Republican Münchausen syndrome by proxy

You came here month after month after month when George Bush was in office ranting about the supposed "lies" that he told but now that Barack Obama is in office and his Press Secretary has become synonymous with blatant falsehoods not a peep out of you about the lies that they are exposed telling? The person who lacks morals here is you, TM.
The biggest indicator of our present political situation is that not even hard core Republicans have anything positive to say about their accomplishments.

The absolute best that they can, and do, say is that Democrats are even worse than they are.

The GOP is beyond the point of no return. They, like all of the species gone extinct before them, are counting on the environment changing back to what once was for their survival.

The environment doesn't care what they want.
How long can they get away with blaming Bush? The administration is on the ropes with scandal after scandal and all the president can say is "duh, I only knew about it when I read it in the papers" and the excuse makers say "it wasn't criminal, it was just incompetence".
The biggest indicator of our present political situation is that not even hard core Republicans have anything positive to say about their accomplishments.

The absolute best that they can, and do, say is that Democrats are even worse than they are.

The GOP is beyond the point of no return. They, like all of the species gone extinct before them, are counting on the environment changing back to what once was for their survival.

The environment doesn't care what they want.

So the Democrats are in charge and we've got Fast & Furious...we've got Benghazi...we've got the AP scandal...we've got the IRS scandal...we've got the James Rosen scandal...but it's the GOP that you find fault with? LOL Wow!!!
The point was made by many (myself included) that Barack Obama didn't have the executive experience needed to run a large organization. What we're seeing now is what happens when someone who's in WAY over their heads is exposed for their lack of competence.

Repeatedly claiming that you "didn't know" is not an excuse for being clueless about how the country is being run.
they keep making fools of themselves by screaming bloody murder and everyone turns arrround and they are biting their own fingernails to the quick.

they are looking like a completely insane party with no morals.

Only cons cant see it

Ok, "Ms. Morals" to explain why Lois Lerner just took the 5th if there was nothing wrong going on at the IRS?

Nobody in this Administration knows anything about anything...or they are taking the 5th. But you see the GOP as the ones lacking morals? LOL Really?:cuckoo:

She doesn't want to commit perjury?

The Nine Lies of Lois Lerner | National Review Online

Can't get caught in a lie if you don't say anything under oath.
We haven't got all of those things that you mention. The propaganda wing of the GOP, through Rush and Rupert et al, has them, and that's all that they have in the complete absence of Republican accomplishment.

Until that changes, Republicans are marching lock step into extinction.

The only unanswered question is who, what, when will replace them.

The conservative fashion has outlived its 15 minutes of fame.
Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.

We aren't on the same team, dipstick. The Dims are trying to destroy this country.

And, of course, it's hilarious the way you Obama fluffers condemn exactly what you were so eager to do when Bush was in office. Many of the Dims in Congress were cheering for America to lose the war in Iraq. Left-wing journalists would gloat every time a U.S. serviceman was killed. That was beyond despicable.

Of course we aren't on the same team. The nation is divided into two teams, both diametrically opposed to one another. That's why it has no alternative but to break up.
The biggest indicator of our present political situation is that not even hard core Republicans have anything positive to say about their accomplishments.

The absolute best that they can, and do, say is that Democrats are even worse than they are.

The GOP is beyond the point of no return. They, like all of the species gone extinct before them, are counting on the environment changing back to what once was for their survival.

The environment doesn't care what they want.

So the Democrats are in charge and we've got Fast & Furious...we've got Benghazi...we've got the AP scandal...we've got the IRS scandal...we've got the James Rosen scandal...but it's the GOP that you find fault with? LOL Wow!!!

Certainly doesn't rise to to level of Republican administration with 9-11, Iraqi WMD lies, systemic torture, Iran-Contra, fact it's not even close.
One of the Republican endless talking points for the last five years has been Obama's lack of experience. My view from his books is that most every minute of his life has been exposure to what a US President needs in order to do his job. That's why he's been extraordinarily successful.

Business, not government, runs business. The role of government is the necessary regulation of business to foster competition, and to keep the objectives of business consistent with the will of we, the people. He has many business people advising him on that.

I believe that President Bush demonstrated the limitations of a President with only business experience. Never again.
From birthers to black panthers to Reverend Wright to Acorn to Shirley Sherrod to..., well you know, the list of fake scandals is almost endless. One made up scandal after another, but...
"The mostly media driven scandal talk involving President Obama has so far stirred barely a yawn among the public. There are good reasons. The four alleged scandals, Benghazi, the IRS, the AP leaks, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius supposed shakedown of corporations to help implement the health care act don't come close to passing the smell test for a public fogging of the president. There is absolutely no clear-cut evidence or testimony that Obama had any knowledge of or hand in the missteps. And the comparison to Watergate, or Nixon, is a joke and an insult."


