Republican Münchausen syndrome by proxy

One of the Republican endless talking points for the last five years has been Obama's lack of experience. My view from his books is that most every minute of his life has been exposure to what a US President needs in order to do his job. That's why he's been extraordinarily successful.

Business, not government, runs business. The role of government is the necessary regulation of business to foster competition, and to keep the objectives of business consistent with the will of we, the people. He has many business people advising him on that.

I believe that President Bush demonstrated the limitations of a President with only business experience. Never again.

I've asked this question so many times before and progressives like yourself always run away from it with their hands over their ears...

Name the exceptional things that Barack Obama has done...either as a a law school instructor...or as a legislator. My point was that since getting the "gift that keeps on giving"...his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review...he's done nothing other than milk that one appointment for a lifetime of cushy jobs and six figure book deals. He wasn't a great lawyer...wasn't a great college lecturer...and was an abysmal legislator.
Everyone loves a baseball analogy. This one seems to have found a home. You fuckers hate it when the truth is dropped on you.

The "truth", Laugher? Since when has the Obama Administration been handing out the "truth"? Jay Carney has told so many lies in the last two months he could be a charter member of the Liars Anonymous Club.
Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.

We aren't on the same team, dipstick. The Dims are trying to destroy this country.

And, of course, it's hilarious the way you Obama fluffers condemn exactly what you were so eager to do when Bush was in office. Many of the Dims in Congress were cheering for America to lose the war in Iraq. Left-wing journalists would gloat every time a U.S. serviceman was killed. That was beyond despicable.

LOL The american people handed your asses to you just a few short months ago!!:laugh2:

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Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.

We aren't on the same team, dipstick. The Dims are trying to destroy this country.

And, of course, it's hilarious the way you Obama fluffers condemn exactly what you were so eager to do when Bush was in office. Many of the Dims in Congress were cheering for America to lose the war in Iraq. Left-wing journalists would gloat every time a U.S. serviceman was killed. That was beyond despicable.

LOL The american people handed your asses to you just a few short months ago!!:laugh2:


And look what we have to show for it!

We could have had Mitt Romney...instead we've got another four years of the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". Gee, wonder is we could get a "mulligan" on that last election...
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Everyone loves a baseball analogy. This one seems to have found a home. You fuckers hate it when the truth is dropped on you.

The "truth", Laugher? Since when has the Obama Administration been handing out the "truth"? Jay Carney has told so many lies in the last two months he could be a charter member of the Liars Anonymous Club.

Way to miss the point. You rock.
We haven't got all of those things that you mention. The propaganda wing of the GOP, through Rush and Rupert et al, has them, and that's all that they have in the complete absence of Republican accomplishment.

Until that changes, Republicans are marching lock step into extinction.

The only unanswered question is who, what, when will replace them.

The conservative fashion has outlived its 15 minutes of fame.

oh goody, another parrot, it's rush's..

the gop is dead, all hale the Democrats
The biggest indicator of our present political situation is that not even hard core Republicans have anything positive to say about their accomplishments.

The absolute best that they can, and do, say is that Democrats are even worse than they are.

The GOP is beyond the point of no return. They, like all of the species gone extinct before them, are counting on the environment changing back to what once was for their survival.

The environment doesn't care what they want.

Lmao..... only in your dreams do you expect the U.S. to survive with out the fiscal conservatives, the war hawks and the like. Hell this place would end up like China during the opium days when the Brits attack them.

The Brits attacked China because China outlawed the sale of opium, and the Brits were making fortunes on it. How would we end up like China and who is going to attack us, and why?

Happy to see you know a bit about history. but since you do know a little bit. what I read and know 2/3rd of China was hooked on that crap at the time and you do know it was a downer right? they were lazy as hell with their costal defense. to busy getting high I guess. my analogy is the same if the cons princeble values die out we are so fucked. Just asking you please ......are their any fiscal conservative democrats now a days? would like a link and read about him or her.....
Everyone loves a baseball analogy. This one seems to have found a home. You fuckers hate it when the truth is dropped on you.

The "truth", Laugher? Since when has the Obama Administration been handing out the "truth"? Jay Carney has told so many lies in the last two months he could be a charter member of the Liars Anonymous Club.

Way to miss the point. You rock.

I grasp the "point" of your posts, Laugher. You're digging deep to come up with reasons why there shouldn't be investigations into scandals like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the AP because you know that if there really ARE investigations that the Obama Administration is going to get egg on their faces.

