Republican priorities

So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?

Shows that the EPA should of been started earlier and given more power.
So the EPA could turn more rivers yellow?
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
I'm self employed, not an agency drone. Opposite worlds.
Shows that the EPA should of been started earlier and given more power.
So the EPA could turn more rivers yellow?
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
I'm self employed, not an agency drone. Opposite worlds.
did you help to fill the white house with toxic orange sludge?
So the EPA could turn more rivers yellow?
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
I'm self employed, not an agency drone. Opposite worlds.
did you help to fill the white house with toxic orange sludge?
Toxic to YOU. That's the point!
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
I'm self employed, not an agency drone. Opposite worlds.
did you help to fill the white house with toxic orange sludge?
Toxic to YOU. That's the point!
so, that is a yes. great.

so who filled the mine?
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They had to deal with your black boy for 4 years who was trying to push away people like you that were kissing his ass. Pucker up.
Yet another low life POS RACIST fuck.

Are there any Truimp supporters here that will come out against this racist fuck? Or are you all racists?
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.
Working ion? Where the fuck is it. They have been running the House for 4 fucking years, you'd think they would have a plan?

As for backing it up, pull your head out of your ass & become informed. My God.

They had to deal with your black boy for 4 years who was trying to push away people like you that were kissing his ass. Pucker up.
Yet another low life POS RACIST fuck.

Are there any Truimp supporters here that will come out against this racist fuck? Or are you all racists?

Yet more excuses from one of the lickers. Pucker up, boy.
I can't say anything, I'm apparently a racist bitch because I've always referred to my son as mulatto. My son never cared so I never checked "the big list" to know I was a racist. Now he's 24 and I can't do anything about my PC sins.
So, you don't know the process. You should really become better informed before shooting off you big mouth.

Creating a regulation
Get Involved!

Learn more about commenting on EPA regulations and how you can get involved

When developing regulations, the first thing we do is ask if a regulation is needed at all. Every regulation is developed under slightly different circumstances, but this is the general process:

Step 1: EPA Proposes a Regulation
The Agency researches the issues and, if necessary, proposes a regulation, also known as a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). The proposal is listed in the Federal Register (FR) so that members of the public can consider it and send their comments to us. The proposed rule and supporting documents are also filed in EPA's official docket on

Step 2: EPA Considers Your Comments and Issues a Final Rule
Generally, once we consider the comments received when the proposed regulation was issued, we revise the regulation accordingly and issue a final rule. This final rule is also published in the FR and in EPA's official docket on

Step 3: The Regulation is Codified in the Code of Federal Regulations
Once a regulation is completed and has been printed in the FR as a final rule, it is codified when it is added to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The CFR is the official record of all regulations created by the federal government. It is divided into 50 volumes, called titles, each of which focuses on a particular area. Almost all environmental regulations appear in Title 40. The CFR is revised yearly, with one fourth of the volumes updated every three months. Title 40 is revised every July 1.

So, you don't know the process.

Apparently it involves taking 8 years to get anything done. And now it's undone. Oops.

the first thing we do is ask if a regulation is needed at all.

If that's the case, Trump can easily get rid of 75% of them.

So you think we can trust corporations not to pollute. Wow, what a fool.

You think if we add another couple of thousand regulations that pollution will disappear?
With no negative impact on the economy? Wow, what a fool.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams. Just how fucking stupid are you.

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

If a regulation makes our water cleaner, yes it leads to cleaner water.

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it if it saves a fricken nickel. one wants pollution...what we don't want is members of the Green Religion, attacking businesses because they hate business and worship mother earth.......right now, the EPA is nuts.....they see business like you do...and use their power to attack legitimate businesses while they themselves cause environmental Flint, and Poisoning the colorado river....moron.

So, how do you expect to have clean streams if you allow companies to pollute? And really, don't give me any of this " no one wants to pollute bullshit. Companies do pollute & they do it on purpose because it is cheaper than not polluting.

The Colorado was an accident asshole. An accident that happened while trying to clean up toxic mine waste. Flint was caused by certain government entities switching water supplies to save money.

