Republican priorities

Republicans can only win by cheating.

Yup. The only reason they gained 63 seats in the House in 2010 is because they redistricted in 2012.
Obama's coattails carried many in 2008 - both those who gained a seat & those whose seat he aved.. The coattails that weren't there in 2010.

Between 2006 & 2008, Democrats gained over 50 seats.

Gerrymandering was in full flow after the 2000 census here in PA & just made worse after the 2010 census.

If Republicans are that freaking good, why did the resort to gerrymandering?

The coattails that weren't there in 2010.

And people no longer believed his "Hope & Change" was a good thing.
I mean 63 seats in the House, just a huge rebuke.

Wow, you don't know what coattails are.

May I suggest you STFU & become better informed.

Coattails are when idiots voted for Obama and Dem congressmen in 2008 and then realized what a mistake they made and gave the Republicans +63 only 2 years later.

Obama's awfulness was just so obvious.
So you can kiss my ass, moron.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win where they would not have without it.

No thanks on kissing your ass, who knows who has been there.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win

And when his party loses 63 House seats in 2010, it's safe to say the voters didn't feel good about Obama's actions.
Obama's coattails carried many in 2008 - both those who gained a seat & those whose seat he aved.. The coattails that weren't there in 2010.

Between 2006 & 2008, Democrats gained over 50 seats.

Gerrymandering was in full flow after the 2000 census here in PA & just made worse after the 2010 census.

If Republicans are that freaking good, why did the resort to gerrymandering?

The coattails that weren't there in 2010.

And people no longer believed his "Hope & Change" was a good thing.
I mean 63 seats in the House, just a huge rebuke.

Wow, you don't know what coattails are.

May I suggest you STFU & become better informed.

Coattails are when idiots voted for Obama and Dem congressmen in 2008 and then realized what a mistake they made and gave the Republicans +63 only 2 years later.

Obama's awfulness was just so obvious.
So you can kiss my ass, moron.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win where they would not have without it.

No thanks on kissing your ass, who knows who has been there.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win

And when his party loses 63 House seats in 2010, it's safe to say the voters didn't feel good about Obama's actions.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less. Turn out in general fell from 57% in 2008 to 38% in 2010. It fell more in the Democrat party.
The coattails that weren't there in 2010.

And people no longer believed his "Hope & Change" was a good thing.
I mean 63 seats in the House, just a huge rebuke.

Wow, you don't know what coattails are.

May I suggest you STFU & become better informed.

Coattails are when idiots voted for Obama and Dem congressmen in 2008 and then realized what a mistake they made and gave the Republicans +63 only 2 years later.

Obama's awfulness was just so obvious.
So you can kiss my ass, moron.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win where they would not have without it.

No thanks on kissing your ass, who knows who has been there.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win

And when his party loses 63 House seats in 2010, it's safe to say the voters didn't feel good about Obama's actions.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less. Turn out in general fell from 57% in 2008 to 38% in 2010. It fell more in the Democrat party.

Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less.

When your President is doing a great job, your party doesn't lose 63 seats in the House.
Wow, you don't know what coattails are.

May I suggest you STFU & become better informed.

Coattails are when idiots voted for Obama and Dem congressmen in 2008 and then realized what a mistake they made and gave the Republicans +63 only 2 years later.

Obama's awfulness was just so obvious.
So you can kiss my ass, moron.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win where they would not have without it.

No thanks on kissing your ass, who knows who has been there.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win

And when his party loses 63 House seats in 2010, it's safe to say the voters didn't feel good about Obama's actions.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less. Turn out in general fell from 57% in 2008 to 38% in 2010. It fell more in the Democrat party.

Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less.

When your President is doing a great job, your party doesn't lose 63 seats in the House.
Don't pretend coattails are not a factor. The higher the turnout in the Presidential, the higher that effect.
Throw in that Bush just left office with a terrible approval rating.
Coattails are when idiots voted for Obama and Dem congressmen in 2008 and then realized what a mistake they made and gave the Republicans +63 only 2 years later.

Obama's awfulness was just so obvious.
So you can kiss my ass, moron.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win where they would not have without it.

