Republican Party Cannot Stand By And Let Obamacare Destroy This Country



The Republican Party Cannot Stand By And Let Obamacare Destroy This Country vs. Help Me

By John Boehner, Speaker Of The House Of Representatives

Three years ago, President Barack Obama passed a disastrous piece of legislation called the Affordable Care Act. He jammed this jobs-killing, deficit-increasing monstrosity through Congress, purely along party lines. And in 2010 the American people spoke loud and clear and elected a new wave of young Republicans to the House, which rejuvenated our party and allowed us to once again become the majority. This fresh crop of eager Republicans was elected to stop this president’s reckless spending and repeal Obamacare.

The American people sent us a clear message: Keep the government out of our health care and save this country.

And that’s what myself and my Republican colleagues are determined to do. Let me be clear: This is President Barack Obama’s government shutdown. This president consistently refuses to negotiate with Republicans about a piece of legislation that is confusing, drastically unpopular with the American people, and poisonous to our way of life.

Instead of coming to the table with Republicans, the president would rather talk to Vladimir Putin or the new president of Iran. Instead of improving the livelihoods of the American people, he would rather resort to name-calling. Instead of having a dialogue, he would rather call members of my party extremists and children and say they are on an ideological crusade. Instead of respecting my viewpoint, he would rather question my leadership and say the tail is wagging the dog.

Is this what people want from their president?



Then there is the "counterpoint".
You seem to go out of your way to reaffirm your appearance of being stupid.
You seem to go out of your way to reaffirm your appearance of being stupid.

No one is more stupid than Republicans. Even though this article is from the Onion, they agree with it. The Onion is using their beliefs as "satire" and the Republicans are mystified by the "joke". Look at yourself.

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