Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Iran won't be able to build a boosted uranium fission bomb, no matter how many centrifuges they have. The best they could hope for would be a bomb the size of Little Boy or Fat Man, both of which had yields under 20 kilotons. It takes years of testing and experimentation (which would be immediately known by us, Russia and China) to build a simple uranium fission bomb - and years more testing and research to progress to further designs. You can't just build an H-bomb.

Heh, so, you think Iran is limited merely by its own technology? I seriously doubt that. And you forget how long the Iranian nuclear program has been active.

Alright then, so, Iran has enough nuclear fuel at the moment to make 7 implosion style nuclear warheads (that of which you just described)

If they launched just 5 and detonated them 4 miles above the surfaces at Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Rishon LeZion, and Ashdod (Israel's 5 largest cities), you would see nearly 300,000 people die at once. It took 9 years for that many to die from the initial explosions, radiation burns and exposure in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Given how small Israel is, the death toll would be magnified.

No, they don't. They don't have any fuel yet - 20% enriched uranium isn't fuel for any bombs.

You're also missing a really big part of the picture. Bombs have to be tested. They don't just spring into being. Implosion triggers have to be designed, and tested. None of those tests will be secret from us, or from Russia, or from China. (Hint: they don't want another member of the club, either).

There is no conceivable scenario in which Iran could surprise Israel with a bomb.

I wonder, N Korea is so unstable, and so irrational, might they give Iran the technology and tools to make a crude nuclear bomb, or other less rational groups such as AQ, ISIS, etc.?
]everything's a relative...

Reality exists.

only relatively...
[ ˈrelətiv ]
adjective: relative
  1. considered in relation or in proportion to something else:
    "the relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known"
    synonyms: comparative · respective · comparable · correlative · parallel ·
    • existing or possessing a specified characteristic only in comparison to something else; not absolute:
      "she went down the steps into the relative darkness of the dining room"
      synonyms: moderate · reasonable · a fair degree of · considerable ·
  2. grammar
    denoting a pronoun, determiner, or adverb that refers to an expressed or implied antecedent and attaches a subordinate clause to it, e.g., which, who.
    • (of a clause) attached to an antecedent by a relative word.
  3. music
    (of major and minor keys) having the same key signature.
  4. (of a service rank) corresponding in grade to another in a different service.
We negotiate with terrorists all the time. Get real. Just ask Reagan.

Your great hero Scott Walker has refused to negotiate with labor on accounts he thinks organized labor is the same as terrorist ISIS

Yeah, well, when Labor threatened to "Gut his wife like a deer", maybe he had good reason for thinking that.

Threat to Scott Walker s wife gut her like a deer - Blaska s Bring It - November 2013

"Labor" said, "Gut his wife like a deer"? Really? Labor speaks, how odd.

Post some evidence that a real person made this deplorable comment and we can censor that single person; or don't, and we can presume this is another failed effort by a troll to get some attention while assassinating the character of an entire set of union members.
]everything's a relative...

Reality exists.

only relatively...
[ ˈrelətiv ]
adjective: relative
  1. considered in relation or in proportion to something else:
    "the relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known"
    synonyms: comparative · respective · comparable · correlative · parallel ·
    • existing or possessing a specified characteristic only in comparison to something else; not absolute:
      "she went down the steps into the relative darkness of the dining room"
      synonyms: moderate · reasonable · a fair degree of · considerable ·
  2. grammar
    denoting a pronoun, determiner, or adverb that refers to an expressed or implied antecedent and attaches a subordinate clause to it, e.g., which, who.
    • (of a clause) attached to an antecedent by a relative word.
  3. music
    (of major and minor keys) having the same key signature.
  4. (of a service rank) corresponding in grade to another in a different service.

Not the point.

Relevant is a more important concept, in this case.

Your line of "reasoning" (or more accurately, equivocating,) simply isn't.
Looks like the letter did what it was supposed to. Now obies minions are telling everyone an agreement not ratified by congress is non-binding. Just like they were told when they said they didn't need it to go to congress. Apparently the letter was a good "teaching moment" for thee libs.
Looks like the letter did what it was supposed to. Now obies minions are telling everyone an agreement not ratified by congress is non-binding. Just like they were told when they said they didn't need it to go to congress. Apparently the letter was a good "teaching moment" for thee libs.

I'm just amused by these little Soros drones waving their on-line petition around..