No thanks on kissing your ass, who knows who has been there.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win

And when his party loses 63 House seats in 2010, it's safe to say the voters didn't feel good about Obama's actions.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less. Turn out in general fell from 57% in 2008 to 38% in 2010. It fell more in the Democrat party.

Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less.

When your President is doing a great job, your party doesn't lose 63 seats in the House.
Don't pretend coattails are not a factor. The higher the turnout in the Presidential, the higher that effect.
Throw in that Bush just left office with a terrible approval rating.

Coattails are a huge factor.
So is a failed agenda.
63 lost seats in the House and 6 lost seats in the Senate in 2010 points to a failed agenda.
Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win where they would not have without it.

No thanks on kissing your ass, who knows who has been there.

Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win

And when his party loses 63 House seats in 2010, it's safe to say the voters didn't feel good about Obama's actions.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less. Turn out in general fell from 57% in 2008 to 38% in 2010. It fell more in the Democrat party.

Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less.

When your President is doing a great job, your party doesn't lose 63 seats in the House.
Don't pretend coattails are not a factor. The higher the turnout in the Presidential, the higher that effect.
Throw in that Bush just left office with a terrible approval rating.

Coattails are a huge factor.
So is a failed agenda.
63 lost seats in the House and 6 lost seats in the Senate in 2010 points to a failed agenda.
Only in your limited mind. The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

The policies of the ACA, Stimulus, Dodd Frank were what Obama ran on and were not failed policies at all.

When your orange hero tries to repeal the ACA & Dodd Frank, we will see just how "failed" they really were.
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.
Actually, coattails are when a candidate like Obama enhances his party's turnout helping down ticket party members to win

And when his party loses 63 House seats in 2010, it's safe to say the voters didn't feel good about Obama's actions.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less. Turn out in general fell from 57% in 2008 to 38% in 2010. It fell more in the Democrat party.

Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less.

When your President is doing a great job, your party doesn't lose 63 seats in the House.
Don't pretend coattails are not a factor. The higher the turnout in the Presidential, the higher that effect.
Throw in that Bush just left office with a terrible approval rating.

Coattails are a huge factor.
So is a failed agenda.
63 lost seats in the House and 6 lost seats in the Senate in 2010 points to a failed agenda.
Only in your limited mind. The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

The policies of the ACA, Stimulus, Dodd Frank were what Obama ran on and were not failed policies at all.

When your orange hero tries to repeal the ACA & Dodd Frank, we will see just how "failed" they really were.
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.

The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

Dems gained 25 House seats in 2008.
You should keep trying to spin 63 lost in 2010 as something other than a defeat, it's amusing.

You keep saying it was a failed policy.

You call it a success? Based on what metric?
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.

Harry Reid did not run the Senate the past two years, dipstick.

How many jobs bills did the Republicans block under Obama?
Your great university is nothing but a collection of fascists:
View attachment 110211

Your use of the word fascists (^^^) strongly suggests your ignorance isn't willful; ignoring my assessment of trump and his inner circle - inexperience, arrogance and incompetence - strongly suggests you lack the education and ability to write a rebuttal with examples, or, you completely agree with my assessment. Which is it?
Definition of fascism

  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
View attachment 110222

Obviously you needed to look up a word you used foolishly, and once again shot yourself in the foot. The definition fits nicely defining the "shitforbrains" Administration you voted for in November.
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

You have to allow 'hate speech' before you can call it that.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less. Turn out in general fell from 57% in 2008 to 38% in 2010. It fell more in the Democrat party.

Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less.

When your President is doing a great job, your party doesn't lose 63 seats in the House.
Don't pretend coattails are not a factor. The higher the turnout in the Presidential, the higher that effect.
Throw in that Bush just left office with a terrible approval rating.

Coattails are a huge factor.
So is a failed agenda.
63 lost seats in the House and 6 lost seats in the Senate in 2010 points to a failed agenda.
Only in your limited mind. The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

The policies of the ACA, Stimulus, Dodd Frank were what Obama ran on and were not failed policies at all.

When your orange hero tries to repeal the ACA & Dodd Frank, we will see just how "failed" they really were.
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.

The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

Dems gained 25 House seats in 2008.
You should keep trying to spin 63 lost in 2010 as something other than a defeat, it's amusing.

You keep saying it was a failed policy.

You call it a success? Based on what metric?

