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Republican Senate candidate says rape pregnancies are "God's will"

Whether or not a child conceived in rape is God's Will or not is something that can never know. Women that are raped and have the child are incredibly courageous. We have no right to ask anyone to be that courageous. I know people who were conceived in rape and give up for adoption. They are fine people, they contribute. They now have families of their own. They have children and grandchildren. This does not mean that there should be some across the board law forcing women to have the babies of rapists. The frailties of human behavior preclude that. If the pregnancy results in abortion, we should prosecute the responsible party for murder. It's the rapist who set the means in motion that ended life.
Your god is an asshole. Bottom line. There's nothing good about a woman being beaten and forced to the ground, her clothes torn, and a man that either she thought was someone trustworthy or who is a total stranger forcibly penetrates her, often repeatedly. There's nothing good about being forced to carry the child of that vicious attack and being told that some god wanted it to happen so it's okay.

Your god needs to fuck himself in the eye.

Are you saying that all rape victims are pathetic and useless for the rest of their lives, or do some of them turn that tragic experience into something positive, making the world a better place?

I hope you get raped soon. Then maybe you'll have an idea of what it is you're saying. As you bleed from the ass, barely able to walk, wondering if that big huge bastard is going to come back and do it again - you can get ice cream and see a movie - yay!

How's that for positivity?

Christ on a crutch, what a bunch of woman hating fucktards.

I have a much better idea of what I am saying than you do, which is why I reject your idiotic claim that nothing good comes from getting pregnant, even if the pregnancy is the result of rape.
Actually, anyone who understands God's power would reject such a foolish statement. An all powerful God can stop the evil the first place. An all powerful God can bring about the good without the evil happening. And the argument from free will does nothing to save your weak minded statement. Because an all powerful God can do all those things without violating free will.

Tell you what, why don't you explain God's power to us lesser mortals that have to rely on self proclaimed experts, Before you do that, be sure to provide the credentials God gave you to speak for Him, and provide evidence that He actually approves of your words.

Alternatively, you could admit you are talking out of your ass.

Did you ask that same question of your pal Obamanation? If not why not?

Because he didn't claim that God is all powerful.
Your god is an asshole. Bottom line. There's nothing good about a woman being beaten and forced to the ground, her clothes torn, and a man that either she thought was someone trustworthy or who is a total stranger forcibly penetrates her, often repeatedly. There's nothing good about being forced to carry the child of that vicious attack and being told that some god wanted it to happen so it's okay.

Your god needs to fuck himself in the eye.

Who said God was the cause for the man to do this in the first place? Isn't that man capable of making such a cold decision on his own free will?

However a woman can choose how she is to respond to such a difficult situation. The right decision (based on her beliefs and set of values she was raised) doesn't always come as being among the easiest ones to make. It would take a very strong woman in fact, to hold the position of be willing to keep the pregnancy because she feels taking an innocent life isn't justified. Some women may have that kind of strong faith or belief, to look to the baby instead and say that God could use this child for a better purpose. It's not an easy choice one can simply make, and it takes commitment as well as sacrifice.

In the general sense. I believe we have somehow become this "numb" and "cold" society where abortion can so easily be considered without as much as second glance, with an innocent life that's so easily discarded. We, in this society, don't hold a real great value for life overall.

...which is why 'we' are so easily prepared to squander it in immoral, illegal wars and invasions, eh? Or that we execute someone's adorable little baby as an adult.

Stop with the hypocrisy! We make life and death decisions every day and the decision a woman has to make should be made by her, certainly not by someone who is absolutely incapable of the slightest empathy for her situation.

Someone who is given the sentence of the Death Penalty, has had the opportunity to face his or her accusers based upon DNA evidence or the latest advancements of technology at that time. The accused is having to take some "personal responsibilty" for their actions. Your remark suggests you would much rather coddle the serial killer or serial rapist, a twisted and sick mindset I can not understand. Im sure John Lee Malvo is a cute little boy to you, try explaining that to all the innocent men and women he killed for sport in the Maryland / Virginia area. People need to be held "accountable" for their actions, not look to make some excuse for it by coddling them. So why are you so much in favor of abortions across the board, killing a life so easily that can't possibly defend itself? As I stated, rape is not an easy decision to be confronted with, and takes a real strong woman to overcome that obstical. On the other hand, not every person holds the same regard to life as well, to another it's merely a problem in need of a quick-fix solution (they won't even think twice or lose a moments sleep about it). Everyone's take on the matter will be different, based upon their values of what's more important.

