Republican Senator - family values!

The post where Ruby declares the US Government is a terrorist nation...

Originally Posted by RetiredGySgt View Post
Simple MORONIC Drivel. Comparing the US to terrorists is ignorant at best. That you actually believe this garbage is ridiculous.

And people like Reilly give you a pass on these moronic statements.
First of all, your desperate attempts to try and rope others into doing your battles for you is funny.

The problem many americans have is holding our own nation to the same criteria and definitions we hold others to.

Ok here we go, the definition of terrorism by OUR OWN STATE DEPT.

Terrorism is defined by the U.S. Department of Defense as "the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives."
We are using unlawful force against Iraq, we can neither claim self-defense nor international agreement via UN sanctioning of the invasion.

That means we are using FORCE and threatened them with force AND we do so to fulfill our POLITICAL goals and we were quite clear we were going to force regime change via violence.

This is not the only time either. We have an illegal and aggressive war we waged against Panama, our support of the contras, our overthrow of the Iranian govt, a US staged coup in Venezuela in 2002, operations like operation phoenix etc. In the latin american region alone we have a long nasty list. The school of americas (now renamed) has trained some of the most notorious terrorists.

Gotta love how we give THIS guy a pass. Luis Posada Carriles (name ring a bell for ya?).

Washington D.C. May 18, 2005 - The National Security Archive today posted additional documents that show that the CIA had concrete advance intelligence, as early as June 1976, on plans by Cuban exile terrorist groups to bomb a Cubana airliner. The Archive also posted another document that shows that the FBI's attache in Caracas had multiple contacts with one of the Venezuelans who placed the bomb on the plane, and provided him with a visa to the U.S. five days before the bombing, despite suspicions that he was engaged in terrorist activities at the direction of Luis Posada Carriles.

Both documents were featured last night on ABC Nightline's program on Luis Posada Carriles, who was detained in Miami yesterday by Homeland Security.
We refuse to extradite him and all we charged him with was entering the country illegally, but then we dropped that charge too!

We protect this terrorist for one reason, he commits terrorism we LIKE and we WANT which probably explains why he spent so many years on the CIA payroll and enjoys such freedom and protection in the US.

I have a very solid and factual basis for why I accuse the US govt of terrorism. We must be held to the SAME criteria and definitions we hold OTHERS to.
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from this thread....

She has said in several threads the American military is murderering thousands of innocent civilians on purpose and are mass murderers. But hey don't worry about, I mean all you ever manage to "see" are the right of center comments, you never seem to notice any from the left....
Here is the one that Jillian proclaimed that the FEC was just a bunch of political hacks for George Bush.

The one with Ruby is a bit older, I can't remember the thread title. I will look for it though, she made more than one post in more than one thread saying our troops were terrorists and mass murderers though.

You haven't gotten yet that I don't answer people who repeatedly demand that I answer them when I've been at work or with family... in other words... when I live my life.

And it was clearly said to you that yes, anyone Bush appoints is a hack...

That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

Feel better?
You haven't gotten yet that I don't answer people who repeatedly demand that I answer them when I've been at work or with family... in other words... when I live my life.

And it was clearly said to you that yes, anyone Bush appoints is a hack...

That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

Feel better?

Yes, you display your stellar legal expertise with yet another post. I mean, being a lawyer, exactly how hard could it be for you to take the required finding from the FEC and break it down for us so we can see all the hackery in great gory detail? You can explain to us how 3 Democrats are really Bush stooges in the process and point out the failure to cite laws or regulations in the finding.
Yes, you display your stellar legal expertise with yet another post. I mean, being a lawyer, exactly how hard could it be for you to take the required finding from the FEC and break it down for us so we can see all the hackery in great gory detail? You can explain to us how 3 Democrats are really Bush stooges in the process and point out the failure to cite laws or regulations in the finding.

What do laws and regulations have to do with the fact that not a single Bush appointee has shown any expertise or quality or has the cojones to go against him... lest Rove and the boys orchestrate their dismissal... you know, like the US attorneys. ;)

Again, my being a lawyer was irrelevant to the conversation. Bush surrounding himself with yes-men is...

