Republican Pac Uses Senate Shooting for political gain commercial in Georgia Run

I love it because it accurately identifies and portrays the trithe red left as they should be.
How so... more specifically, who on the Left is applauding the shooting? Please post a link.

More so, the ad claims that if Ossoff wins then these violent democrats win. With that logic one could say that Trumps win represents a win for the worst of his supporters including the KKK, alt-right extremists, the David Dukes, etc. Is that a fair argument to make? Are we going to start defining our leaders by the cherry picked actions of the worst of their supporters?


Both sides do it and all sides have done it since the government was founded.

Unless and until you can prove there is lible, slander or criminal intent involved.... it is the very kind of political / free speech that our 1st Amendment was designed to protect.

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way. Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.
I never claimed that it was illegal. You can walk around telling everybody that you are a purple elephant and i'll probably give you the same amount of respect and attention that I do the rants of wingnuts on both sides.

When I see a racists redneck popping off, I don't point a finger at Republicans... when people do point the finger I give them as much credit as i'm giving you for characterizing dems for the violent actions of a fraction of extremists. ZERO

Here's a quiz. . .

How much credit am I giving YOU right now?
I'd say you're giving me a pretty good amount of credit given you are trying to use MY lines back against me.

Nothing from nothing. . .
How so... more specifically, who on the Left is applauding the shooting? Please post a link.

More so, the ad claims that if Ossoff wins then these violent democrats win. With that logic one could say that Trumps win represents a win for the worst of his supporters including the KKK, alt-right extremists, the David Dukes, etc. Is that a fair argument to make? Are we going to start defining our leaders by the cherry picked actions of the worst of their supporters?


Both sides do it and all sides have done it since the government was founded.

Unless and until you can prove there is lible, slander or criminal intent involved.... it is the very kind of political / free speech that our 1st Amendment was designed to protect.

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way. Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.
I never claimed that it was illegal. You can walk around telling everybody that you are a purple elephant and i'll probably give you the same amount of respect and attention that I do the rants of wingnuts on both sides.

When I see a racists redneck popping off, I don't point a finger at Republicans... when people do point the finger I give them as much credit as i'm giving you for characterizing dems for the violent actions of a fraction of extremists. ZERO

Here's a quiz. . .

How much credit am I giving YOU right now?
I'd say you're giving me a pretty good amount of credit given you are trying to use MY lines back against me.

Nothing from nothing. . .
means nothing.

A bridge too far or appropriate?

youtube doesn't load at work... so no idea.

I posted about this yesterday --- basically they're saying Jon Osoff represents baseball snipers and if you vote for him that's what you get.

Again, like the babyman poster, climbing on the backs of victims so they can score their own POINTS.

I will remember this angle for the next time someone on the right shoots and kills an abortionist and any of you leftardz try to use that shooting for political gain or to further YOUR agenda.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.
Last edited:
youtube doesn't load at work... so no idea.

I posted about this yesterday --- basically they're saying Jon Osoff represents baseball snipers and if you vote for him that's what you get.

Again, like the babyman poster, climbing on the backs of victims so they can score their own POINTS.

I will remember this angle for the next time someone on the right shoots and kills an abortionist and any of you leftardz try to use that shooting for political gain or to further YOUR agenda.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.

youtube doesn't load at work... so no idea.

I posted about this yesterday --- basically they're saying Jon Osoff represents baseball snipers and if you vote for him that's what you get.

Again, like the babyman poster, climbing on the backs of victims so they can score their own POINTS.

I will remember this angle for the next time someone on the right shoots and kills an abortionist and any of you leftardz try to use that shooting for political gain or to further YOUR agenda.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.
wow you really don't like when things are pointed your way eh? fking thirteen months of that nonsense from the left and one goofball on a baseball diamond has your ears collapsing.
I posted about this yesterday --- basically they're saying Jon Osoff represents baseball snipers and if you vote for him that's what you get.

Again, like the babyman poster, climbing on the backs of victims so they can score their own POINTS.

I will remember this angle for the next time someone on the right shoots and kills an abortionist and any of you leftardz try to use that shooting for political gain or to further YOUR agenda.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.
wow you really don't like when things are pointed your way eh? fking thirteen months of that nonsense from the left and one goofball on a baseball diamond has your ears collapsing.

Sumbodys kinda triggered.... huh.

The political ad linked to in the op is an example of speech that is protected by our 1st Amendment.

True or false?
I will remember this angle for the next time someone on the right shoots and kills an abortionist and any of you leftardz try to use that shooting for political gain or to further YOUR agenda.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.
wow you really don't like when things are pointed your way eh? fking thirteen months of that nonsense from the left and one goofball on a baseball diamond has your ears collapsing.

Sumbodys kinda triggered.... huh.

The political ad linked to in the op is an example of speech that is protected by our 1st Amendment.

True or false?
very true, just ruled true by SCOTUS in fact.
What's not true about it?

Wow Billy, Really?
Show me where lefts were cheering? It is nothing but a hateful untrue low life , uneducated political scam..

