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Republican Senator Admits Palin Lack Experience

That was one of the dumbest posts I have seen in a while. Obama has visited troops numerous times both in Iraq and Afghanistan (January 2006 and July 2008 respectively). Congratulations to Palin for leaving North America for the first time in her life. Woohoo. How dare Obama travel the world and attempt to repair the relationships with foreign countries that Bush has destroyed over the past eight years. I see a pattern of stupidity and misinformation on the part of the Republican Party and its supporters, definitely. Get your facts straight before you post outright lies on a national message board.

January 2006 was also Obama's first visit to the troops. He didn't go back for two and a half years. If you want to call that "numerous times," help yourself.
Either way, it still goes completely again your first statement. I am all for supporting the troops, but honestly, what good does it do to visit them all the time? Obama clearly cares about them by trying to get them home so they can be with their loved ones and begin a normal life. You can visit the troops all you want, but I have a strong feeling they would rather come home and see their families then they would McCain's old ass, or some lady they have never heard of before (although, Palin is pretty attractive, so I am sure they appreciated that). Obama is doing something that will actually help the troops by actively trying to get them home as soon as possible and repairing relations with the international community to avoid another conflict. Visiting the troops more then once is a self serving attempt to garner media attention. Bringing them home is the only way to truly show your support.
Funny thing is Palin has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined.

Again, the last person to tout their "executive experience" was Dubya.

Also, Palin has only been Governor for 19 months. So it's not like she's been Governor very long.

Though she was the mayor in the meth capital of Alaska for awhile.


Here you go Charlie, Stoner, and other members of the GOP who keep saying "well she has more executive experience."
Putting troops back in Afghanistan would at least be a productive use of them. At least we would be fighting terrorism again (the whole point of invading Iraq in the first place, or so Bush claimed). Afghanistan was the original hotbed of Islamic extremism until we showed up in Iraq and gave them a reason so set up a base there. Less troops would be needed in Afghanistan to stabilize the situation there. There are less then 30,000 in Afghanistan now as opposed to the 160,000 in Iraq. From the looks of things, your not very smart sanders, so let me break that down for you. 30,000<160,000 and even with a troop increase the numbers would never reach those of Iraq. 160,000+30,000=190,000-160,000 from a pullout of Iraq=30,000. Even if Afghanistan required 50,000 troops (which is outrageous) that would only be 80,000 troops overseas in that region. 80,000<190,000. I pray to god even you can see that.

Post below has the correct information
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Putting troops back in Afghanistan would at least be a productive use of them. At least we would be fighting terrorism again (the whole point of invading Iraq in the first place, or so Bush claimed). Afghanistan was the original hotbed of Islamic extremism until we showed up in Iraq and gave them a reason so set up a base there. Less troops would be needed in Afghanistan to stabilize the situation there. A peak of 30,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan, as opposed to the 160,000 in Iraq. From the looks of things, your not very smart sanders, so let me break that down for you. 30,000<160,000 and even with a troop increase the numbers would never reach those of Iraq. 160,000+30,000=190,000-160,000 from a pullout of Iraq=30,000. Even if Afghanistan required 50,000 troops (which is outrageous) that would only be 80,000 troops overseas in that region. 80,000<190,000. I pray to god even you can see that.
I would never argue that Obama has a wealth of experience running a country, but who does going into their first term as president? Obama is a highly intelligent man that obviously cares about his community and HAS been a reformer in the state of Illinois. If you do not believe that then you may want to do a little bit more research before coming back. He is well traveled and understands other cultures, which is vital in today's world. I claimed that ILLINOIS was politically important, not Obama. Regardless, if you do not believe that Obama is politically important then you are a fool. He has become a symbol of hope to many across the country, and even though you may not see it, there are millions of others who do.

Running Alaska and running a state like Florida IS different. Alaskan people have an extraordinary amount of freedom from the government and they pride themselves on that. Managing a state that has over ten million people and a significantly larger budget is inherently a much greater responsibility and different then running a state of a much smaller size.