While you talk about the "truth"...Barry, Hilary and Eric are doing their very best Sgt. Shultz imitation. They don't know ANYTHING about ANYTHING! They keep trotting out Jay Carney to change their latest lie to yet another lie while people like Lois Lerner take the 5th as they declare their innocence. This Administration has almost zero credibility at this point. They've told lies and been caught doing so...SO many times it's almost comical. But you don't "see" you?:cuckoo:
The "truth", Laugher? Since when has the Obama Administration been handing out the "truth"? Jay Carney has told so many lies in the last two months he could be a charter member of the Liars Anonymous Club.

Way to miss the point. You rock.

I grasp the "point" of your posts, Laugher. You're digging deep to come up with reasons why there shouldn't be investigations into scandals like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the AP because you know that if there really ARE investigations that the Obama Administration is going to get egg on their faces.

While you talk about the "truth"...Barry, Hilary and Eric are doing their very best Sgt. Shultz imitation. They don't know ANYTHING about ANYTHING! They keep trotting out Jay Carney to change their latest lie to yet another lie while people like Lois Lerner take the 5th as they declare their innocence. This Administration has almost zero credibility at this point. They've told lies and been caught doing so...SO many times it's almost comical. But you don't "see" you?:cuckoo:

No. I was simply commenting on nutters and their penchant for rooting for the failure of the President. You are wayyyyyyyyyy to thoughtful on the subject of my post. See my original post. It is really quite simple.
Be honest with yourself...when even Jon Stewart is mocking this Administration for their lack of've got yourself a serious problem.

This end run around the 1st Amendment by the Holder Justice Department is one of the dumber things I've ever seen an administration do. In order to protect themselves (I guess) from some bad press, they go after the AP with highly dubious wiretaps and e-mail scoops. So now the very group that always sheltered this collection of bumbling idiots from harsh criticism is pissed off at them. Who would be THAT stupid?
CaféAuLait;7270098 said:
If you are going to try to hurl insults you might want to get you medical conditions straight. Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) is child abuse. But I suppose you will try to assert that next. :eusa_eh:

As for the rest of you thread the search feature might have come in handy...

You might want to try using that search feature yourself. I don't think you're stupid (am I wrong), so
I'm sure you already know many words and phrases have more than one definition - for the purposes
of this analogy, I chose/choose to use one of the definitions from the Cleveland Clinic, find the definition here > Certain characteristics are common in a person with MSP:
Might also suffer from Munchausen syndrome (This is a related disorder in which the caregiver repeatedly acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she has caused the symptoms.)

Republicans keep making stuff up then tell the American people that they're the victims and-----and expect the American people to sympathize with their victimhood -- very Rovian -- very MSP.

Uh, sure whatever you say, stretching there quite a bit. Still does not work, even with your Walt Disney colored letters. lol

Next, I suppose you'll claim the AP and the Justice department are lying about tapping phones of AP reporters and Fox News reporters and are just "victims" of conservatives abusing them. That the IRS did not target conservative groups as they stated they did.
Way to miss the point. You rock.

I grasp the "point" of your posts, Laugher. You're digging deep to come up with reasons why there shouldn't be investigations into scandals like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the AP because you know that if there really ARE investigations that the Obama Administration is going to get egg on their faces.

While you talk about the "truth"...Barry, Hilary and Eric are doing their very best Sgt. Shultz imitation. They don't know ANYTHING about ANYTHING! They keep trotting out Jay Carney to change their latest lie to yet another lie while people like Lois Lerner take the 5th as they declare their innocence. This Administration has almost zero credibility at this point. They've told lies and been caught doing so...SO many times it's almost comical. But you don't "see" you?:cuckoo:

No. I was simply commenting on nutters and their penchant for rooting for the failure of the President. You are wayyyyyyyyyy to thoughtful on the subject of my post. See my original post. It is really quite simple.

Sigh, it's not that I'm "rooting for the failure of the President", Laugher...I'm simply pointing out their rather obvious fuck ups and then their equally obvious attempts to cover up those fuck ups. That's not rooting for someone to's pointing out that they HAVE.
It's time for this Administration to put on their "big boy pants" and take responsibility for the things that are going on in this government. I'm sorry but they ARE in charge. It can't ALWAYS be the fault of someone else! When you're the guy in charge you have to take your share of the blame for bad policies and bad results from those policies.
be honest with yourself...when even jon stewart is mocking this administration for their lack of've got yourself a serious problem.

