Republican priorities

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

You, on the other hand, have been an ignorant asshole all of your life by thinking that liminating regulations will lead to a cleaner environment.

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

again, no one expected comey to derail a Hillary Clinton victory. the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

it's irrelevant though, you wingers were so busy trying to delegitimize the president for 8 years who was ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

I'm pretty sure the freak brigade isn't whining about executive orders and tyranny now, eh?


the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

I thought he was trying to protect us from dirty water? I guess it wasn't that important for 7.5 years, eh?

ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

The voters saw what he was doing the first 2 years and liked it so much they handed the House back to the Republicans to block him.
Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

So if it doesn't rank before world peace, jobs, our security, protecting Americans from wall street, it isn't important.

Oh, Obama was so busy making world peace, couldn't give us clean water til the last minute, got it. LOL!
Actually, world peace & this country;s security and our economy & jobs do rank higher on the priority list. Unless you're a Republican. Then allow companies to pollute, allowing oil companies to bribe foreign leaders, and allowing certified mentally ill people buy guns take priority.
The rule was one of many.

Actually, world peace & this country;s security and our economy & jobs do rank higher on the priority list.

Well, Iraq, Libya and Syria sure aren't more peaceful.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

So if it doesn't rank before world peace, jobs, our security, protecting Americans from wall street, it isn't important.

Oh, Obama was so busy making world peace, couldn't give us clean water til the last minute, got it. LOL!
Actually, world peace & this country;s security and our economy & jobs do rank higher on the priority list. Unless you're a Republican. Then allow companies to pollute, allowing oil companies to bribe foreign leaders, and allowing certified mentally ill people buy guns take priority.
The rule was one of many.

Actually, world peace & this country;s security and our economy & jobs do rank higher on the priority list.

Well, Iraq, Libya and Syria sure aren't more peaceful.

So, world peace is not important because of that?
Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

You, on the other hand, have been an ignorant asshole all of your life by thinking that liminating regulations will lead to a cleaner environment.

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

again, no one expected comey to derail a Hillary Clinton victory. the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

it's irrelevant though, you wingers were so busy trying to delegitimize the president for 8 years who was ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

I'm pretty sure the freak brigade isn't whining about executive orders and tyranny now, eh?


the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

I thought he was trying to protect us from dirty water? I guess it wasn't that important for 7.5 years, eh?

ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

The voters saw what he was doing the first 2 years and liked it so much they handed the House back to the Republicans to block him.
The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress proves just how stupid you are. Your candidate Trump ran against your party's performance in Congress & when you voted for Trump you agreed.
Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

again, no one expected comey to derail a Hillary Clinton victory. the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

it's irrelevant though, you wingers were so busy trying to delegitimize the president for 8 years who was ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

I'm pretty sure the freak brigade isn't whining about executive orders and tyranny now, eh?


the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

I thought he was trying to protect us from dirty water? I guess it wasn't that important for 7.5 years, eh?

ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

The voters saw what he was doing the first 2 years and liked it so much they handed the House back to the Republicans to block him.
The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress proves just how stupid you are. Your candidate Trump ran against your party's performance in Congress & when you voted for Trump you agreed.

What choice did they have. They all had to take their words back and kiss his feet, except for Pence.
You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

So if it doesn't rank before world peace, jobs, our security, protecting Americans from wall street, it isn't important.

Oh, Obama was so busy making world peace, couldn't give us clean water til the last minute, got it. LOL!
Actually, world peace & this country;s security and our economy & jobs do rank higher on the priority list. Unless you're a Republican. Then allow companies to pollute, allowing oil companies to bribe foreign leaders, and allowing certified mentally ill people buy guns take priority.
The rule was one of many.

Actually, world peace & this country;s security and our economy & jobs do rank higher on the priority list.

Well, Iraq, Libya and Syria sure aren't more peaceful.

So, world peace is not important because of that?

He failed at world peace. And he waited until the last minute to give us clean water? Bastard!
did you help to fill the white house with toxic orange sludge?
Toxic to YOU. That's the point!
so, that is a yes. great.

so who filled the mine?
Oh, you're back to the mine now? You flop around like a fish in a boat. The point is the incompetence of the EPA, trying to pass the blame on just makes you look like a fool. They could have/should have pumped it out instead, regardless of who. The ming company didn't dump it into the river.
But mins were seeping this toxic crap into the river already.

This is Obama's epa for you

That is not fair, and you know it. The EPA was started in 1970 and if anything needs more power, not less, so they can prevent the above.
Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

again, no one expected comey to derail a Hillary Clinton victory. the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

it's irrelevant though, you wingers were so busy trying to delegitimize the president for 8 years who was ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

I'm pretty sure the freak brigade isn't whining about executive orders and tyranny now, eh?


the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

I thought he was trying to protect us from dirty water? I guess it wasn't that important for 7.5 years, eh?

ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

The voters saw what he was doing the first 2 years and liked it so much they handed the House back to the Republicans to block him.
The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress proves just how stupid you are. Your candidate Trump ran against your party's performance in Congress & when you voted for Trump you agreed.

