Republican priorities

Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.

How do you gerrymander a US Senate seat and a State Governor's race?

The Republicans got control in 2011 and did it
In Michigan, redistricting was constructed by a Republican Legislature in 2011.[25] Federal congressional districts were so designed that cities such as Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, and East Lansing were separated into districts with large conservative-leaning hinterlands that essentially diluted the Democratic votes in those cities in Congressional elections.[citation needed] Since 2010 not one of those cities is within a district in which a Democratic nominee for the House of Representatives has a reasonable chance of winning, short of Democratic landslide.[citation

Gerrymandering - Wikipedia

They also decreased the voting places in the cities and rural areas, so one has to stand in line longer, we have a large ballot. Also now they want to stop the straight ballot ticket which will take a long time to fill out.

I know citation is needed above but its wiki. One can find more info for MI if need be but that describes gerrymandering.
Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.

How do you gerrymander a US Senate seat and a State Governor's race?

The Republicans got control in 2011 and did it
In Michigan, redistricting was constructed by a Republican Legislature in 2011.[25] Federal congressional districts were so designed that cities such as Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, and East Lansing were separated into districts with large conservative-leaning hinterlands that essentially diluted the Democratic votes in those cities in Congressional elections.[citation needed] Since 2010 not one of those cities is within a district in which a Democratic nominee for the House of Representatives has a reasonable chance of winning, short of Democratic landslide.[citation

Gerrymandering - Wikipedia

They also decreased the voting places in the cities and rural areas, so one has to stand in line longer, we have a large ballot. Also now they want to stop the straight ballot ticket which will take a long time to fill out.

I know citation is needed above but its wiki. One can find more info for MI if need be but that describes gerrymandering.

That is what has been going on for decades by both parties. Now, how do you gerrymander a US Senate seat and a State Governor's race?[
Don't pretend coattails are not a factor. The higher the turnout in the Presidential, the higher that effect.
Throw in that Bush just left office with a terrible approval rating.

Coattails are a huge factor.
So is a failed agenda.
63 lost seats in the House and 6 lost seats in the Senate in 2010 points to a failed agenda.
Only in your limited mind. The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

The policies of the ACA, Stimulus, Dodd Frank were what Obama ran on and were not failed policies at all.

When your orange hero tries to repeal the ACA & Dodd Frank, we will see just how "failed" they really were.
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.

The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

Dems gained 25 House seats in 2008.
You should keep trying to spin 63 lost in 2010 as something other than a defeat, it's amusing.

You keep saying it was a failed policy.

You call it a success? Based on what metric?

Plus the ones they would have lost in 2008 if not for Obama.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented so how would anyone know, dumbass.

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented

Do you consider ACA a success, now? Or Dodd Frank?

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

Yeah, bailing out unions. Groovy.
You are just the biggest pile of right wing excuses ever.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success. Both could be tweaked but a success nonetheless.

The Stiumulus did not bail out unions. You are lying. The Stimulus funneled money to the States to help them deal with the lack of funding due to the Bush recession. The purpose was to help States avoid laying off policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc.

How it was spend was up to the States.
Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.

How do you gerrymander a US Senate seat and a State Governor's race?

You can't gerrymander a Senate seat, but by there very nature they are gerrymandered to favor low population states giving California with 40 million people the same number of Senators as Wyoming with 600,000
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.

Harry Reid did not run the Senate the past two years, dipstick.

How many jobs bills did the Republicans block under Obama?

Why don't you tell me how many job bills Obama proposed.
So, you are claiming that Obama/Democrats never proposed a single jobs bill that the Republicans blocked?

I am waiting for you to tell me what jobs bills you are referring too.
If you weren't such a dick, you would have searched & found lots of examples. Here is a quote from the Washington Times:

"President Obama is now 0-for-3 in his push to stimulate jobs after Republicans led a filibuster Thursday of his latest proposal to boost infrastructure spending.

The loss follows defeats last month for Mr. Obama’s full $447 billion jobs plan, and a separate slice of that plan that would have funded salaries for state and local teachers and emergency workers, all paid for by tax increases on Americans with annual incomes of $1 million or more.

