Republican priorities

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?

millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars

Every family saved $2500 a year? DERP!

The ACA is not the same as the plan Obama ran on. Asshole
2014: An analysis by The New York Times found that since Obama became president, "two-thirds of the nearly two million deportation cases involve people who had committed minor infractions, including traffic violations, or had no criminal record at all." Now what, dumbass.
Problem is > they weren't "deportation" They were catch & RELEASE

Typical of the BS the NY Times is noted for.

And your pitiful, dumbass post is what you Trumpettes are noted for.
Now, you are sofa king stupid that you think Obama never deported anyone.
He pretended to. And HIS statistics reporters wrote it up that way. Ans some people actually believe it. :laugh:
Wow, a Trump asskisser is calling real news "fake news". No surprise here. All the statistics are wrong except for what your orange buddy says is true,. Right?
Have NOTHING to do with voting.
Voting is why sanctuary cities exist. Democrats stack the state (ex. California) with illegals, and then stuff the ballot boxes with their votes. That's why they vote almost 10% to protect sanctuary cities. Other vested interests also support illegals (churches, unions, Spanish media, businesses, ethnocenrist orgs, etc) but for Democrats, illegal mean one thing > VOTES. Everyone knows it.
Illegals do not vote moron. Why would they draw attention to themselves?

If you want to see cheating in voting, look art your own party.
Only in your limited mind. The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

The policies of the ACA, Stimulus, Dodd Frank were what Obama ran on and were not failed policies at all.

When your orange hero tries to repeal the ACA & Dodd Frank, we will see just how "failed" they really were.
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.

The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

Dems gained 25 House seats in 2008.
You should keep trying to spin 63 lost in 2010 as something other than a defeat, it's amusing.

You keep saying it was a failed policy.

You call it a success? Based on what metric?

Plus the ones they would have lost in 2008 if not for Obama.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented so how would anyone know, dumbass.

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented

Do you consider ACA a success, now? Or Dodd Frank?

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

Yeah, bailing out unions. Groovy.
You are just the biggest pile of right wing excuses ever.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success. Both could be tweaked but a success nonetheless.

The Stiumulus did not bail out unions. You are lying. The Stimulus funneled money to the States to help them deal with the lack of funding due to the Bush recession. The purpose was to help States avoid laying off policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc.

How it was spend was up to the States.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success


The purpose was to help States avoid laying off policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc.

Bailed out their unions. Like I said.

See, I knew you were really that stupid.

Hiring police & firemen is supporting the unions.

Lets just fire them all.

Trumpette logic is fake news.
The stench of corruption is so strong around President Trump that members of Congress are discussing impeachment less than a month into his first term. For those of you who are worried about Vice President Pence taking over if Trump is impeached, don’t be. Pence has welded himself to Trump with repeated defenses of the President’s comments about Putin and Russia. If Trump goes down, Pence is going with him. House Democrat Drops A Truth Bomb On National TV By Suggesting Trump Will Be Impeached
I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?

millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars

Every family saved $2500 a year? DERP!

The ACA is not the same as the plan Obama ran on. Asshole
So it wasn't Obamacare all along? Even though he said he liked the name?
The stench of corruption is so strong around President Trump that members of Congress are discussing impeachment less than a month into his first term. For those of you who are worried about Vice President Pence taking over if Trump is impeached, don’t be. Pence has welded himself to Trump with repeated defenses of the President’s comments about Putin and Russia. If Trump goes down, Pence is going with him. House Democrat Drops A Truth Bomb On National TV By Suggesting Trump Will Be Impeached
Fake news.
The stench of corruption is so strong around President Trump that members of Congress are discussing impeachment less than a month into his first term. For those of you who are worried about Vice President Pence taking over if Trump is impeached, don’t be. Pence has welded himself to Trump with repeated defenses of the President’s comments about Putin and Russia. If Trump goes down, Pence is going with him. House Democrat Drops A Truth Bomb On National TV By Suggesting Trump Will Be Impeached
Fake news.
Right, the usual retort resorted to by you RWNJ when you can't deal with reality which is most of the time. So all of those conflicts of interest that both Democrats and Republicans have expressed concern about are all made up??
I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?

millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars

Every family saved $2500 a year? DERP!

The ACA is not the same as the plan Obama ran on. Asshole

The ACA is not the same as the plan Obama ran on.

When Obama said his plan would save every family $2500 a year was he was lying or was he stupid?
Have NOTHING to do with voting.
Voting is why sanctuary cities exist. Democrats stack the state (ex. California) with illegals, and then stuff the ballot boxes with their votes. That's why they vote almost 10% to protect sanctuary cities. Other vested interests also support illegals (churches, unions, Spanish media, businesses, ethnocenrist orgs, etc) but for Democrats, illegal mean one thing > VOTES. Everyone knows it.
Illegals do not vote moron. Why would they draw attention to themselves?

If you want to see cheating in voting, look art your own party.

Why would they draw attention to themselves?

If they already have fake ID, how is voting drawing attention to themselves?

If you want to see cheating in voting, look art your own party.

Right! Chicago is famous for Republican cheating. DERP!
The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

Dems gained 25 House seats in 2008.
You should keep trying to spin 63 lost in 2010 as something other than a defeat, it's amusing.

You keep saying it was a failed policy.

You call it a success? Based on what metric?

Plus the ones they would have lost in 2008 if not for Obama.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented so how would anyone know, dumbass.

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented

Do you consider ACA a success, now? Or Dodd Frank?

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

Yeah, bailing out unions. Groovy.
You are just the biggest pile of right wing excuses ever.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success. Both could be tweaked but a success nonetheless.

The Stiumulus did not bail out unions. You are lying. The Stimulus funneled money to the States to help them deal with the lack of funding due to the Bush recession. The purpose was to help States avoid laying off policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc.

How it was spend was up to the States.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success


The purpose was to help States avoid laying off policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc.

Bailed out their unions. Like I said.

See, I knew you were really that stupid.

Hiring police & firemen is supporting the unions.

Lets just fire them all.

Trumpette logic is fake news.

Hiring police & firemen is supporting the unions.

Lets just fire them all.

Of course, when government spends too much money, the only solution is to fire cops and firefighters.
Are you really that stupid...oh, wait, I forgot who I was talking to.....
The stench of corruption is so strong around President Trump that members of Congress are discussing impeachment less than a month into his first term. For those of you who are worried about Vice President Pence taking over if Trump is impeached, don’t be. Pence has welded himself to Trump with repeated defenses of the President’s comments about Putin and Russia. If Trump goes down, Pence is going with him. House Democrat Drops A Truth Bomb On National TV By Suggesting Trump Will Be Impeached
Fake news.
Right, the usual retort resorted to by you RWNJ when you can't deal with reality which is most of the time. So all of those conflicts of interest that both Democrats and Republicans have expressed concern about are all made up??
No, it's the idea that the more extreme and hateful of the right is the more leftists will embrace the op-ed as a hard fact. The most corrupt government we've ever had was just tossed out of power so you all want to try to pin it on this one. It won't work.

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