With regard to going to war, it is sometimes a necessary evil to defend those nations from threats of invasion. How would you respond to an arab nation who publicly makes threats to kill off a nation or race with weapons, then persues a uranium enrichment program? It's for peaceful purposes which is why we have the facility buried below miles of earth. Those that serve in the military, which I share in company, have made that personal "choice" to defend this nation's liberties, even sacrifice for it. This is because we value the freedoms, lives, and views, of others . . . even when it becomes evident that some have taken such liberties, we happen to possess and enjoy in this great nation, far too much for granted.
That is what a right wing radical Christian said when he said a pregnancy resulting from that rape is GOD’s will. That’s not the will of the GOD I know and worship. He don’t burn mankind in hell forever and ever either. My GOD said the “wages of sin is death” and not everlasting torment in a burning place call hell. The Biblical Truth about HellFire
Even radical Islam don’t condone rape but to stone the rapist to death. Not so in radial Christianity. The woman is guilty and punished by forcing to give birth to a child of rape.
If you think for one minute that Romney can separate his religious belief in his jobs as president, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you. His religious belief is shown throughout his policies. His values are based on his religion and you cannot separate your values from how you live. Whom ever is president is living their values.

“Rape is a gift from GOD that produces life?”Mitt Romney is hit by second rape row in
Still waiting on that link.....pony up or dick suck will stick his dick in you mouth.....and hes serious!!!!
Can't make this stuff up folks. Republicans sincerely believe that God and rape go hand in hand. WOW! Such cursing and reviling of God by the pro-lifers.

GOP Sen. Mourdock: 'God Intended' Pregnancies From Rape - Yahoo! News

Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said pregnancies resulting from rape are part of God's plan, tearfully explaining that he only supports abortions when a mother's life is in danger...
Anyone concludes that at Conservative RNC, so far even the Mormon version of the Deity concept may be tanking, since the "Real Conservative Deity" concept is supported by two entirely different Stupid Guys, Way Too Stupid(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Funny New White Eyes Agenda: Take even scalps from strange places(?)!)
Mitt Romney: "Thank Heavens for Rapists and Little Girls..."

Are you saying that all rape victims are pathetic and useless for the rest of their lives, or do some of them turn that tragic experience into something positive, making the world a better place?

I hope you get raped soon. Then maybe you'll have an idea of what it is you're saying. As you bleed from the ass, barely able to walk, wondering if that big huge bastard is going to come back and do it again - you can get ice cream and see a movie - yay!

How's that for positivity?

Christ on a crutch, what a bunch of woman hating fucktards.

I have a much better idea of what I am saying than you do, which is why I reject your idiotic claim that nothing good comes from getting pregnant, even if the pregnancy is the result of rape.

Well I have a much understanding about the state of mind of someone having an abortion than you.. Which is why I reject your idiotic asshole claim that a women having an abortion is compared to someone committing rape.
It is intellectually consistent to make the argument the Congressman is making, even if it sounds tactless.

For someone who believes life begins at conception, it would be morally wrong to destroy that human life solely for the reason of how it was created.

It is an extreme view, but it is philosophically sound.

There is compassion for the mother, but there is also compassion for the human life inside her. It is possible to have both.

The emotional conflict was created by the rapist, not the Congressman.

It is intellectually consistent to make the argument the candidate is making, even if it sounds tactless.

For someone who believes life begins at conception, it would be morally wrong to destroy that human life solely for the reason of how it was created.

It is an extreme view, but it is philosophically sound.

There is compassion for the mother, but there is also compassion for the human life inside her. It is possible to have both.

The emotional conflict was created by the rapist, not the candidate or God.

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Who said God was the cause for the man to do this in the first place? Isn't that man capable of making such a cold decision on his own free will?

However a woman can choose how she is to respond to such a difficult situation. The right decision (based on her beliefs and set of values she was raised) doesn't always come as being among the easiest ones to make. It would take a very strong woman in fact, to hold the position of be willing to keep the pregnancy because she feels taking an innocent life isn't justified. Some women may have that kind of strong faith or belief, to look to the baby instead and say that God could use this child for a better purpose. It's not an easy choice one can simply make, and it takes commitment as well as sacrifice.

In the general sense. I believe we have somehow become this "numb" and "cold" society where abortion can so easily be considered without as much as second glance, with an innocent life that's so easily discarded. We, in this society, don't hold a real great value for life overall.