Thursday’s bill, which would have directed tens of billions toward infrastructure over the next decade, got 51 votes - one more than the two earlier plans, but still nine shy of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster."

YOUR pathetic party blocked jobs bills that would have helped this country. Why? Because they knew the better we recovered from the Bush recession, the worse their chances in 2012.

Your God damn anti-America party did these things. And you love them for ir. When arte you gojng to stand up for thois country insteasd of your stupid party?
Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.

How do you gerrymander a US Senate seat and a State Governor's race?

You can't gerrymander a Senate seat, but by there very nature they are gerrymandered to favor low population states giving California with 40 million people the same number of Senators as Wyoming with 600,000
If you gerrymander to get control of the State legislature, then they can pass laws that suppress the vote. Maybe voter photo ID, reducing early voting, even reducing the number of stations in a polling place to create long lines.
I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?
I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?
You can't see all those who lost options and are paying more because you are brainwashed. When confronted with facts your mind defends itself by launching another tirade.
I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?
You can't see all those who lost options and are paying more because you are brainwashed. When confronted with facts your mind defends itself by launching another tirade.
Lost what option? The option to not buy insurance?

Since when is your opinion on the ACA & Dodd Frank a fact? You provided no facts.
I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?
You can't see all those who lost options and are paying more because you are brainwashed. When confronted with facts your mind defends itself by launching another tirade.
Lost what option? The option to not buy insurance?

Since when is your opinion on the ACA & Dodd Frank a fact? You provided no facts.
Your response is just more bullshit. It's all you have and you're stupid enough to think throwing it onto someone else will work.
Coattails are a huge factor.
So is a failed agenda.
63 lost seats in the House and 6 lost seats in the Senate in 2010 points to a failed agenda.
Only in your limited mind. The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

The policies of the ACA, Stimulus, Dodd Frank were what Obama ran on and were not failed policies at all.

When your orange hero tries to repeal the ACA & Dodd Frank, we will see just how "failed" they really were.
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.

The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

Dems gained 25 House seats in 2008.
You should keep trying to spin 63 lost in 2010 as something other than a defeat, it's amusing.

You keep saying it was a failed policy.

You call it a success? Based on what metric?

Plus the ones they would have lost in 2008 if not for Obama.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented so how would anyone know, dumbass.

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented

Do you consider ACA a success, now? Or Dodd Frank?

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

Yeah, bailing out unions. Groovy.
You are just the biggest pile of right wing excuses ever.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success. Both could be tweaked but a success nonetheless.

The Stiumulus did not bail out unions. You are lying. The Stimulus funneled money to the States to help them deal with the lack of funding due to the Bush recession. The purpose was to help States avoid laying off policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc.

How it was spend was up to the States.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success


The purpose was to help States avoid laying off policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc.

Bailed out their unions. Like I said.
I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?

millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars

Every family saved $2500 a year? DERP!
They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.

Harry Reid did not run the Senate the past two years, dipstick.

How many jobs bills did the Republicans block under Obama?

Why don't you tell me how many job bills Obama proposed.
So, you are claiming that Obama/Democrats never proposed a single jobs bill that the Republicans blocked?

I am waiting for you to tell me what jobs bills you are referring too.
If you weren't such a dick, you would have searched & found lots of examples. Here is a quote from the Washington Times:

"President Obama is now 0-for-3 in his push to stimulate jobs after Republicans led a filibuster Thursday of his latest proposal to boost infrastructure spending.

The loss follows defeats last month for Mr. Obama’s full $447 billion jobs plan, and a separate slice of that plan that would have funded salaries for state and local teachers and emergency workers, all paid for by tax increases on Americans with annual incomes of $1 million or more.

Thursday’s bill, which would have directed tens of billions toward infrastructure over the next decade, got 51 votes - one more than the two earlier plans, but still nine shy of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster."

YOUR pathetic party blocked jobs bills that would have helped this country. Why? Because they knew the better we recovered from the Bush recession, the worse their chances in 2012.

