Arkansas at $3.73. New Jersey isn't even close at $4,12 and Texas is closer with $3.75.

So When Oklahomans are paying 6.50 $ per they will take it with no Condom or Lube and stay silent ?
So then, you make an assertion, I show you a government chart that proves you wrong, and you claim I am dumb? OK!

See, there in lies the problem folks. If we are not using the same facts and figures, why even try. It is NOT supposition what I said when looking at our own governments chart of production, it is actual fact. Instead of trying to explain how the chart may be accurate, but circumstances caused this...........because of......this, I am the dumb one I suppose, for posting the chart in the 1st place, in the world according to him.

Like I stated-------->when they make a statement, you prove them wrong, then they move the goalposts on the discussion, the only reason to even respond is---------->for the 3rd and 4th person reading the thread who is on the fence deciding which way to fall. It seems that is working quite well across all media, since Leftists could be on the verge of extinction, if things get any worse for them. One can only hope!

If you want to see what has his panties in a wad, look at the link in post 13. It explains what Leftists try to tell you about production under Biden and Trump; and Obama for that matter, is 100% bassackwards.
Your chart is meaningless without understanding. Oil production dropped dramatically in 2020, Trump was president. I guess his hostile environmental policies caused oil companies to quit producing. And production is up now and continuing upwards, how is that happening if Biden has implemented such harsh environmental regulations? I notice, you have yet to name a single action he has done to discourage production just like you have yet to name a single action Trump did to encourage production.

U.S. oil firms slashed production in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic destroyed demand and supply has not yet recovered to pre-Covid levels. In 2019, the U.S. produced 12.29 million barrels of crude oil per day, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

That figure was 11.28 million in 2020 and is estimated to be 11.18 million in 2021 and 11.85 million in 2022.

100,000 barrels a day less in 2021 than 2020, except you got a little problem--check out the original post you are so proud of, click through to where the information came from. Through 2020 oil within the pipelines was counted as production, in 2021 that practice stopped. There is your 100,000 barrels. 2022 prediction is conservative, and with the changing dynamics it should be higher. Regardless, in 2023 we will surpass the 2019 record, now what is it you were saying about Biden destroying production?

Nor have you really addressed the point at hand, a reprieve from the federal gas tax. As I stated, the price of gasoline is about controlling demand and has little basis on the cost of oil. Eliminating the gas tax will increase the profits of the oil companies just as much, if not more, than it will put savings in American driver's pockets. And THAT will encourage more production.

The Republican opposition is mere political posturing, just like the opposition to the release from the strategic oil reserve. Furthermore, Republicans have not presented a single proposal to help alleviate the problem of high gas prices, or even inflation for that matter. How hard is it to realize that they have no interest in representing the American people or solving problems. They have their eye on one thing, the mid-terms. They want to complain and complain and offer no solutions. Instead of solving the problems this country faces they seek means of dividing the country and fabricate problems, like CRT, transgender men in the ladies restroom--a fawking strategy that harkens back to the defeat of the ERA half a century ago.

Enough already. I mean are quickly approaching a full blown crisis situation. Putin is withdrawing to resupply and is going to go back into Ukraine with unseen fury. He is like a wildcat pushed into a corner and things are going to get ugly, fast. China is onboard with him, India remains neutral, and Europe is going to be faced with an energy crisis unprecedented in world history. This is not a time to be worried about the fawking midterms. It is a time to work together to solidify America's place as the dominant world power. Putin's misstep presents us with the golden opportunity we have been waiting for and we are going to piss it away as Republicans double down on the stupid that was the Trump administration. Putin is banking on it. A hundred years from now, when the United States is little more than a third world country, with half the population living in poverty and a small fraction of elites eclipsing the wealth of the oligarchs of Russia, historians will point at the genius of Putin, who helped install the real Manchurian candidate, Donald Trump, as president, and successfully divide the American people and render the political institutions completely ineffective.

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