Republican Pollster Showcasing Lesser Liklihood: Of Any GOP Momentum--DNC Virtual Convention Worked!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone now notices that Vice President Biden accepted the DNC nomination for President of the United States! Better stated, the acceptance was forceful! GOP pollster is even on record with that!

Regardless if the Baby Abandonment customs of the Imperial Roman context of New Testament are at all accepted in the more conservative versions: The Democrats showcased a more common modern custom of aid, assistance, and help creation. Many can allege that a relative Darkness is a challenge for the White Males, assembling next week.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(That Old Time Religion is Public Record: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Anyone now notices that Vice President Biden accepted the DNC nomination for President of the United States! Better stated, the acceptance was forceful! GOP pollster is even on record with that!

Regardless if the Baby Abandonment customs of the Imperial Roman context of New Testament are at all accepted in the more conservative versions: The Democrats showcased a more common modern custom of aid, assistance, and help creation. Many can allege that a relative Darkness is a challenge for the White Males, assembling next week.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(That Old Time Religion is Public Record: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Please learn English before you post, so we Americans can understand what you're trying to say.
Something about those Jim Crow laws that DemoKKKrats established after they took control of the government after reconstruction ended, when Republican Senators Revels (R) and Bruce (R) were replaced by racist DemoKKKrat whites?

That is?
Illiterate poster, kjamer, fails to notice even that the OP links a Republican contention that the Trumped-Up/Pence campaign, GOP, is in far more solid losing territory today, than only just a few hours ago. The failure is "Unmasked(?)" posting ignorance of Jim Crow still in place--the subject of BLM-Supportive protests worldwide.

160 years ago, my own people took what property they were still allowed to keep--did the cattle drive out to California--and so were not involved in what Lincoln's failed personal legacy had created. I do have in common with many--that in my earliest childhood, I too: Was raised by blacks. Bertha and her husband had a house out behind the pool, near the hen house--at the edge of the orchard--so some distance from the barn. Historians still fail to understand the historical Southern Plantation households, ante bellum. Blacks fit in. Some became officially free.

In California, my own grandfather became friends with Mulholland: Whose city job involved working the Los Angeles River, including in the San Fernando Valley. That water was destined for what downtown there was. The ranch had been across the river from what is now, NBC Universal. Grandpa's brother had created what became the last working cattle ranch in Los Angeles County.

Notice the "Miracle Of The Swimming Pools" was getting underway. Grandpa's ranch had created only the third successful water well ever: In the San Fernando Valley. There is no water in the San Fernando Valley--sufficient for the the now 2.0 mil. people. Subsequent the aqueduct, 1913, only 870 voted all of that into the City of Los Angeles, 1915. Soon, teeming throngs would arrive, even in Los Angeles--of the really long and complex Hispanic name. Anglo and Hispanic children would swap burritos and ham sandwiches, able to communicate with one another, and learn new and ancient things.

You would not regard the old Lankershim and Van Nuys subdivisions, of the Valley: As plantation colonial in any of its history. The San Fernando Mission property is still a fixture, in The Valley. The missionaries are still thought to have been lethal, decimating the indigenous peoples, just from their presence. That would be different from the Southern Custom, post-Lincoln's Atrocity--decimating millions, even from the grave.

Anyone can notice the one monument, in Washington, DC--that should actually be blow to bits, right away(?)--except maybe as a part of some nature of endowment of the arts(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This here, was not at all helpful: In any reasonable historical analysis: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Last edited:
So anyone is reminded that next week is about the Party of Abraham Lincoln--reaching out from the grave with murder on its mind!

A more Southern Liberal take on life and history is easily in the offing at DNC!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(In the Conservative prayers: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Anyone now notices that Vice President Biden accepted the DNC nomination for President of the United States! Better stated, the acceptance was forceful! GOP pollster is even on record with that!

Regardless if the Baby Abandonment customs of the Imperial Roman context of New Testament are at all accepted in the more conservative versions: The Democrats showcased a more common modern custom of aid, assistance, and help creation. Many can allege that a relative Darkness is a challenge for the White Males, assembling next week.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(That Old Time Religion is Public Record: Matt 25: 14-30!)

Oh yes, it did work!

In giving president Trump a boost.

"There's never been anything we have been able to accomplish..."
- Joe Biden

In 2016, republicans were ashamed to admit they would vote for Trump.
In 2020, democrats will be ashamed to admit they will vote for Trump.
Expectations set so low for Biden that Democrats cheer when he makes it through a prepared speech, on a teleprompter, in front of no one....Ah well....On to the debates....
Illiterate poster Norman even has no basis on which to compare and contrast the Conventions. Today is Saturday, and neither does anyone else--including the alleged RNC participants(?)! There are no names. There are no places. Likely there are no more Republicans, willing to so-state in public that they will be wherever it is alleged to be underway?

That is an actual current event, even happening now! Notice how complete illiteracy clouds the Trumped-Up supporters!

The DNC event even created some likely conventional expectations for any such events going forward! There will likely "Have To Be" a virtual Roll Call of the states, for example: Even at in-person conventions.

