Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
So why do they say israel must be Destroyed? Will this be in the treaty?

"They" also say that nuclear weapons are forbidden by Islam.

Why is that you take them at their words sometimes, but not others?
I only believe threats, not promises or Koran interpretations.

No, you believe the things you want to believe.
Great move by the Republicans to demonstrate to Hussein Obama once and for all that hasn't got the Dictator style power to which he thinks he is entitled!

Only a committed appeacing admirer of the Iranian Regime could not clearly see that the Mullahs are playing its usual double game.

The surprising thing is the Iranian Regime is clearly announcing its dangerous intentions, as did Hitler, but Hussein Obama chooses to ignore the obvious.

Didn't keep Ronald Reagan from negotiating with the Iranians BEFORE he was inaugurated.

Do hypocrisy much?
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Has anybody ever considered that Obama and Netanyahu, behind the scenes, are in it together, and could possibly be doing a good cop bad cop routine, forcing the Iranians into a deal they normally wouldn't agree to?
Just like Leader Reid (D) said: Repubs are undermining the President while empowering the Ayatollahs. Repubs just keep sinking lower & lower in their partisan right wingery.
Dr. Zarifs Response to the Letter of US Senators

Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Foreign Minister Zarif added that "I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfil the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.
Iranian Foreign Minister responds to traitorous republicans letter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How very sad for those Senators to be so publically SCHOOLED on the U.S. Constitution by Iranians of all people.

Yes, it really is sad.

Well, they were done oogling all over Putin's muscles. That was so 2013, you know.
And then the hot romance began with Bibi, but that just wanted enough.
Fascists needs a harder hand, one with an almost S&M quality. Just ask Tom Cotton's secret lover.
So, needing a really authoritarian hand, all those sexually charged elephants began to take a hard look at Sharia Law... and....
Just like Leader Reid (D) said: Repubs are undermining the President while empowering the Ayatollahs. Repubs just keep sinking lower & lower in their partisan right wingery.

As I already wrote earlier, if they are capable of this, how much farther can they sink? Allow a nuke to be snuck into the states and wipe out a major metropolis? Or a dirty bomb? Or a virus? Give information to El Quaida or ISIS in order for a battalion to be murdered? Honestly, after the horseshit of the last seven days, I wouldn't put anything past those treasonous, seditious bastards.
If America really had a president there would have been no need to tell Iran anything. They'd have understood they weren't free to wipe other nations off the face of the earth. But, for now, they are correct in believing they can get away with it....and get an apology for America having made them do it.
I am all for the oppostion party voicing opposition, that is a SUCCESSFUL part of the sweeping majesty of our system.

But what the GOP is doing right now is creating a hostile, illoyal opposition. It is treasonous and it is seditious and it sends a very dangerous message to the base.
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If America really had a president there would have been no need to tell Iran anything. They'd have understood they weren't free to wipe other nations off the face of the earth. But, for now, they are correct in believing they can get away with it....and get an apology for America having made them do it.

Yeah, just like how tough Bush was with Putin. You hypocritical NaziCons are hilarious. Dangerous, but hilarious.
If America really had a president there would have been no need to tell Iran anything. They'd have understood they weren't free to wipe other nations off the face of the earth. But, for now, they are correct in believing they can get away with it....and get an apology for America having made them do it.

I just want to make something clear, you piss poor, excrement filled excuse for a human being:

we DO have a president, and no amount of fucked up unicornland illusions on your part is going to change that.

Now, go fuck yourself, you disgusting turdball.
The little Jewish Nazi didn't come here because he has any real power. He doesn't, and he knows it, so why don't you?
I am content for the Jewish peeps to make the decision...
They can't, and they know it.
Why not?
Because taking action on their own would lead to their destruction, and they know it. It's why they haven't done it already and just spent their time talking here instead of acting there.
Taking action before iran goes nuclear is their only chance. One they are wiling to take.

If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
So why do they say israel must be Destroyed? Will this be in the treaty?

"They" also say that nuclear weapons are forbidden by Islam.

Why is that you take them at their words sometimes, but not others?
I only believe threats, not promises or Koran interpretations.

No, you believe the things you want to believe.
Are you gonna send me a bill, Doc?
I just want to make something clear, you piss poor, excrement filled excuse for a human being:

we DO have a president, and no amount of fucked up unicornland illusions on your part is going to change that.

Now, go fuck yourself, you disgusting turdball.

Preserved for display in 2017 as an acceptable response to anything a liberal might have to say on any subject.
Just like Leader Reid (D) said: Repubs are undermining the President while empowering the Ayatollahs. Repubs just keep sinking lower & lower in their partisan right wingery.

As I already wrote earlier, if they are capable of this, how much farther can they sink? Allow a nuke to be snuck into the states and wipe out a major metropolis? Or a dirty bomb? Or a virus? Give information to El Quaida or ISIS in order for a battalion to be murdered? Honestly, after the horseshit of the last seven days, I wouldn't put anything past those treasonous, seditious bastards.
Neither would I.

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