Republican Pledge to Cut $100 Billion May Hit Education, Cancer Research

Sure, cut all federal funding of medical research....most of it doesn't pan out anyways. I'm for that. And the feds should stop paying for roads...let the states keep them up.
Sure, cut all federal funding of medical research....most of it doesn't pan out anyways. I'm for that. And the feds should stop paying for roads...let the states keep them up.

And another wingnut who can't identify one program to cut. Nothing but slogans
Sure, cut all federal funding of medical research....most of it doesn't pan out anyways. I'm for that. And the feds should stop paying for roads...let the states keep them up.

And another wingnut who can't identify one program to cut. Nothing but slogans

Bodecea is a liberal.....and you are either blissfully unaware of sarcasm or just plain dull.
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They could have cured Cancer a long time ago. There are no cures for diseases anymore. There is only perpetual treatment. And that's exactly the way Pharmaceutical Corporations want it. Treatment Medication nets them far more cash than actually curing diseases does. Look more closely and you will realize this yourself. Where are all the new modern cures for current Diseases? There are none and and there wont be anytime soon. Curing Diseases just doesn't make enough cash for the Pharmaceutical Corporations. Perpetual treatment of Diseases does though. I know many will call me a crazy Conspiracy Buff but once they think about it more,they'll come around. "Cancer Research" is a Scam. Seriously,it's true.
Sure, cut all federal funding of medical research....most of it doesn't pan out anyways. I'm for that. And the feds should stop paying for roads...let the states keep them up.

And another wingnut who can't identify one program to cut. Nothing but slogans

Bodecea is a liberal.....and you are either blissfully unaware of sarcasm or just plain dull.

There are wingnuts on the left too.
What was the principal argument of the Federalists (you know, the guys who wanted a very strong central authority) against the Bill of Rights?

In broad terms, their argument was twofold...

1. If a government isn't gonna protect the rights of the people, listing them out isn't gonna do any good.
2. If you list out rights, some idiot in the future will claim that these are the only rights the people have and claim that said rights are granted by government.

Note: Those idiots in the future turned out to be "strict constructionist" right wingers who claim for instance that there is no right to privacy because it is not specifically listed in the bill of rights.

I'm glad to give you lessons on actual history anytime you like Oddball. I mean, you are so clearly in need of it. Now, are you willing to accept that the things you previously claimed weren't covered under article 1 section 8 actually are or are you going to continue in wingnut fantasy?
Wrong, yet again.

The primary argument was that if it wasn't enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, the power didn't exist....That the BoR was redundant.

Your Fabian socialist/progressive propaganda isn't history, tovarich.
Sure, cut all federal funding of medical research....most of it doesn't pan out anyways. I'm for that. And the feds should stop paying for roads...let the states keep them up.

And another wingnut who can't identify one program to cut. Nothing but slogans
No slogan here pal ---- How to Cut the Federal Budget | The Heritage Foundation
that is $343 billion in cuts.

At least make an effort....

Nope, no slogans....just cut and paste.
There are no more cures for Diseases. There is only perpetual treatment. And that's exactly the way the Government and Pharmaceutical Corporations want it. Remember when there used to be cures for Diseases? Think about it.
the wording and intent in the constitution is rather clear... and THAT original intent to limit the government as to what it is tasked to do, is where we as a society needs to get back to

Riiiight. There was no Federalist, Anti-Federalist debate and the article under consideration doesn't actually state the truth, that the Hamiltonian view overwhelmingly holds sway in our jurisprudence.

No need for history, the wingnut has a talking point!

Words were specifically chosen, you fucktard.... intent is clear except to those who wish for more power or those who wish for leaders with more power to give them what they want at the expense of others

No need for comprehending how things are written... the entitlement junkie wants free stuff

What is free stuff Entitlement King?? Your public education, free use of highways, the war machine...................etc. I don't recall getting anything for free, so enlighten me.
Butler is, without a doubt, one of -if not THE- most ambiguous and cryptic USSC decisions in American history...It's little wonder that purposefully dishonest little scabs like sangha and LiberalLout quote it as though it's gospel.

Ahh, does that disagree with your delusional beliefs in the Constitution Dudley?? That Colorado Koolaide has infected your brain stem. You don't have to like the law, just follow it and STFU!!!
Even Wiki --the lefturds' best friend-- says it's ambiguous and cryptic, numbnuts.