...which is why 'we' are so easily prepared to squander it in immoral, illegal wars and invasions, eh? Or that we execute someone's adorable little baby as an adult.

Stop with the hypocrisy! We make life and death decisions every day and the decision a woman has to make should be made by her, certainly not by someone who is absolutely incapable of the slightest empathy for her situation.

Someone who is given the sentence of the Death Penalty, has had the opportunity to face his or her accusers based upon DNA evidence or the latest advancements of technology at that time. The accused is having to take some "personal responsibilty" for their actions. Your remark suggests you would much rather coddle the serial killer or serial rapist, a twisted and sick mindset I can not understand. Im sure John Lee Malvo is a cute little boy to you, try explaining that to all the innocent men and women he killed for sport in the Maryland / Virginia area. People need to be held "accountable" for their actions, not look to make some excuse for it by coddling them. So why are you so much in favor of abortions across the board, killing a life so easily that can't possibly defend itself? As I stated, rape is not an easy decision to be confronted with, and takes a real strong woman to overcome that obstical. On the other hand, not every person holds the same regard to life as well, to another it's merely a problem in need of a quick-fix solution (they won't even think twice or lose a moments sleep about it). Everyone's take on the matter will be different, based upon their values of what's more important.

With regard to going to war, it is sometimes a necessary evil to defend those nations from threats of invasion. How would you respond to an arab nation who publicly makes threats to kill off a nation or race with weapons, then persues a uranium enrichment program? It's for peaceful purposes which is why we have the facility buried below miles of earth. Those that serve in the military, which I share in company, have made that personal "choice" to defend this nation's liberties, even sacrifice for it. This is because we value the freedoms, lives, and views, of others . . . even when it becomes evident that some have taken such liberties, we happen to possess and enjoy in this great nation, far too much for granted.

Killing someone in revenge, even if it is the result of a trial, is still killing. You might say that isn't murder, yet you insist that abortion is, so we are supposed to accept your definitions of everything. As in the statement that my post is for abortion. False. That was nowhere stated. What was stated was that your imposition on a woman, when you have no right to it, is unacceptable.

As for wars, that also was not the subject. Defense is one thing, aggression clearly another. I consider the Wehrmacht murderers. Their war was unjust in every sense.

The Iraq invasion cannot be defended. Defending democracy means refusing immoral and unconstitutional acts. That fact may displease some. Choice is not always easy or popular.
It is intellectually consistent to make the argument the Congressman is making, even if it sounds tactless.

For someone who believes life begins at conception, it would be morally wrong to destroy that human life solely for the reason of how it was created.

It is an extreme view, but it is philosophically sound.

There is compassion for the mother, but there is also compassion for the human life inside her. It is possible to have both.

The emotional conflict was created by the rapist, not the Congressman.


You state your case well and I don't want to sound as if this is a personal attack, but though consistent the philosophy is absolutely not sound given everything else in modern society this person and his ilk accept, use and exploit. They do not attend God's will in the things that extend to their power, but want to impose theirs on others. That is BS, and I don't mean Bachelor of Science!
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And it's not an extreme view. It's actually the view that most people hold...but they still maintain a rape victim should have the option of aborting if they report the rape and get it done immediately.
Screw this guy. Abortion should be a CHOICE. People make mistakes, get raped, B.C. failing etc. MY opinion

It's not a harmless issue. The Republicans want to do away with Roe v Wade and take us back to a time when young kids have to travel to some backwoods con and get an abortion performed with a coat hanger. They fight to keep unwanted pregnancies alive so they can put the old capital punishment on their asses after they live a miserable life and get in trouble. There are way too many people in this world now much less the idea of forcing young women to have more. It takes idiots to think like that.

Idk about all of that, but if a woman wants it, they will do it. Alley abortions used to be a big thing. Not something we need to start worrying about again. Too many people is right. Damn Duggards lol

Bullshit. Whoever is elected will have the opportunity to appoint up to three supreme court justices. You can bet your ass that if Romney appoints them they will be strict conservatives and the least they will do is make it a states rights issue. Then a southern woman who needs an abortion will have to go north or west and depending on where she lives could have to travel 500-600 miles. Either that or let some fee grabbing prick cause her to abort close to home and chance infection, hysterectomy, etc. even possible death. The bible thumpers have an agenda based on a fairy tale and since they're trying so hard to meet the guy floating on a cloud and live forever they'll shut down evil women......especially witches.

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