The "Sitting On Of Hands!" approach to the Virus problem: Seems more likely to be showcased, all week long--as of Saturday.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(An opening prayer with basis in Matt 25: 14-30, may have happened already(?)!)
Illiterate poster Norman even has no basis on which to compare and contrast the Conventions. Today is Saturday, and neither does anyone else--including the alleged RNC participants(?)! There are no names. There are no places. Likely there are no more Republicans, willing to so-state in public that they will be wherever it is alleged to be underway?

That is an actual current event, even happening now! Notice how complete illiteracy clouds the Trumped-Up supporters!

The DNC event even created some likely conventional expectations for any such events going forward! There will likely "Have To Be" a virtual Roll Call of the states, for example: Even at in-person conventions.

The "Sitting On Of Hands!" approach to the Virus problem: Seems more likely to be showcased, all week long--as of Saturday.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(An opening prayer with basis in Matt 25: 14-30, may have happened already(?)!)

I'm sure that the RNC will have this under control...Unlike the amateur job the DNC did...
j-mac of the Trumped-Up offers no further link about the Convention plans. Anyone recalls in the dead of winter, The Trump-Up Administration effectively adopting its, "Sitting On Of Hands" approach to the even the unread daily Intel briefing reports. Bats with Chinese passports were not allowed into Seattle(?). The alarm-bell sounded was about that loud.

Even aides to the Senate’s top Republican, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, seemed confused about whether he would have a convention speaking role. McConnell’s re-election campaign said Thursday he would be campaigning in his home state and would not be speaking at the event. Hours later, a campaign source said there had been “a miscommunication” and that the senator would submit taped remarks to be played at the convention.

McConnell's off-again, on-again appearance at the convention underscores the chaotic nature of the short-term planning for a complex event that has been moved from two cites over a period of two months, all under the shadow of the pandemic, officials said.

“The airplane has been put together in mid-air, and it is much less organized than normal,” said Dan Eberhart, an energy company executive and GOP donor who is familiar with the convention planning.

But the convention is happening, ready or not, concluding a 2½-month scramble that involves constantly changing venues and ever-changing schedules over four nights of programming.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In fact not even Deut 23: 19-20, is about foreign aid!)
j-mac of the Trumped-Up offers no further link about the Convention plans. Anyone recalls in the dead of winter, The Trump-Up Administration effectively adopting its, "Sitting On Of Hands" approach to the even the unread daily Intel briefing reports. Bats with Chinese passports were not allowed into Seattle(?). The alarm-bell sounded was about that loud.

Even aides to the Senate’s top Republican, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, seemed confused about whether he would have a convention speaking role. McConnell’s re-election campaign said Thursday he would be campaigning in his home state and would not be speaking at the event. Hours later, a campaign source said there had been “a miscommunication” and that the senator would submit taped remarks to be played at the convention.

McConnell's off-again, on-again appearance at the convention underscores the chaotic nature of the short-term planning for a complex event that has been moved from two cites over a period of two months, all under the shadow of the pandemic, officials said.

“The airplane has been put together in mid-air, and it is much less organized than normal,” said Dan Eberhart, an energy company executive and GOP donor who is familiar with the convention planning.

But the convention is happening, ready or not, concluding a 2½-month scramble that involves constantly changing venues and ever-changing schedules over four nights of programming.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In fact not even Deut 23: 19-20, is about foreign aid!)

There is plenty of information on the convention


The official party business, including the official nominating of Trump to represent the party on the presidential ballot, will take place in Charlotte. Just six delegates from each state will attend, including two from each state who will set on the all-important Committee on Credentials, which officially seats the party's delegates.

There will also be various training sessions and meetings for party leaders, and a possible visit from Trump, who will be in North Carolina on other business Monday.

A top Trump campaign official told Fox News that "we're having calls about that today" when asked on Friday about a potential Trump appearance in Charlotte on Monday.

The business in Charlotte will take place at the Charlotte Convention Center. Attendees were provided with self-swab coronavirus tests before going to the convention and are being tested again with a nasal swab test when they arrive. Masks are mandatory, and social-distancing protocols, including chairs being placed 6 feet apart from each other, will be observed. In addition, the RNC will give each convention attendee badges to assist with contact tracing."


" The broadcast of the convention, according to Axios, will be from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., with the more high-profile speakers appearing later in the broadcast and a "nightly surprise" at 10 p.m. from Monday through Thursday. "

I don't know what you are confused about:

This section provides a list of speakers participating in the 2020 Republican National Convention. This list was last updated on August 21, 2020.[11][12]

The next of the list of Speakers, then: Is likely underway again, 8/22/2020(?)!
This section provides a list of speakers participating in the 2020 Republican National Convention. THIS LIST WAS LAST UPDATED ON AUGUST 21, 2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting people out all over(?): "Matt 25: 14-30!)
Anyone now notices that Vice President Biden accepted the DNC nomination for President of the United States! Better stated, the acceptance was forceful! GOP pollster is even on record with that!

Regardless if the Baby Abandonment customs of the Imperial Roman context of New Testament are at all accepted in the more conservative versions: The Democrats showcased a more common modern custom of aid, assistance, and help creation. Many can allege that a relative Darkness is a challenge for the White Males, assembling next week.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(That Old Time Religion is Public Record: Matt 25: 14-30!)
If by worked you mean as a sleeping aid I agree.
Republican pollsters know their trade, posted!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(For an opening RNC Convention Ceremony--GOP at prayer, Matt 25; 14-30!)

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