Oh, you found someone that agrees with you?
The Department of Education should be abolished. It has become an awful abomination. Let the States handle their own Education Systems. We all know the corrupt Liberal Teacher Unions have thoroughly destroyed our Public Schools,so why continue to live in denial over this? $Trillions have been invested in a failed System. That's the sad truth. They can go on spending $Trillions more and we'll still continue to fall behind the rest of the World in Education. A broken system is a broken system. More money just isn't going to matter at this point. Nations with far less money & resources are now beginning to pass us in Education. How can this be? It's a complete system break-down. That's the answer. Just abolish the Department of Education. That would a great first step in fixing our Education System.
Spending cuts or raising taxes or both?....something NEEDS to be done.We just can't keep spending under Obama's plans to change this country into some eastern European nightmare.
The Department of Education should be abolished. It has become an awful abomination. Let the States handle their own Education Systems. We all know the corrupt Liberal Teacher Unions have thoroughly destroyed our Public Schools,so why continue to live in denial over this? $Trillions have been invested in a failed System. That's the sad truth. They can go on spending $Trillions more and we'll still continue to fall behind the rest of the World in Education. A broken system is a broken system. More money just isn't going to matter at this point. Nations with far less money & resources are now beginning to pass us in Education. How can this be? It's a complete system break-down. That's the answer. Just abolish the Department of Education. That would a great first step in fixing our Education System.

All Volunteer Government Party (AVGP)

Might as well let the states handle everything and shut down the federal government. Just abolish the military and let the militia handle it. The military is a broken system that can't even dig a fucking foxhole.
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The Department of Education should be abolished. It has become an awful abomination. Let the States handle their own Education Systems. We all know the corrupt Liberal Teacher Unions have thoroughly destroyed our Public Schools,so why continue to live in denial over this? $Trillions have been invested in a failed System. That's the sad truth. They can go on spending $Trillions more and we'll still continue to fall behind the rest of the World in Education. A broken system is a broken system. More money just isn't going to matter at this point. Nations with far less money & resources are now beginning to pass us in Education. How can this be? It's a complete system break-down. That's the answer. Just abolish the Department of Education. That would a great first step in fixing our Education System.

All Volunteer Government Party (AVGP)

Might as well let the states handle everything and shut down the federal government. Just abolish the military and let the militia handle it.

Something to think about i guess. The States really should decide how to educate their kids. It's clear the corrupt Liberal Teacher Unions have had far too much power in dictating curriculums. All that Anti-American propaganda and shoving condoms on cucumbers stuff really should come to an end. The DOE is clearly in bed with the Teacher Unions on that stuff. It's time for States to take over educating their children. The DOE is a dismal failure. More money isn't gonna help either. It's time to abolish the Department of Education.
some eastern European nightmare.

Eastern European? How about Northern and Western European? It seems to me that they have it right, or more precisely, left. They have Universal healthcare. They don't have war. They don't have torture. They've pretty much erradicated poverty.

And lo and behold, they still have rich people!
Teacher Unions have had far too much power in dictating curriculums.

Typical right wing detachment from reality. Back when the teacher's and their unions made curriculum decisions, we were #1 in the world. Now the states, mandated by the feds, set curriculum standards and the tests that will be taught to. A right wing president made sure of that.

Look at the results. How do you like them?
The primary argument was that if it wasn't enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, the power didn't exist


Care to source this gem? You know, to an actual federalist?

I didn't think so.
And another wingnut who can't identify one program to cut. Nothing but slogans
No slogan here pal ---- How to Cut the Federal Budget | The Heritage Foundation
that is $343 billion in cuts.

At least make an effort....

Nope, no slogans....just cut and paste.
You are either willfully being obtuse or just plain stupid. The article lists a detailed series of cuts to federal spending. You asked "what do we cut" I provided a list - and you are still parroting your inane one liners?

:lol::lol: :cuckoo:
No slogan here pal ---- How to Cut the Federal Budget | The Heritage Foundation
that is $343 billion in cuts.

At least make an effort....

Nope, no slogans....just cut and paste.
You are either willfully being obtuse or just plain stupid. The article lists a detailed series of cuts to federal spending. You asked "what do we cut" I provided a list - and you are still parroting your inane one liners?

:lol::lol: :cuckoo:

No, it's wingnut nonsense from beginning to end which has no support in Congress; Not even from the teabaggers you elected.

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