This end run around the 1st amendment by the holder justice department is one of the dumber things i've ever seen an administration do. In order to protect themselves (i guess) from some bad press, they go after the ap with highly dubious wiretaps and e-mail scoops. So now the very group that always sheltered this collection of bumbling idiots from harsh criticism is pissed off at them. Who would be that stupid?

what wiretaps??????????
From birthers to black panthers to Reverend Wright to Acorn to Shirley Sherrod to..., well you know, the list of fake scandals is almost endless. One made up scandal after another, but...
"The mostly media driven scandal talk involving President Obama has so far stirred barely a yawn among the public. There are good reasons. The four alleged scandals, Benghazi, the IRS, the AP leaks, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius supposed shakedown of corporations to help implement the health care act don't come close to passing the smell test for a public fogging of the president. There is absolutely no clear-cut evidence or testimony that Obama had any knowledge of or hand in the missteps. And the comparison to Watergate, or Nixon, is a joke and an insult."


And yet, for all the Republican lies and BS...
"According to a slew of new polls that have been taken in the past four days, Obama's approval rating has remained constant, and in some cases risen, even as the public continues to pay careful attention to the scandals."
Lets ask Lois how she feels about this media driven scandal.
even after the President won re election and can't run anymore the rightwingnuts STILL hope he fails :eusa_doh: Partisan much?
even after the President won re election and can't run anymore the rightwingnuts STILL hope he fails :eusa_doh: Partisan much?

they don't have to hope...he has shown himself to be nothing but a failure..unemployment still high after his first term, the people he put in charge of these agencies is now scandal after scandal..he NEVER steps up and takes Responsibility, it's always someone elses fault.. except when it came to Bin Laden, then he crowed like a banshee how HE KILLED HIM

so no they don't have to HOPE..and that ole Hopey Changy thing he fooled you people to vote for him is a failure too

even after the President won re election and can't run anymore the rightwingnuts STILL hope he fails :eusa_doh: Partisan much?

Obama's "failures" have less to do with his critics than they do with his agenda and the people he has surrounded himself with to implement that agenda.

Eric Holder was sleazy LONG before I even heard of Barack Obama. The fact that HE ended up as our Attorney General after facilitating the Marc Rich pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration is shameful.
From birthers to black panthers to Reverend Wright to Acorn to Shirley Sherrod to..., well you know, the list of fake scandals is almost endless. One made up scandal after another, but...
"The mostly media driven scandal talk involving President Obama has so far stirred barely a yawn among the public. There are good reasons. The four alleged scandals, Benghazi, the IRS, the AP leaks, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius supposed shakedown of corporations to help implement the health care act don't come close to passing the smell test for a public fogging of the president. There is absolutely no clear-cut evidence or testimony that Obama had any knowledge of or hand in the missteps. And the comparison to Watergate, or Nixon, is a joke and an insult."


And yet, for all the Republican lies and BS...
"According to a slew of new polls that have been taken in the past four days, Obama's approval rating has remained constant, and in some cases risen, even as the public continues to pay careful attention to the scandals."
Lets ask Lois how she feels about this media driven scandal.

I don't think any of today's so-called "scandals" reaches the level of scandal but-----but I hope what's going on with the IRS shines enough light on types of tax exempt status' that has never been voted on by congress - of course I'm referring to the IRS taking the liberty of changing the code in 1959. Between changing the word "exclusive" to "primarily" in 1959 was confusing enough but-----but when the SCOTUS ruled that Citizens United was constitutional it left the IRS in the impossible position of defining the undefinable. By shining a bright light on this fuck-up maybe, just maybe we the people can stop subsidizing political groups we don't necessarily agree with. i for one am cheering rightwingers to keep this, ehem, 'scandal' alive.

As for your political 'blood sister' Lois Lerner this is what I wrote in a thread titled Monica Goodling: "...all throughout the Bush government, the Bushies embedded political types into civil service positions.

Another one of these moles popped her head out of the dirt recently; it's interesting that the whistle-blower for the IRS 'so-called scandal' is a Bush appointee (Lois Lerner) and-----and she's (Lois Lerner) the only person (Lois Lerner) to be called before Darrell Issa's fishing expedition to invoke the fifth.

Sarah Jones: "What I’ve taken from all of these scandals so far is that by Republicans refusing to allow Obama his own nominees, they’ve saddled him with their appointees, who may or may not have an agenda and may or may not be utterly incompetent. That’s a nifty game. So now Bush appointee Lois Lerner, who claims to be “nonpolitical” but yet donated the maximum amount to Romney if this Open Secrets note is the right Lois Lerner, is the Obama administration’s undoing according to Republicans."

Now, do you see why Monica Goodling's unethical hiring practices are important now and will be important for the next 10, 20 even 30 years after the fact?"

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