Lets talk about the polluting of the Kanawa river in Charleston WV. Lets talk about the oil spills. Lets talk about all the clean up efforts near factories. Nearly ever river in this country is in poor shape because of pollution.
The EPA openly pollutes our rivers and no one is held accountable.

"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?

Shows that the EPA should of been started earlier and given more power.
So the EPA could turn more rivers yellow?
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?

Yes, the EPA.
"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?

Shows that the EPA should of been started earlier and given more power.
So the EPA could turn more rivers yellow?
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
It was a contractor you stupid shit.
So you think we can trust corporations not to pollute. Wow, what a fool.

You think if we add another couple of thousand regulations that pollution will disappear?
With no negative impact on the economy? Wow, what a fool.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams. Just how fucking stupid are you.

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

If a regulation makes our water cleaner, yes it leads to cleaner water.

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it if it saves a fricken nickel.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

You, on the other hand, have been an ignorant asshole all of your life by thinking that liminating regulations will lead to a cleaner environment.

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.
You think if we add another couple of thousand regulations that pollution will disappear?
With no negative impact on the economy? Wow, what a fool.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams. Just how fucking stupid are you.

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

If a regulation makes our water cleaner, yes it leads to cleaner water.

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it if it saves a fricken nickel.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

You, on the other hand, have been an ignorant asshole all of your life by thinking that liminating regulations will lead to a cleaner environment.

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!
So, you don't know the process. You should really become better informed before shooting off you big mouth.

Creating a regulation
Get Involved!

Learn more about commenting on EPA regulations and how you can get involved

When developing regulations, the first thing we do is ask if a regulation is needed at all. Every regulation is developed under slightly different circumstances, but this is the general process:

Step 1: EPA Proposes a Regulation
The Agency researches the issues and, if necessary, proposes a regulation, also known as a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). The proposal is listed in the Federal Register (FR) so that members of the public can consider it and send their comments to us. The proposed rule and supporting documents are also filed in EPA's official docket on

Step 2: EPA Considers Your Comments and Issues a Final Rule
Generally, once we consider the comments received when the proposed regulation was issued, we revise the regulation accordingly and issue a final rule. This final rule is also published in the FR and in EPA's official docket on

Step 3: The Regulation is Codified in the Code of Federal Regulations
Once a regulation is completed and has been printed in the FR as a final rule, it is codified when it is added to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The CFR is the official record of all regulations created by the federal government. It is divided into 50 volumes, called titles, each of which focuses on a particular area. Almost all environmental regulations appear in Title 40. The CFR is revised yearly, with one fourth of the volumes updated every three months. Title 40 is revised every July 1.

So, you don't know the process.

Apparently it involves taking 8 years to get anything done. And now it's undone. Oops.

the first thing we do is ask if a regulation is needed at all.

If that's the case, Trump can easily get rid of 75% of them.

So you think we can trust corporations not to pollute. Wow, what a fool.

You think if we add another couple of thousand regulations that pollution will disappear?
With no negative impact on the economy? Wow, what a fool.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams. Just how fucking stupid are you.

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

If a regulation makes our water cleaner, yes it leads to cleaner water.

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it if it saves a fricken nickel.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

You made that claim when you say regulations do not help keep pollution out of our streams.

Then, you try to blame the long recovery on dirty water instead of admitting that when Bush & your Republicans gave us the worst recession in 80 years that the recovery would take longer than lesser recession.

The majority of Americans are for a clean environment. Only duped fools like you think we can trust companies to not pollute.
So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?

Shows that the EPA should of been started earlier and given more power.
So the EPA could turn more rivers yellow?
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
It was a contractor you stupid shit.
A contractor created the incompetence of the EPA? LOL
Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams. Just how fucking stupid are you.

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

If a regulation makes our water cleaner, yes it leads to cleaner water.

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it if it saves a fricken nickel.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

You, on the other hand, have been an ignorant asshole all of your life by thinking that liminating regulations will lead to a cleaner environment.