The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress

It's not an idea, it's reality.
Obama did such an awesome job when he had huge Dem majorities in both House and Senate, that the Republicans gained 6 Senate seats and 63 House seats as well as 6 governorships.

That's a huge vote of no fucking confidence in Obama.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

again, no one expected comey to derail a Hillary Clinton victory. the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

it's irrelevant though, you wingers were so busy trying to delegitimize the president for 8 years who was ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

I'm pretty sure the freak brigade isn't whining about executive orders and tyranny now, eh?


the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

I thought he was trying to protect us from dirty water? I guess it wasn't that important for 7.5 years, eh?

ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

The voters saw what he was doing the first 2 years and liked it so much they handed the House back to the Republicans to block him.
The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress proves just how stupid you are. Your candidate Trump ran against your party's performance in Congress & when you voted for Trump you agreed.

The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress

It's not an idea, it's reality.
Obama did such an awesome job when he had huge Dem majorities in both House and Senate, that the Republicans gained 6 Senate seats and 63 House seats as well as 6 governorships.

That's a huge vote of no fucking confidence in Obama.

Actually, its about coattails, dumbass.

Obama running in 2008 carried some Democrats into the House that normally would have not won.

Of course, you being such a fucking dumbass, would not know this.
Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.
Republicans can only win by cheating. Because they can't win based on ideas & ability to govern.

Look at the last time Republicans held Congress & the White House.
Prediction: Republicans won't repeal Obamacare. They're too afraid. Instead, it'll be "repair" or "fix" or something meh. Pathetic.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

The best job bill FOR AMERICANS is to build the wall, secure the border, and deport illegal aliens (MILLIONS of jobs in the balance) - all opposed by Democrat traitors.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

The best job bill FOR AMERICANS is to build the wall, secure the border, and deport illegal aliens (MILLIONS of jobs in the balance) - all opposed by Democrat traitors.

Obama did a far better job securing the border than Bush. A wall will not help.

Walmart is still waiting for the wall height so they know what length ladder to stock.
Obama did a far better job securing the border than Bush. A wall will not help.

Walmart is still waiting for the wall height so they know what length ladder to stock.
Bush was an illegal alien ass-kiser (as well as an Islamist ass-kisser) He's no example to compare with.

Walls exist all over the world (ex. Israel) They help. FACT not opinion. And they don't make ladders 40 feet tall.

I'm off the (library) computer now.. See ya on Monday.
You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

again, no one expected comey to derail a Hillary Clinton victory. the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

it's irrelevant though, you wingers were so busy trying to delegitimize the president for 8 years who was ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

I'm pretty sure the freak brigade isn't whining about executive orders and tyranny now, eh?


the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

I thought he was trying to protect us from dirty water? I guess it wasn't that important for 7.5 years, eh?

ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

The voters saw what he was doing the first 2 years and liked it so much they handed the House back to the Republicans to block him.
The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress proves just how stupid you are. Your candidate Trump ran against your party's performance in Congress & when you voted for Trump you agreed.

The idea that you dipsticks elected both Trump & Republicans to Congress

It's not an idea, it's reality.
Obama did such an awesome job when he had huge Dem majorities in both House and Senate, that the Republicans gained 6 Senate seats and 63 House seats as well as 6 governorships.

That's a huge vote of no fucking confidence in Obama.

Actually, its about coattails, dumbass.

Obama running in 2008 carried some Democrats into the House that normally would have not won.

Of course, you being such a fucking dumbass, would not know this.

Obama running in 2008 carried some Democrats into the House that normally would have not won.

The Dems took the House in 2006. Gained 21 more seats in 2008. Lost 63 in 2010.

Negative coattails for sure. Because the people really didn't like what Obama did. Dumbass. LOL!
Actually it was the 2010 census and gerrymandering. Take over.
Republicans can only win by cheating. Because they can't win based on ideas & ability to govern.

Look at the last time Republicans held Congress & the White House.

Republicans can only win by cheating.

Yup. The only reason they gained 63 seats in the House in 2010 is because they redistricted in 2012.
Toxic to YOU. That's the point!
so, that is a yes. great.

so who filled the mine?
Oh, you're back to the mine now? You flop around like a fish in a boat. The point is the incompetence of the EPA, trying to pass the blame on just makes you look like a fool. They could have/should have pumped it out instead, regardless of who. The ming company didn't dump it into the river.
But mins were seeping this toxic crap into the river already.

This is Obama's epa for you

That is not fair, and you know it. The EPA was started in 1970 and if anything needs more power, not less, so they can prevent the above.
so, that is a yes. great.

so who filled the mine?
Oh, you're back to the mine now? You flop around like a fish in a boat. The point is the incompetence of the EPA, trying to pass the blame on just makes you look like a fool. They could have/should have pumped it out instead, regardless of who. The ming company didn't dump it into the river.
But mins were seeping this toxic crap into the river already.

This is Obama's epa for you

That is not fair, and you know it. The EPA was started in 1970 and if anything needs more power, not less, so they can prevent the above.
The board software is as retarded as trumptards. i get an alert for this offal by steinle using moron?

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