Your God damn anti-America party did these things. And you love them for ir. When arte you gojng to stand up for thois country insteasd of your stupid party?
Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.

How do you gerrymander a US Senate seat and a State Governor's race?

You can't gerrymander a Senate seat, but by there very nature they are gerrymandered to favor low population states giving California with 40 million people the same number of Senators as Wyoming with 600,000
If you gerrymander to get control of the State legislature, then they can pass laws that suppress the vote. Maybe voter photo ID, reducing early voting, even reducing the number of stations in a polling place to create long lines.

I lived in a state that was controlled by Democrats from 1868 until 1964. I moved there in 1960 and they invented gerrymandering. Why would anyone object to a voter ID is absurd and the courts are available to stop anything that is unconstitutional. I am old enough to remember when you voted on election day, period.
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I can't believe you are sooooo duped to dispute Trump making fun of a disabled reporter, calling McCain (and all POWS) not heroes.
You are the duped one.

1. I never said all POWs are not heroes (you said that) McCain was NOT a war hero. He was a COLLABORATOR wit the North Vietnamese. He gave them military information in exchange for wine, women and song (according to his fellow POWs and ex North Vietnamese captors Both of these had a nickname for McCain >> "Songbird" All this is why McCain remains in the Senate for so long - keeping his official military record secret.

2. The rporter being disabled has nothing to do with Trump mocking him. Trump was mocking Serge Kovaleski's continual (and idiotic) recanting of the Sept 2001 article that Kovaleski wrote in the Washington Post, in which Kovaleski stated that large groups of Muslims were on rooftops cheering the 9/11 attacks 2 hours after the attacks, and holding "tailgate style parties" Trump said "Ahh, I don't remember. Ahh, I don't know what I said"

This had only to do with Kovaleski's dishonest refusal to admit what he authored in the Washington Post - had nothing to do with a disability. In fact, Kovaleski is unable to flail his arms around as Trump was doing, so that was not an imitation of him, and Trump has flailed his arms around in other instances mocking other people, who have no disabilities.

The false notion that Trump was allegedly mocking Kovleski's disability was a media FABRICATION, designed to derail Trump's campaign - and you fall for it.
Massive illegals did not vote.

You want to believe that people hiding from the government would risk it all by walking into a government office to register to vote? Not too bright, are you.
Not too bright, are YOU. They've been voting by the millions , for 50 years. where have you been living ? In a cave.

And "risk" HA HA. There is no risk. Under Obama. They had catch & release. If caught, the get a court date and then don't show up. Ho hum

Also, there is NO BARRIER to voting illegally. NONE.

1. Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.
2. Illegals do thing s illegally.
3. There are no barriers to voting illegally (22 states don't even ask for ID. No states ask for proof of citizenship - required for voting)

Liberals pretending that illegals don't vote massively HA HA HA. Why do you think Democrats protect them in sanctuary cities ? Duh!
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.
HA HA. Democrats have said Trump was "running away" from his campaign promises all along. He's been enacting every one of them. Never listen to a liberal.
Have NOTHING to do with voting.
Voting is why sanctuary cities exist. Democrats stack the state (ex. California) with illegals, and then stuff the ballot boxes with their votes. That's why they vote almost 10% to protect sanctuary cities. Other vested interests also support illegals (churches, unions, Spanish media, businesses, ethnocenrist orgs, etc) but for Democrats, illegal mean one thing > VOTES. Everyone knows it.
2014: An analysis by The New York Times found that since Obama became president, "two-thirds of the nearly two million deportation cases involve people who had committed minor infractions, including traffic violations, or had no criminal record at all." Now what, dumbass.
Problem is > they weren't "deportation" They were catch & RELEASE

Typical of the BS the NY Times is noted for.

I consider both the ACA & Dodd Frank a success.-
...and that's all we need to know about you.
That I can see millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars and slowing down the premium increases? I can see the need to reign in Wall Street while your orange buddy loads up his administration with Wall Street & wants to set Wall Street loose to see if it can kill America this time?

millions more people insured & people saving thousands of dollars

Every family saved $2500 a year? DERP!

Hard to say without knowing what rates would have been without Obamacare

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