Plus the ones they would have lost in 2008 if not for Obama.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented so how would anyone know, dumbass.

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.

Harry Reid did not run the Senate the past two years, dipstick.

How many jobs bills did the Republicans block under Obama?

Why don't you tell me how many job bills Obama proposed.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.

Harry Reid did not run the Senate the past two years, dipstick.

How many jobs bills did the Republicans block under Obama?

Why don't you tell me how many job bills Obama proposed.
So, you are claiming that Obama/Democrats never proposed a single jobs bill that the Republicans blocked?
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
By saying people should be prevented to speak because you disagree simply validates you are a fascist. A shitforbrains fascist.

"Simply" validates my evaluation of you. You fail to understand, or choose not to comprehend, the comparison of hate speech and the legally limited rights of free speech.

Inciting a riot, which is in fact what Milo Yiannopoulos seeks, is an effort by him to change the Conversation. Does the term agent provocateur ring a bell with you?

In fact the protest was peaceful, an example of the protesters invoking their right to free speech and free expression. Not until a small group wearing face masks showed up around 6pm, when they created the disturbance carried on live TV News. Which gave Yiannopoulos exactly what he wanted.

So, now trump has threatened CAL with withholding federal funds because the campus does not allow free speech. He and you have no clue.

"Inciting a riot, which is in fact what Milo Yiannopoulos seeks,"
You claim to know what Milo wanted, yet the College officials that invited him to speak didn't. LMFAO
Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.
Republicans can only win by cheating. Because they can't win based on ideas & ability to govern.

Look at the last time Republicans held Congress & the White House.

Republicans can only win by cheating.

Yup. The only reason they gained 63 seats in the House in 2010 is because they redistricted in 2012.
Obama's coattails carried many in 2008 - both those who gained a seat & those whose seat he aved.. The coattails that weren't there in 2010.

Between 2006 & 2008, Democrats gained over 50 seats.

Gerrymandering was in full flow after the 2000 census here in PA & just made worse after the 2010 census.

If Republicans are that freaking good, why did the resort to gerrymandering?

Democrats invented gerrymandering and still do it in the few pitiful states that they have a Governor and a State house with a majority of Democrats.
Not necessarily, Because Obama is not running, the turn out in the Democrat party is far less.

When your President is doing a great job, your party doesn't lose 63 seats in the House.
Don't pretend coattails are not a factor. The higher the turnout in the Presidential, the higher that effect.
Throw in that Bush just left office with a terrible approval rating.

Coattails are a huge factor.
So is a failed agenda.
63 lost seats in the House and 6 lost seats in the Senate in 2010 points to a failed agenda.
Only in your limited mind. The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

The policies of the ACA, Stimulus, Dodd Frank were what Obama ran on and were not failed policies at all.

When your orange hero tries to repeal the ACA & Dodd Frank, we will see just how "failed" they really were.
Your Buddy Trump is already running away from his promise to repeal the ACA immediately. Why is that?????? You keep saying it was a failed policy.

The huge Obama turnout in 2008 carried many many to House seats in districts where Republicans traditional win.

Dems gained 25 House seats in 2008.
You should keep trying to spin 63 lost in 2010 as something other than a defeat, it's amusing.

You keep saying it was a failed policy.

You call it a success? Based on what metric?

Plus the ones they would have lost in 2008 if not for Obama.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented so how would anyone know, dumbass.

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

As for successful, neither the ACA and Dodd Frank had started to be implemented

Do you consider ACA a success, now? Or Dodd Frank?

The Stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do.

Yeah, bailing out unions. Groovy.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.

Harry Reid did not run the Senate the past two years, dipstick.

How many jobs bills did the Republicans block under Obama?

Reid did run the Senate for six years dipshit. Why don't you tell me how many jobs bills the Republicans blocked in the last two years, if you even know.
You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They did pass bills in the house and Harry Reid put them in his in basket, or did you forget about that.

Harry Reid did not run the Senate the past two years, dipstick.

How many jobs bills did the Republicans block under Obama?

Why don't you tell me how many job bills Obama proposed.
So, you are claiming that Obama/Democrats never proposed a single jobs bill that the Republicans blocked?

I am waiting for you to tell me what jobs bills you are referring too.

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