I hope you felt good venting your spleen, though.

But now you know why I don't respond to you... B-O-R-I-N-G.
You haven't gotten yet that I don't answer people who repeatedly demand that I answer them when I've been at work or with family... in other words... when I live my life.

And it was clearly said to you that yes, anyone Bush appoints is a hack...

That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

Feel better?

The poster said that it was opinion rather than a statement of fact.
There is a difference. If someone says that Bush hires under-qualified hacks, it is understood to be an opinion. It is made from subjective terms. There is nothing subjective or vague about the statement, that Frank committed sodomy with a minor. I mostly look at statements that people make as facts and try to dispute them. I can’t do anything with vague subjective opinionated comments.
all this whining about how some posters don't go after liberals for excessive rhetoric is just plain obfuscation. It is intentionally muddying the waters and attempting to take the discussion away from the topic of the thread:

Larry Craig is a self loathing, hypocritical, pathetic excuse for a human being and is a poster boy for the hypocrisy that is continually - even to this very thread - condoned by the koolaid soaked republicans.
He is a hypocrite. All of the votes to criminalize foot tapping while taking a dump and picking up toilet paper off of restroom floors... :eusa_boohoo:

He's gone. Sorry, but this won't be an '08 wedge issue: Idaho has a Republican governor who will appoint a Republican to succeed Sen. Craig :eusa_dance:

Sucks for Larry Larocco :eusa_clap:

BTW, this is why Sen. Vitter wasn't thrown under the bus: Dem governor.
He is a hypocrite. All of the votes to criminalize foot tapping while taking a dump and picking up toilet paper off of restroom floors... :eusa_boohoo:

He's gone. Sorry, but this won't be an '08 wedge issue: Idaho has a Republican governor who will appoint a Republican to succeed Sen. Craig :eusa_dance:

Sucks for Larry Larocco :eusa_clap:

BTW, this is why Sen. Vitter wasn't thrown under the bus: Dem governor.

precisely. he IS a hypocrite. Hardcore right wing republican senators who have made a career out of vilifying gays and voting against their interests who troll for man on man buttsex in airport restrooms are hypocrites.... and the fact that Vitter hasn't been equally condemned is further proof of the hypocrisy of the republican party...but hey...I don't care much about either one of them. They are both hypocritical assholes and we will hopefully pick up their seats in '08 and '10.
Larry Craig was thrown under the bus to ensure that the seat remains red after 2008.

Vitter wasn't thrown under the bus because Gov. Babineaux most likely would have appointed a Democrat to serve the remainder of his term, as Roy Barnes (D-GA) did in 2000, when he cannibalized Paul Coverdell's tragic death and appointed a DEMOCRAT as a successor to a democratically-elected REPUBLICAN.

Has Larry Craig ever:

(1) Voted to ban anonymous bathroom sex?

(2) Voted to criminalize foot tapping while taking a dump?

(3) Voted to criminalize picking up toilet paper off of the floor of a public restroom while taking a dump?

(4) Voted to send gays to re-education camps?

(5) Voted to have gays executed?

Answer key: 1 - no; 2 - no; 3 - no; 4 - no; 5 - no.

We know he's not a hypocrite, we're almost positive that he wasn't trolling for gay sex (though if he was we aren't particularly concerned), and we know that he wasn't thrown under the bus because of his sexuality. We do know that he splays his feet out while he's dropping a deuce, and that he's a considerate man who will pick up toilet paper littering the floors of our public bathrooms. Maybe the Sierra Club will give him an A rating? Waging a war against litter and keeping America clean :rofl:

P.S. We also know that his successor will be a Republican and that the seat will most likely remain red after 2008!

Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats! Sixty Seats!
The poster said that it was opinion rather than a statement of fact.
There is a difference. If someone says that Bush hires under-qualified hacks, it is understood to be an opinion. It is made from subjective terms. There is nothing subjective or vague about the statement, that Frank committed sodomy with a minor. I mostly look at statements that people make as facts and try to dispute them. I can’t do anything with vague subjective opinionated comments.