What did their masters tell them they would DO with that? Use if for knee-pads while fillating the boiking?
Ha, looks like the Dictator wannabe needs Congress after all. This deal is a No-Go unless the Republican Congress approves. The Republicans have the power now. It's time to start wielding it.
One good thing if Iran thought they could make obama crawl on his belly like the bitch he is, another president isn't bound by that agreement. It might make them not go as far as they thought they could.
I'm not really posting to you as I recognize you're just a flaming imbecile; but I am responding to a point you inadvertently make for the benefit of others with an IQ higher than 40....

The message those 47 Republican Senators sent, not just to Iran, but to the entire globe, is .... don't make deals with America -- we don't possess the honor to keep them.

Republicans did now to our image as a nation what they did to our credit rating a few years ago... they sabotaged it in an effort to undermine Obama and cost us our credibility.
No sir! The intended message is in 2 years you will face a POTUS with a set of balls.

obama cost us our last shred of respect in this world.
Iranians were laughing their asses off until 47 patriots warned them that the US won't always be a paper tiger.
Hillary has balls? !?!?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
More that obama but she will not be the next POTUS.
only in you twisted opinion .the only experience you have with reason OR reasoning watching someone else use it...

You're trying to convince others that the savage and brutal murder of an American citizen by a Muslim terrorist (whom fuckwad Obama lies about even being Muslim) is of no concern.

Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:
John Kerry went to Paris and had talks with the North Vietnamese.
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:
Damn Near Treasonous Democrats:
But"Even before Jane Fonda went to Hanoi to meet with the enemy and mock America, John Kerry secretly met with enemy leaders in Paris," begins the spot, with grainy footage of the actress and a young Kerry. ". . . Then he returned and accused American troops of committing war crimes on a daily basis. Eventually, Jane Fonda apologized for her activities, but John Kerry refuses to.
Ad Says Kerry Secretly Met With Enemy But He Told Congress of It

DAMASCUS, Syria, April 4 —Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, met here today with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and discussed a variety of Middle Eastern issues, including the situations in Iraq and Lebanon the prospect of peace talks between Syria and Israel. Negotiating with Foreign Governments is not in her job description!
You are full of shit. Your opinions are foolish and like diarrhea - constantly soiling every issue with perfidious falderal.


You know full well that the embrace of Iran by you demagogues is driven by your hatred of Israel and desire to see the tiny nation wiped from the face of the Earth.

The rest of America knows it too. What you are is clear to all.

I suggest you buy a dictionary, or, look up demagogue on line. It seems your ignorance far exceeds realpolitik and intrudes into your understanding of the meaning of words.


noun dem·a·gogue \ˈde-mə-ˌgäg\
: a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason

Shall I hold my breath waiting for your apology?

Nah, that would require character on your part....

Speaking of character, why did you edit out my comment that all pols tell people what they want to hear. Lying by omission (editing out my words) is probative evidence you're a liar. Not that that will surprise anyone.

Ever listen to the words of Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio? Of course most pols tell the people what they want to hear, but only the worst speak to their base, and only when interviewed on Fox Entertainment, aka faux news, or to the Washington Examiner & WSJ Editorial Board.

Of course Paul and Rubio make the case for dishonesty too, both change their stump speech based on the audience. When Paul spoke at CAL he was obsequious and almost liberal.
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:
John Kerry went to Paris and had talks with the North Vietnamese.
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:
Damn Near Treasonous Democrats:
But"Even before Jane Fonda went to Hanoi to meet with the enemy and mock America, John Kerry secretly met with enemy leaders in Paris," begins the spot, with grainy footage of the actress and a young Kerry. ". . . Then he returned and accused American troops of committing war crimes on a daily basis. Eventually, Jane Fonda apologized for her activities, but John Kerry refuses to.
Ad Says Kerry Secretly Met With Enemy But He Told Congress of It

DAMASCUS, Syria, April 4 —Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, met here today with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and discussed a variety of Middle Eastern issues, including the situations in Iraq and Lebanon the prospect of peace talks between Syria and Israel. Negotiating with Foreign with Governments is not in her job description.

John Kerry calling others 'Traitors?' Wow, how deliciously ironic and hypocritical.
Thread has been cleaned and infractions handed out. Discuss the topic and take the food fights to Flame Zone.
Ha, looks like the Dictator wannabe needs Congress after all. This deal is a No-Go unless the Republican Congress approves. The Republicans have the power now. It's time to start wielding it.

Ha, looks like the Dictator wannabe needs Congress after all. This deal is a No-Go unless the Republican Congress approves. The Republicans have the power now. It's time to start wielding it.

Yet another clueless, right winger who has NO idea of what the Constitution states.....Can someone lend this dingbat a copy of the Constitution....with lots of pictures??

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