Republican Party eats it's own. Fiorina not on 1st stage in upcoming CNN Debate


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
This is a very good article going around on social media outlets:

Here’s how the free market works: If you have a product people like, they buy it. If you have a product people don’t like, they don’t buy it.

In the free market of presidential politics, if people like a candidate, they can send them a donation, attend their rallies, post positive messages about them on social media, and express their preference in a poll.

In the real free market, those candidates who are most appealing to prospective voters would be on the main debate stage at the upcoming September 16th CNN debates. But that isn’t what’s happening. CNN and the Republican National Committee (RNC) are making sure that Carly Fiorina won’t be on the main stage. Why might that be?

By means of disclosure, I haven’t decided yet on a candidate for President. I have a pretty good idea of whom I don’t want, but there is certainly a pool of acceptable candidates I’d consider voting for.

Christopher Rants of the Des Moines Register published a column entitled “Why Are Republicans Letting CNN Pick Our President?” He explains in detail how the process for selecting debate participants was developed. At a high level, CNN and the RNC agreed on the criteria by which presidential candidates would be determined eligible to be on the main stage. The main stage is the prime time debate of the 10 highest polling candidates. Those that don’t make the cut are relegated to the non-prime time debate.

In the August 6th Fox News Channel debate, Carly Fiorina was appropriately placed in the non-prime time debate, based on the most current polls just before that debate. By many accounts, she won the debate, although she wasn’t on the main debate stage. I agree that she won. If you haven’t seen Fiorina speak, take a minute to watch her closing from the Fox News Channel debate.

The criteria for the CNN debate —agreed upon by the RNC— includes 9 polls from before the Fox News Channel debate and only two polls conducted after that. The Fox News Channel debate put Fiorina on the map. In current polls, she is coming in at 7th place, a showing that would easily put her on the main stage.

If Fiorina is bumped up to the main stage that means someone else is bumped down —as it should be. If a candidate is polling worse now as a result of his August 6th debate performance, and that puts him in position #11 or lower, he doesn’t deserve to be on the main debate stage. In a true free market of presidential politics, if people stop supporting a candidate, he has earned his way off the big stage.

Back to the question of why the RNC would have accepted —much less promoted— this methodology of determining the make up of the main stage. You can be assured that the RNC supports someone other than Carly Fiorina for President. Fiorina has been very persuasive and very effective on the campaign trail. That could certainly hurt someone like Jeb Bush, likely the RNC favorite. And in a 2014 article, the RNC admitted that it wanted to keep out candidates whom they didn’t sanction. Is the RNC afraid of Carly Fiorina?

Having Fiorina on the main stage would also hurt front-runner Donald Trump. Voters are hungering for someone who is not a career politician. Like Trump, Fiorina is also an outsider to politics. But she says what needs to be said in a style that is far less abrasive than Donald Trump’s style. Trump’s manner of insulting people, either individually or as a group is beneath the dignity of the office he seeks. A candidate calling a reporter a bimbo, at minimum, is terrible professional manners.

I like candidates who don’t sound like career politicians. As the former proprietor of the Udall Lied campaign, I love that Fiorina speaks the truth plainly and clearly: Hillary Clinton Lied. There is plenty of evidence that Clinton lied, and Fiorina isn’t afraid to say it. She uses words that most people use in their daily lives and they can actually relate to what she says.

Fiorina should be on the main debate stage. The debate will be more interesting and more informative for her being there. Republicans say they believe in people earning their own way. Carly Fiorina has earned her way on to the main debate stage.

What can we do about this?

  1. The RNC has the power to say to CNN: Change The Rules. They are each private organizations that set the rules for the debate. They can change them. Call the RNC at 202-863-8500 and let them know you want more recent polls used in determining who is on the main stage at the September 16th If you are active on Twitter, send a tweet to @Reince to let the chairman know your opinion.
  2. If you are one of the rare people called for a presidential preference poll, take the time to answer and express your preference for Carly Fiorina, even if she is not your current choice. The debates will be better for her inclusion.
  3. If you have a few extra dollars, consider sending her a donation to express your support of her being in the debate.
  4. Sign the petition at: CARLY For America
  5. Share this blog on your own social media accounts and ask your friends to take the above steps.
Latest Polls | RealClearPolitics

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Carly Fiorina sucks! Even Hewlett-Packard fired her before she almost destroyed the company.
Your Reince Priebus needs checking. Your Reince Priebus is letting the Beltway Press choose your candidates.
hey Oreo , doesn't look like your 'fiorina' will make it unless the 'rulemakers go wobbly ehh ??
hey Oreo , doesn't look like your 'fiorina' will make it unless the 'rulemakers go wobbly ehh ??