More like the right was cheering in local districts so they could use this against their opponents. It will be used time and time again by the right. As someone or many refer to the left as filth scum of the earth, I see that they looked in the mirror to do their daily affirmation and saw what they really were.
What's not true about it?

Wow Billy, Really?
Show me where lefts were cheering? It is nothing but a hateful untrue low life , uneducated political scam..

More like the right was cheering in local districts so they could use this against their opponents. It will be used time and time again by the right. As someone or many refer to the left as filth scum of the earth, I see that they looked in the mirror to do their daily affirmation and saw what they really were.
oh debbie, you'll never understand. You have no logic.
Yep. They're always ready to stand on the bodies of the dead to push their wacko agenda. The worst has been their lies about Sandy Hook but any dead bodies will do.


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Smart move. It's high time the right fights back and quits letting libs call the shots. It has deadly consequences. We need to fight for our lives and the country.

You know, I don't mind the silly little boy, paying with guns crap that you keyboard cowboys post but, remember that one of YOUR mass shooters used to post on this board.

IOW, it's not just trump who calls for murders. Everybody knows you probably couldn't "fight" your lawnmower but your impotent braggadocio may not be as obvious and empty to other nutters.

Sent from my iPad using
I will remember this angle for the next time someone on the right shoots and kills an abortionist and any of you leftardz try to use that shooting for political gain or to further YOUR agenda.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.
wow you really don't like when things are pointed your way eh? fking thirteen months of that nonsense from the left and one goofball on a baseball diamond has your ears collapsing.

Sumbodys kinda triggered.... huh.

The political ad linked to in the op is an example of speech that is protected by our 1st Amendment.

True or false?

That would be both "true" and "irrelevant" since I never claimed it wasn't.

Looks like you're just incapable of posting anything without building it on a logical fallacy. But I kinda already noted that.
so what is all that money for exactly? need to pay off voters? what's the going rate?

I would imagine prime time TV and radio ads. Premium air time is very expensive. If the out of state money ends up buying Ossoff the seat, it will be interesting to see how the money was spread between staffing, print, billboards, yard signs, TV and radio.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.
wow you really don't like when things are pointed your way eh? fking thirteen months of that nonsense from the left and one goofball on a baseball diamond has your ears collapsing.

Sumbodys kinda triggered.... huh.

The political ad linked to in the op is an example of speech that is protected by our 1st Amendment.

True or false?

That would be both "true" and "irrelevant" since I never claimed it wasn't.

Looks like you're just incapable of posting anything without building it on a logical fallacy. But I kinda already noted that.

How relevant are you?
It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.
wow you really don't like when things are pointed your way eh? fking thirteen months of that nonsense from the left and one goofball on a baseball diamond has your ears collapsing.

Sumbodys kinda triggered.... huh.

The political ad linked to in the op is an example of speech that is protected by our 1st Amendment.

True or false?

That would be both "true" and "irrelevant" since I never claimed it wasn't.

Looks like you're just incapable of posting anything without building it on a logical fallacy. But I kinda already noted that.

How relevant are you?


Stoopid question gets stoopid answer.
youtube doesn't load at work... so no idea.

I posted about this yesterday --- basically they're saying Jon Osoff represents baseball snipers and if you vote for him that's what you get.

Again, like the babyman poster, climbing on the backs of victims so they can score their own POINTS.

I will remember this angle for the next time someone on the right shoots and kills an abortionist and any of you leftardz try to use that shooting for political gain or to further YOUR agenda.

No, you won't. Because you'll need to find the same Composition Fallacy and I don't dabble in that shit. Never have.

It's one thing to claim the ad is fallacious and it's another thing to prove it.

So let's see your explanation what the ad is wrong about. Be specific.

I don't know what can be more specific than "Composition Fallacy". If you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" while engaging in it, then you have nothing but self-delusion.

--- and just after this post, you went right back to it:

Like it or not.... all political parties own the actions of the extremists in their midst in some way.

NO THEY DO NOT. I can't tell if you're watching too many episodes of Star Trek TNG and fantasizing over the Borg but life simply does not work that way. Individuals are responsible for individual actions, not some collective you decide to dishonestly make up in your head so you can score "points'.

The list of "the shooter on the baseball field is comprised of one name. ONE. That would be James Hodgkinson. Jon Osoff is not on that list. Bernie Sanders is not on that list. Barack O'bama, Nancy Pelosi, Bo Belinsky, Karl Marx, Genghis Khan --- **NONE** of them are in any way involved. Stop insulting everybody's intelligence with this naked bullshit.

Some, more than others. . . As determined by how much the leaders AND THE ACTIVISTS of that party decide to publically condemn the actions of those kooks.

Again, fucking self-absorbed dishonest bullshit. That's just you declaring by fiat what commentary you're going to cherrypick and which you're going to ignore. No one who was not involved in the shooting --- a list which includes every human on earth except one --- "owes" anybody anything. That''s as fallacious as it gets.

so the moron who calls himself "chuz life" is responsible for the scum who shot up the planned parenthood and the loon who killed dr. tiller and the lunatic who set off the bomb at the atlanta olympics.

what a walk job.

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