In this thread she said that, in the other she did no such thing. But do explain it all away. Par for the course for an obvious "moderate" and all.

There was nothing vague or subjective in her comments in the thread in question. And she can not back up her opinion with ANYTHING other than a "gut" feeling. I repeat, she is a lawyer, exactly how hard could it be for her to break down for us the incompetent yes me and women involved in what she has called a political hit against a liberal group?

Just admit she is full of shit. Or is that to much of a stretch for you?
We know he's not a hypocrite, [how the hell can you possibly say THAT?]we're almost positive that he wasn't trolling for gay sex (though if he was we aren't particularly concerned) [so you think that republican senators who make a career out of villifying gays and who also troll for man on man buttsex are perfectly acceptable - AND NOT HYPOCRITICAL????? :rofl: ], and we know that he wasn't thrown under the bus because of his sexuality. We do know that he splays his feet out while he's dropping a deuce, and that he's a considerate man who will pick up toilet paper littering the floors of our public bathrooms. Maybe the Sierra Club will give him an A rating? Waging a war against litter and keeping America clean. [if that is what really happened, why in the WORLD would he plead guilty??? Why in the world would he EVER even contemplate resigning????]
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
maineman why are you so obsessed with larry craig? is it a fantasy of yours to watch another man take a dump?
Larry Craig Pervert Scandal Is Tip Of The Iceberg
Media ignores lurid history of snuff style sex scandals

Prison Planet | August 30, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

Revelations about Senator Larry Craig that have mired the Republicans in another sex scandal over the past few days continue to rumble across the media spectrum - but the true scale of perversion, organized child sex slavery rings and their connections to the elite is uniformly omitted from polite conversation.

Last year, Republican Rep. Mark Foley was investigated by the FBI after he sent sexually suggestive e mails to boys working as congressional pages. It later emerged that House leaders had known for months about Foley's lurid behavior yet chose to look the other way. Foley was co-chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus.

Larry Craig, albeit on a lesser scale, has now been exposed as a pervert and the media treadmill continues to afford this individual case blanket coverage - a deluge of attention not received by the thousands of missing children and victimized young men who were and continue to be the victims of gargantuan forced child prostitution rings that operate to service political, corporate and media elites all across the globe.

On June 29 1989, the Washington Times' Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald reported on a Washington D.C. prostitution ring that had intimate connections with the White House all the way up to President George H.W. Bush. Male prostitutes had been given access to the White House and the article also cited evidence of "abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion."

In July 1990 a Nebraska Grand Jury was convened to hear allegations that Lawrence "Larry" King, then manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union and a rising Republican party star, along with Washington lobbyists, had set up a child prostitution ring in which minors were transported around the country and forced to have sex with King, other top officials, and according to victims who some allege were later harassed into recanting, then-Vice-President Bush.

Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) was identified by victims as having engaged in the abuse and in a bizarre twist of fate, appeared on Bill Maher's show last year and made jokes about the outing of Larry Craig as another homosexual Republican.

The Grand Jury dismissed the case as a hoax but former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp later investigated the claims and was horrified to learn that they were indeed legitimate.

The video which you can watch in full below, Conspiracy of Silence, was produced by British Yorkshire Television and was scheduled to air nationwide in the U.S. on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994. Despite appearing in TV guides, the documentary was pulled at the last minute. Key politicians implicated in the scandal intimidated Discovery into canning the program and it was never shown in the U.S.

The documentary team interviewed victims of the Franklin cover-up scandal and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Washington's political elite had been involved in Larry King's pedophile ring.

Connections between male prostitutes and the White House emerged again in early 2005, when James Dale Guckert, working under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon, was given privileged access to the White House despite his lack of suitable press credentials. Gannon first came under scrutiny when he repeatedly gave President Bush softball questions during press conferences - leading many to charge Gannon was a White House plant. Photos emerged of Bush embracing Gannon and appearing very affectionate towards him during meetings. It later came out that Gannon had previously placed ads on homosexual escort service websites.