And yet, for all the Republican lies and BS...
"According to a slew of new polls that have been taken in the past four days, Obama's approval rating has remained constant, and in some cases risen, even as the public continues to pay careful attention to the scandals."

So let's set the record straight. You believe these are "fake scandals" therefore you believe this is all ordinary normal lawful behaviors on the part of liberals? In effect you're owning the fact that liberals are scumbags. It's gratifying to realize that you know what and who you are.
The biggest indicator of our present political situation is that not even hard core Republicans have anything positive to say about their accomplishments.

The absolute best that they can, and do, say is that Democrats are even worse than they are.

The GOP is beyond the point of no return. They, like all of the species gone extinct before them, are counting on the environment changing back to what once was for their survival.

The environment doesn't care what they want.

Lmao..... only in your dreams do you expect the U.S. to survive with out the fiscal conservatives, the war hawks and the like. Hell this place would end up like China during the opium days when the Brits attack them.
Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.

you wouldn't realize greatness if it bit you in the ass.
Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.

We aren't on the same team, dipstick. The Dims are trying to destroy this country.

And, of course, it's hilarious the way you Obama fluffers condemn exactly what you were so eager to do when Bush was in office. Many of the Dims in Congress were cheering for America to lose the war in Iraq. Left-wing journalists would gloat every time a U.S. serviceman was killed. That was beyond despicable.

Of course we aren't on the same team. The nation is divided into two teams, both diametrically opposed to one another. That's why it has no alternative but to break up.

Sorry. We are on the same team. We are in this together. You are both weak-minded and hardly deserve what this great country offers you.
The biggest indicator of our present political situation is that not even hard core Republicans have anything positive to say about their accomplishments.

The absolute best that they can, and do, say is that Democrats are even worse than they are.

The GOP is beyond the point of no return. They, like all of the species gone extinct before them, are counting on the environment changing back to what once was for their survival.

The environment doesn't care what they want.

Lmao..... only in your dreams do you expect the U.S. to survive with out the fiscal conservatives, the war hawks and the like. Hell this place would end up like China during the opium days when the Brits attack them.

The Brits attacked China because China outlawed the sale of opium, and the Brits were making fortunes on it. How would we end up like China and who is going to attack us, and why?
We haven't got all of those things that you mention. The propaganda wing of the GOP, through Rush and Rupert et al, has them, and that's all that they have in the complete absence of Republican accomplishment.

Until that changes, Republicans are marching lock step into extinction.

The only unanswered question is who, what, when will replace them.

The conservative fashion has outlived its 15 minutes of fame.

So now you're claiming that Fast & Furious never happened? That our ambassador in Libya and three others were not killed? That the IRS didn't target conservative groups? That the Justice Department didn't abuse the 1st Amendment rights of both the AP reporters and the FOX News reporters?

You've got your head buried so deep in the sand right now, PMZ that it's embarrassing to watch you in action. Seriously...
One of the Republican endless talking points for the last five years has been Obama's lack of experience. My view from his books is that most every minute of his life has been exposure to what a US President needs in order to do his job. That's why he's been extraordinarily successful.

Business, not government, runs business. The role of government is the necessary regulation of business to foster competition, and to keep the objectives of business consistent with the will of we, the people. He has many business people advising him on that.

I believe that President Bush demonstrated the limitations of a President with only business experience. Never again.

Bush only had business experience? You show yourself to be more ignorant with each post you make here. George Bush was the Gov. of Texas, you buffoon!
We aren't on the same team, dipstick. The Dims are trying to destroy this country.

And, of course, it's hilarious the way you Obama fluffers condemn exactly what you were so eager to do when Bush was in office. Many of the Dims in Congress were cheering for America to lose the war in Iraq. Left-wing journalists would gloat every time a U.S. serviceman was killed. That was beyond despicable.

Of course we aren't on the same team. The nation is divided into two teams, both diametrically opposed to one another. That's why it has no alternative but to break up.

Sorry. We are on the same team. We are in this together. You are both weak-minded and hardly deserve what this great country offers you.

You mean what this no longer great country decides what I get to keep out of what I created don't you?

We are not on the same team. There is no point on which compromise could bring us to the same team. That is over no matter how many times you try to rescussitate this dead horse. All that remains is the formality of the split.

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