Well, I think this kind of explains it: CNN did their 1st stage poll prior to the FIRST DEBATE--(if you can believe it)--and they don't reflect her moving up into 7th place. Real Clear politics.
Latest Polls | RealClearPolitics

They're sticking with a very old poll. The Republican party can choose to CANCEL this debate until they get their shit together, or they can offend millions of women in this country with their "renewed" war on women campaign. I am certain the DNC and Hillary Clinton will know what to do with this news--LOL

What qualifies a nobody like Fiorina to be on the adult stage? She belongs at the kiddy table.
Rdean the third. post nothing but for shit stirring. partisan hacks are boring
Since her stand out debate performance at the first GOP presidential primary debate, Carly Fiorina has reached the top ten in three national polls and her name identification and favorability has increased by double digits.
But what is more impressive is that Fiorina is in the top seven out of the 17 GOP presidential candidates across 12 different state polls.

Since the first debate, state polling suggests that Fiorina has become a standout favorite. Here’s where she ranks in the latest state-by-state polls.

New Hampshire: 3rd

South Carolina: 4th

Wisconsin: 5th

Florida: 5th

Ohio: 6th

Pennsylvania: 4th

Nevada: 2nd

North Carolina: 6th

Arizona: 3rd

Iowa: 5th

Michigan: 2nd

Missouri: 7th

Fiorina’s campaign, although proud of the new poll results and her debate performance, says the political establishment as well as the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) debate rules for the upcoming CNN debate in mid-September could keep Fiorina off of the main debate state yet again.

CNN is averaging national polls from as far back as July 16th to decide which candidates make the top 10. Those top 10 will then be on the main debate stage.
EXCLUSIVE - Girl on Fire: Carly Fiorina Ranks in Top 10 across 12 State Polls - Breitbart
What qualifies a nobody like Fiorina to be on the adult stage? She belongs at the kiddy table.

She belongs on the main debate stage at this point, regardless of how you may feel about her. The funniest thing about this is that being denied that big stage for this debate may actually turn out to help her more than being on it.
Fiorina is now 3rd in Iowa, and 2nd in New Hampshire. The Republican party should cancel this debate--or they are going to officially declare a war on women--and it's not going to be pretty for them. Women in this country represent 54% of the voting majority, and they outvote men by 10 points.
Fiorina is now 3rd in Iowa, and 2nd in New Hampshire. The Republican party should cancel this debate--or they are going to officially declare a war on women--and it's not going to be pretty for them. Women in this country represent 54% of the voting majority, and they outvote men by 10 points.

I'm telling you, keeping her out of this debate will send her polling numbers through the roof. She will move into second place behind Trump.
Fiorina is now 3rd in Iowa, and 2nd in New Hampshire. The Republican party should cancel this debate--or they are going to officially declare a war on women--and it's not going to be pretty for them. Women in this country represent 54% of the voting majority, and they outvote men by 10 points.

I'm telling you, keeping her out of this debate will send her polling numbers through the roof. She will move into second place behind Trump.

She is in 2nd place in New Hampshire right now.

The point is- WHAT IS UP with CNN not doing a poll after the 1st FOX news debate? They're actually using polling data that is two months old in a primary season where polls are taken every week!

There's a BIG rat in this wood pile--and eventually it's going to have to come out. I imagine this one has something to do with it.


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What do you think the ODDS are of any of the 1st stage candidates, like Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie-JEB BUSH who are all polling well below Fiorina-(saying you know--this isn't fair)-- I'll go to the second stage and Carly can take my place on the 1st stage.

This CNN debate is like trying to win a play-off game with your second string quarterbacks, while your quarterbacks are side-lined due to a bull-shit technicality.

ZERO TO NONE--is the answer to that one--LOL

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Gotta thin the herd. The pretenders will fade way. Only the contenders will remain. It's the process.
The candidates would still do the debate regardless. They get the benefit of the exposure while Ms. Fiorina does not. It's an advantage that few would be willing to walk away from for the sake of a rival. Remember they are competing against each other.
The candidates would still do the debate regardless. They get the benefit of the exposure while Ms. Fiorina does not. It's an advantage that few would be willing to walk away from for the sake of a rival. Remember they are competing against each other.

It's the process. The weak pretenders will be devoured. Only the contenders will survive.
Fiorina hasn't shown she belongs on the grownup table
Gotta thin the herd. The pretenders will fade way. Only the contenders will remain. It's the process.

Ha.Ha.--I think it's going to be "thinned" very quickly when the general public (especially WOMEN) see that Carly Fiorina--even though much higher in the polls than several of the first stage candidates--is stuck in the back closet.

Women are 54%--the majority voting block in this country today. And nothing infuriates them more--than another woman being discriminated against. They'll cross party lines to support her.

If the Republican Party does not cancel this debate and get their shit together on this, they have officially declared a "war on women" campaign that every woman in this nation is going to be paying attention too.

At that time,You can start eliminating all the male GOP candidates as (cannot win the White House.)
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