In almost every case of human trafficking for child sex slavery , from Chile to Australia, to Bosnia, to Portugal, to Belgium, court proceedings get shut down or diverted when a clear connection to the elite arises.

In the mid 1990's, convicted child rapist Marc Dutroux built a secret prison cell in his Charleroi basement where he kept abducted young girls hostage at the behest of what he called "a big crime ring," which in the 2004 court case was thought by many to encompass some of Belgium's top politicians, judges and policemen . The reason why it took so long to apprehend Dutroux was that he was being legally protected by these same individuals.

Material witnesses at the trial described "child sex parties involving judges, politicians, bankers and members of the royal family." Victims that managed to survive (most were butchered snuff style after being raped) verified the claims.

Police actually visited Dutroux's home and heard the cries of help from children concealed in his basement yet believed Dutroux's explanation that the sounds were coming from kids playing in the street.

Dutroux was eventually convicted for his role in the pedophile ring but the involvement of the elite of the country was never properly investigated.

After Dyncorp and Halliburton contractors were exposed as having operated child prostitution rackets in the Balkans from the late 1990's onwards (and more recently in the case of Halliburton), Rep. Cynthia McKinney attempted to get answers as to why the U.S. government continued to do business with these corporations.

On March 11th 2005, McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers on the Dyncorp scandal and its protection by the U.S. government.

"Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?"

In late 2005, Halliburton subsidiary KBR and Dyncorp lobbyists worked in tandem with the Pentagon to stall legislation that would specifically ban trafficking in humans for forced labor and prostitution by U.S. contractors.

Where were the investigations and convictions in other cases of establishment orchestrated child slavery and prostitution? Like the NATO officials responsible for the mushrooming of child prostitution in Kosovo?

What happened to UN officials identified as using a ship charted for 'peacekeepers' to bring young girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes?

The U.S. media largely failed to even report many of these cases at the time yet Larry Craig's bathroom activities, which are without a doubt perverted, creepy and fully worthy of a disorderly conduct charge, are given a hundred times more press coverage than huge sex slavery scandals with ties to the elite that resulted in the abduction, abuse, rape and murder of thousands of children across the globe - many of which are still missing today.

In addition, Wikipedia allows the page detailing a list of such Republican sex scandals to be deleted by trolls as if no such scandals ever took place!

YouTube - Conspiracy Of Silence
Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV ...
55 min -
In this thread she said that, in the other she did no such thing. But do explain it all away. Par for the course for an obvious "moderate" and all.

There was nothing vague or subjective in her comments in the thread in question. And she can not back up her opinion with ANYTHING other than a "gut" feeling. I repeat, she is a lawyer, exactly how hard could it be for her to break down for us the incompetent yes me and women involved in what she has called a political hit against a liberal group?

Just admit she is full of shit. Or is that to much of a stretch for you?

Okay. I had to educate myself about the FEC in order to make a semi-intelligent comment. It is a leap in logic to conclude that the FEC is an arm of the GOP merely because it fined one of the last cycle&#8217;s biggest liberal political action committees and a Republican selected the members. Half of its members are democrats but it is reasonable to speculate and suspect partisanship.

The Commission is made up of six members, who are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Each member serves a six-year term, and two seats are subject to appointment every two years. By law, no more than three Commissioners can be members of the same political party, and at least four votes are required for any official Commission action. This structure was created to encourage nonpartisan decisions. The Chairmanship of the Commission rotates among the members each year, with no member serving as Chairman more than once during his or her term.

Each &#8220;side&#8221; on this bulittin board has a point. One can&#8217;t prove logically that the FEC has a Republican or Democrat bias merely because members were selected by a Democrat or Republican president.

She later said that it was her opinion rather than a proven conclusion.

She later said that it was her opinion rather than a proven conclusion. If someone later says that they were wrong or that their conclusion is an opinion &#8211; not an established fact, I give them credit. People can correct themselves or explain that they later learned that what they concluded was an opinion rather than a proven fact.

I have yet to see the comment about Frank having sodomized a minor to be retracted.

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