You are right. Palin is only #2 while Obama is going to be the #1 and, in my opinion, VP's don't have much responsibility in most presidencies (unless you are Dick Cheney). The reason I have such an issue with Palin is that because McCain is so old, there is a good possibility that he may not live through his presidency or could possibly become incapacitated during his term and Palin would have to take over. I would rather have a well educated person who cares about the people in charge, then a woman with no LEGITIMATE experience that lacks a serious education and just got on the ticket cause she was a woman who is a "straight shooter." Give me a break.

Oh boy.. he has inspired "Hope"... well.. hope in one hand and shit in the other and tell us which one fills up first in reality

And he traveled... oooohhhh... My grandma must qualify on foreign policy... she's traveled too :rolleyes:

Obama has not been a reformer... perhaps you ought to look at the big picture of his 'effort' in Illinois as a community organizer... and lest we not forget that his vast experience in the US senate revolves around getting there and almost immediately started running for Prez, with no significant efforts as a senator at ALL

And you claiming Obama's experience is legit while Palin's is not... is complete horseshit
You mean when she was on her wait to visit soldiers? When Barack Obama finally decided to go overseas (after McCain pointed out that Obama hadn't been there in years), Obama went to Europe to give speeches and continue to compare himself to JFK. Palin went to visit soldiers, Obama went to give speeches. McCain went to visit soldiers, Obama went to give speeches. Palin and McCain went to help out volunteers before Ike, Obama was giving speeches. See a pattern?

The point was that Palin claimed Ireland as one of a handful of places she had been.

Her visit to Ireland involved staying on the plane as it refueled.

If Obama is so concerned about the troops how come he props-up the strategic vision of the people planting the IED's that kill troops?

If Obama cares about the troops why did he try to keep the Iraqis from reaching the benchmarks the democrats said were more important than the surge?

If Obama cares about the troops how come he has never apologized to Gen Petraeus for that disgraceful badgering he put on to pander to the anti-war kooks?

You libs can go @#$% yourselves with your phony troop-love.
Oh boy.. he has inspired "Hope"... well.. hope in one hand and shit in the other and tell us which one fills up first in reality

And he traveled... oooohhhh... My grandma must qualify on foreign policy... she's traveled too :rolleyes:

Obama has not been a reformer... perhaps you ought to look at the big picture of his 'effort' in Illinois as a community organizer... and lest we not forget that his vast experience in the US senate revolves around getting there and almost immediately started running for Prez, with no significant efforts as a senator at ALL

And you claiming Obama's experience is legit while Palin's is not... is complete horseshit

Haha, you are funny. This is the same typical conservative bullshit that permeates American society today and is the reason our economy is failing and the world hates us. Obama has spent significant time in foreign countries, not just traveled to them. That is the only way to fully understand foreign cultures and the way they view the world. Understanding other cultures is vital to foreign relations and if you do not understand that, you are as ignorant as the rest of your conservative brethren. Deny all of you want the progress that Obama made in South Chicago, but I know people who have lived there and they will attest to it. Too bad you never leave your bubble to find anything like that out.

I'll tell you whats horseshit; claiming that Palin has any worthwhile experience in the first place. The woman is a joke and the sooner people realize that the better. Yes, she was a smart political move by McCain's campaign, but it ends there. Her "credentials," if you can even call them that, are laughable at best. Deal with it.

If Obama is so concerned about the troops how come he props-up the strategic vision of the people planting the IED's that kill troops?

If Obama cares about the troops why did he try to keep the Iraqis from reaching the benchmarks the democrats said were more important than the surge?

If Obama cares about the troops how come he has never apologized to Gen Petraeus for that disgraceful badgering he put on to pander to the anti-war kooks?

You libs can go @#$% yourselves with your phony troop-love.

Yea, and keeping our troops in Iraq for the next hundred years shows a lot of support for them. Get over yourself. Conservatives like you got them into this mess, and Obama is just trying to get them out.

Who was it that sent them there terribly undermanned and under equipped in the first place? Bush and his cronies. That is a lot of love right there.
Yea, and keeping our troops in Iraq for the next hundred years shows a lot of support for them. Get over yourself. Conservatives like you got them into this mess, and Obama is just trying to get them out.