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

So if it doesn't rank before world peace, jobs, our security, protecting Americans from wall street, it isn't important.
So, you don't know the process.

Apparently it involves taking 8 years to get anything done. And now it's undone. Oops.

the first thing we do is ask if a regulation is needed at all.

If that's the case, Trump can easily get rid of 75% of them.

So you think we can trust corporations not to pollute. Wow, what a fool.

You think if we add another couple of thousand regulations that pollution will disappear?
With no negative impact on the economy? Wow, what a fool.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams. Just how fucking stupid are you.

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

If a regulation makes our water cleaner, yes it leads to cleaner water.

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it if it saves a fricken nickel.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

You made that claim when you say regulations do not help keep pollution out of our streams.

Then, you try to blame the long recovery on dirty water instead of admitting that when Bush & your Republicans gave us the worst recession in 80 years that the recovery would take longer than lesser recession.

The majority of Americans are for a clean environment. Only duped fools like you think we can trust companies to not pollute.

You made that claim when you say regulations do not help keep pollution out of our streams.

Where did I say that? LINK?

Then, you try to blame the long recovery on dirty water

You said dirty water hurts the economy, after you admit Obama let the coal companies dirty the water, until the last minute. Were you lying or just stupid?
Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

You, on the other hand, have been an ignorant asshole all of your life by thinking that liminating regulations will lead to a cleaner environment.

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

So if it doesn't rank before world peace, jobs, our security, protecting Americans from wall street, it isn't important.

Oh, Obama was so busy making world peace, couldn't give us clean water til the last minute, got it. LOL!
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
I'm self employed, not an agency drone. Opposite worlds.
did you help to fill the white house with toxic orange sludge?
Toxic to YOU. That's the point!
so, that is a yes. great.

so who filled the mine?
Oh, you're back to the mine now? You flop around like a fish in a boat. The point is the incompetence of the EPA, trying to pass the blame on just makes you look like a fool. They could have/should have pumped it out instead, regardless of who. The ming company didn't dump it into the river.
Shows that the EPA should of been started earlier and given more power.
So the EPA could turn more rivers yellow?
who filled the mine with toxic orange sludge? the EPA?
Who created the incompetence of the agency?
It was a contractor you stupid shit.
A contractor created the incompetence of the EPA? LOL
A private contractor was doing the work & they fucked up. C O N T R A C T O R Not the EPA> The EPA did not tell the contractor to create the spill.

So if you hire a plumber to fix a leak in your basement & he makes a mistake & floods your basement, it is your fault. If you take a taxi to the airport & it gets hit by a train, it is your fault. If your doctor amputates the wrong foot, it is your fault.
Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams. Just how fucking stupid are you.

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

If a regulation makes our water cleaner, yes it leads to cleaner water.

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it if it saves a fricken nickel.

Without regulations, there is no enforcement & you think that will lead to clean streams.

You'll have to let me know where I made that claim. Thanks!

You want a negative impact to our economy, pollute our water.

Is that why Obama had such a weak economic recovery, he gave us 8 years of dirty water? Bastard!

Pollution will never end because there are too many jackasses like you wanting to pollute it

Obama was a jackass for 8 years?

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

You, on the other hand, have been an ignorant asshole all of your life by thinking that liminating regulations will lead to a cleaner environment.

Obama fought for the environment for 8 years. The mining rule was just one rule.

It must have been super important, if he waited until the last minute.
OK, so every President must not enact any rules durung the last year in office because , if it was important, it would have been done sooner. This is how God damn stupid your argument is.

You're right, they should leave the super important stuff for the last minute. DERP!

again, no one expected comey to derail a Hillary Clinton victory. the expectation was that president Obama wouldn't have to protect people from an orange sociopath.

it's irrelevant though, you wingers were so busy trying to delegitimize the president for 8 years who was ACTUALLY elected by 52% of voters, that you deluded yourself into thinking that he somehow shouldn't do anything while in office.

I'm pretty sure the freak brigade isn't whining about executive orders and tyranny now, eh?


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