Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

So treaties mean nothing to you. And they mean nothing to iran. So fuck iran. Nuke em.
A treaty signed by a puppet of the US? Yeah, that means nothing, at least it doesn't to the country who tossed out our puppet. And no one is going to be nuking anyone. That's not the point of this little game.
It is to bibi.
Whatever the little Jewish Nazi cares about I couldn't care less. His Kosher butt is soon to be in a brine, of sea salt.
And if it isn't...we go to war...such will be the will of the Jewish nation.

There isn't a jewish nation.
Dr. Zarifs Response to the Letter of US Senators

Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Foreign Minister Zarif added that "I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfil the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.
Iranian Foreign Minister responds to traitorous republicans letter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How very sad for those Senators to be so publically SCHOOLED on the U.S. Constitution by Iranians of all people.
All this back and forth doesn't change what the Rs did and the only possible reason they have for doing it -

To undermine and weaken the US on the world stage.

They can never again say any of their obstruction has anything at all do to with President Obama.
Lots more treason Tonite on Fox News. Interview with alSisi of Egypt...analysis by Krauthammer...good stuff...
Given Iran"s history over the last 30 plus years what makes anyone think they will honor any deal they might sign?

What treaties or agreements have Iran broken over the course of the last 30 years?
I don't know that they have signed any but given the fact the current leadership seems no different in mindset and ideology to the ones who came to power in 79 I have little confidence they would honor any agreement. Im simply curious as why people think this is somehow a more kinder,gentler,agreeable Iran.

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?
Given Iran"s history over the last 30 plus years what makes anyone think they will honor any deal they might sign?

What treaties or agreements have Iran broken over the course of the last 30 years?
I don't know that they have signed any but given the fact the current leadership seems no different in mindset and ideology to the ones who came to power in 79 I have little confidence they would honor any agreement. Im simply curious as why people think this is somehow a more kinder,gentler,agreeable Iran.

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
Given Iran"s history over the last 30 plus years what makes anyone think they will honor any deal they might sign?

What treaties or agreements have Iran broken over the course of the last 30 years?
I don't know that they have signed any but given the fact the current leadership seems no different in mindset and ideology to the ones who came to power in 79 I have little confidence they would honor any agreement. Im simply curious as why people think this is somehow a more kinder,gentler,agreeable Iran.

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
That seems to be a very big if given the stakes.
Given Iran"s history over the last 30 plus years what makes anyone think they will honor any deal they might sign?

What treaties or agreements have Iran broken over the course of the last 30 years?
I don't know that they have signed any but given the fact the current leadership seems no different in mindset and ideology to the ones who came to power in 79 I have little confidence they would honor any agreement. Im simply curious as why people think this is somehow a more kinder,gentler,agreeable Iran.

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
So why do they say israel must be Destroyed? Will this be in the treaty?
What treaties or agreements have Iran broken over the course of the last 30 years?
I don't know that they have signed any but given the fact the current leadership seems no different in mindset and ideology to the ones who came to power in 79 I have little confidence they would honor any agreement. Im simply curious as why people think this is somehow a more kinder,gentler,agreeable Iran.

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
That seems to be a very big if given the stakes.

How so?

What "stakes" are you referring to?
Republicans Warn Iran -- and Obama -- That Deal Won t Last - Bloomberg View

A group of 47 Republican senators has written an open letter to Iran's leaders warning them that any nuclear deal they sign with President Barack Obama's administration won’t last after Obama leaves office.
Organized by freshman Senator Tom Cotton and signed by the chamber's entire party leadership as well as potential 2016 presidential contenders Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, the letter is meant not just to discourage the Iranian regime from signing a deal but also to pressure the White House into giving Congress some authority over the process.

“It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system … Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement,” the senators wrote. “The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.”

Arms-control advocates and supporters of the negotiations argue that the next president and the next Congress will have a hard time changing or canceling any Iran deal -- -- which is reportedly near done -- especially if it is working reasonably well.

Well, this is new, even in the world of the GOP batshit-crazy. This really does one-up it all. It's also kind of funny that there is a constitutional error in what the Senators wrote to the government of Iran. The Senate does NOT ratify treaties. That is even indicated directly on their Senate website. Instead, the Senate takes up a resolution of ratification, by which the Senate formally gives its advice and consent, empowering the president to proceed with ratification” . It's a fine point, almost splitting hairs, but worth noting.

So, Republicans hate this Democratic President so much that they are even willing to pen a letter to someone they consider an enemy of ours.

Back to the Bloomberg link:

It's stunning. And it's a rebuke on an international stage that doesn't really have a precedent. Imagine Democrats micro-managing the START talks in the 80s by sending an open letter to Gorbachev? It just wouldn't have been viewed as an acceptable political move while the talks were still happening.

The only conclusion we can make is that the GOP is not the loyal opposition, it is a severly disloyal opposition and deserves to be treated with disdain and contempt for such unamerican behavior. The GOP simply hates America, it's that simple.
Obama needs approval of the senate to ratify a treaty.
with a 2/3 of now, he will have trouble getting a 50% I don't understand why the letter.....what was it to accomplish?
Why the letter?

You said you support it.

This government is completely trash. Its like 2 immature fuckin fraternities going tit for tat with each other like girls
I support the right for any member of congress to express his/her view.

However, I don't see what those 47 senators expected to gain form surely wont I don't support it OR denounce it....until I find out what their angle was.
U said yer 1st post on this page u were with it
What treaties or agreements have Iran broken over the course of the last 30 years?
I don't know that they have signed any but given the fact the current leadership seems no different in mindset and ideology to the ones who came to power in 79 I have little confidence they would honor any agreement. Im simply curious as why people think this is somehow a more kinder,gentler,agreeable Iran.

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
So why do they say israel must be Destroyed? Will this be in the treaty?

"They" also say that nuclear weapons are forbidden by Islam.

Why is that you take them at their words sometimes, but not others?
We do not negotiate with terrorists. Iran has been found to fund terrorist activity...making them, in my eyes, a terrorist nation.
"negotiating an agreement" is I support the letter. When we finally have a real it a democrat or a republican.....any treaty will be struck down.
U 4got?
Dr. Zarifs Response to the Letter of US Senators

Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Foreign Minister Zarif added that "I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfil the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.
Iranian Foreign Minister responds to traitorous republicans letter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How very sad for those Senators to be so publically SCHOOLED on the U.S. Constitution by Iranians of all people.
I agree and very embarrassing
Foreign Minister Zarif added that "I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law
I don't know that they have signed any but given the fact the current leadership seems no different in mindset and ideology to the ones who came to power in 79 I have little confidence they would honor any agreement. Im simply curious as why people think this is somehow a more kinder,gentler,agreeable Iran.

So, your lack of confidence is due to what you think the leadership of Iran "seems like", rather than any "history", as you initially claimed.
If you will note I never said anything about their history of treaties or agreements this is a nation that over the last thiry years that has sponored terrorism supports groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah backs the tryant Assad in Syria according to reports armed and backed Houthis who toppled the government in Yemen refuses to reconigze Israles right to exist and calls for it's destruction. So again back to my orginal question why do people feel this regime will honor any agreement it might sign?

If it's in the best interests of Iran to follow any treaty they might sign, they'll follow it.

Just like every other country in the world.
So why do they say israel must be Destroyed? Will this be in the treaty?

"They" also say that nuclear weapons are forbidden by Islam.

Why is that you take them at their words sometimes, but not others?
I only believe threats, not promises or Koran interpretations.

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