Who was it that sent them there terribly undermanned and under equipped in the first place? Bush and his cronies. That is a lot of love right there.
Oh goody, another stoner heard from.

Congrats on farting out the treadworn talking points. So undermanned and underequipped they pushed over Iraq in 3 weeks.

And who was it that kept disarming the military? Who is it that votes against appropriations bills? When we finally get up-armored humvees the Iranians get EFP's and then you claim we can't do anything about it...when you're not busy applauding Russia.

If Obama is so concerned about the troops how come he props-up the strategic vision of the people planting the IED's that kill troops?

If Obama cares about the troops why did he try to keep the Iraqis from reaching the benchmarks the democrats said were more important than the surge?

If Obama cares about the troops how come he has never apologized to Gen Petraeus for that disgraceful badgering he put on to pander to the anti-war kooks?

You libs can go @#$% yourselves with your phony troop-love.

well, presumably that was for chris, because I was just responding to the people on the first page that said that Obama never visited troops. That is simply wrong. It's either a lie or ignorance, so posting the link seemed appropriate. He has a positive record on troop relations, and in fact most of them are voting for him if donations are any indication (Crooks and Liars If money talks, the troops are saying, &#8216;Vote Obama&#8217;).

McCain has a good record on troop visits too.

mccain visit troops - Google Search
Oh goody, another stoner heard from.

Congrats on farting out the treadworn talking points. So undermanned and underequipped they pushed over Iraq in 3 weeks.

And who was it that kept disarming the military? Who is it that votes against appropriations bills? When we finally get up-armored humvees the Iranians get EFP's and then you claim we can't do anything about it...when you're not busy applauding Russia.

Let's talk about treadworn talking points. That is all you have been spouting. If we were not able to take over Iraq in three weeks, I would have been worried. You act like that is some sort of great accomplishment for a military like ours. In regard to appropriations bills; like our military really needs more money. They already receive more then most of the world COMBINED; but I am sure you already knew that. Money that could be much better spent domestically, or not at all. It is nice that you make sweeping generalizations based off of no information. Sounds about right. It is exactly what I would expect from someone of your ignorance. War is not the answer to all of our problems. It should be a last resort. It is too bad the Republicans have made it our first...OK, maybe our second or third. Still, way too high on the list.
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It is too bad the Republicans have made it our first...OK, maybe our second or third. Still, way too high on the list.

Last I checked, Democrats voted for the war also, and rightfully so. To their knowledge, Iraq was planning to blow us up. And Obama said he still opposed the war. Just the guy I want in office, the one who won't defend us from an imminent threat. :eusa_clap:
Last I checked, Democrats voted for the war also, and rightfully so. To their knowledge, Iraq was planning to blow us up. And Obama said he still opposed the war. Just the guy I want in office, the one who won't defend us from an imminent threat. :eusa_clap:

According to the Democrats, because of Bush's lie, they were misled on their vote. Talk about accountability.

Check this little excerpt out on 'Senate Vote Clears Housing Bill for Bush’s Signature':

The Senate sent to President Bush’s desk a landmark housing bill intended to stabilize financial markets and the battered housing sector.

The Senate voted 72-13 on Saturday morning to accept a House-passed version of the bill (HR 3221), thus ending months of back and forth between the chambers and the two parties. The compromise package includes provisions to help borrowers get out from under loans they cannot afford and throws a lifeline to the struggling mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The White House has indicated the president will sign the bill into law.

The package marks the most robust congressional response, so far, to ongoing problems in the housing market, where foreclosures continue to rise and rattle Wall Street.

“It will make a difference not only in the housing market, but the entire economy,” said Senate Majority Harry Reid, D-Nev. He said the bill will probably reach the White House on July 28.

Bush is expected to sign the bill quickly, in part because it includes two White House priorities: A backstop for Fannie and Freddie and creation of a strong new federal regulator for the two companies that will be empowered to set capital levels and limits on their mortgage portfolios.

According to Senate Majority Harry Reid, it will make a difference to the entire economy. The question: Why would the bill be a backstop for Fannie and Freddie and what happened with the new federal regulator??

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