Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

It appears to me that you are a drooling fucking retard.
Character assassination is easy for the right, concern for truth too high a hurdle.

Rich irony.

What OTHER than demagoguery do you democrats offer then nation? In fact, the name of your filthy party should rightfully be changed to the "demagogue party."

Daniel Webster is known for this comment, one which may be to difficult for a conservative - locked in an intellectual box - to understand. Thus for others, consider his sage words:

"Inconsistencies of opinion, arising from changes of circumstances, are often justifiable."

The date of the quote attrituted to FDR would be telling, honesty requires it be presented for it to have any relevance. Those who understand history, and the era of the Great Depression in particular, understand the significance of the date.

I'm not sure your point, but perhaps your efforts would be better spent removing the beam from the eye of your own party, rather than obsessing on the mote in the eye of your hated enemy...

You're not sure of my point? One needs to be pretty dumb not to recognize the obvious. And only a hypocrite and a partisan hack would characterize one party and not both of engagement in demagoguery.

The test is watch the feet not the lips of all pols, it's not what they say, it's what they have done and what they do that matters. Another concept the dumb cannot grasp.
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end, only neo cons and fools want to escalate an already tense situation into a violent one.

Assholes like keys have no solutions, no ideas and thus no credibility.

And this is the crux of the issue, isn't it? The demagogue party has been drifting even more Antisemitic since the 80's, but under Obama has adopted an open hatred for Jews. This IS the current clash, Obama supports an enemy of America due to his hatred of Jews. The demagogue rank and file march in lockstep behind him chanting slogans left over from the Third Reich.
QST: Does anyone else think that Tom Cotton's letter was actually written by Israel's Bibi?....after all, the letter supports Israeli's interests a heck of a lot more than our own.

Are you Iranian?

Cotton's letter supports America's interests - which conflict with the interests of Iran, radical Islam, and their little dog Obama.
It's so fun to watch rwnj frothers frothe. ...

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You're not sure of my point? One needs to be pretty dumb not to recognize the obvious. And only a hypocrite would characterize one party and not both of engagement in demagoguery

Once again, the Republicans are like a bad case of genital herpes. Certainly nothing to recommend them. But the democrats (demagogues) are full blown AIDS. Neither is good, but one if FAR worse than the other.

You look at the American demagogue party under Obama, these are NOT good people, they do not seek the best for the nation or it's inhabitants.
Tom Cotton is a dangerous dude - maybe even psycho.

Of course Shitting Bull. This is a man who openly supported the ally of the United States against the enemy of the USA. You demagogues only support those who oppose America.

Cotton strongly advocates higher defense spending and a more aggressive foreign policy. As The New Republic’s David Ramsey noted, “Pick a topic — Syria, Iran, Russia, ISIS, drones, NSA snooping — and Cotton can be found at the hawkish outer edge of the debate…During his senate campaign, he told a tele-townhall that ISIS and Mexican drug cartels joining forces to attack Arkansas was an ‘urgent problem.'”

More: Immediately After Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal, Senator Tom Cotton to Meet with Defense Contractors - The Intercept

Omagahd... you must be pissing yourself... He opposes Mexican drug cartels - the fiend...

Shitting Bull, you are one STUPID motherfucker.
under Obama has adopted an open hatred for Jews. This IS the current clash, Obama supports an enemy of America due to his hatred of Jews. The demagogue rank and file march in lockstep behind him
Ex-US Senator Calls Out Missouri GOP Leader During Funeral Words Can Kill


AP Photo / Jeff Roberson
ByCatherine Thompson

Published March 3, 2015, 1:07 PM EST 34487 views

Eulogies are a celebration of the life of the deceased. But in his remembrance of Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich (R) on Tuesday, former U.S. Sen. John Danforth (R-MO) combined high praise for the dead with forcefully harsh words for the state GOP chairman who has been linked to Schweich's suicide.

Speaking at the funeral in Clayton, Mo., for Schweich, who had been a leading Republican gubernatorial candidate until his suicide last week, Danforth addressed head-on an alleged anti-Semitic "whisper campaign" that preceded the death.

In the days leading up to his suicide on Thursday, Schweich told those close to him that state GOP chairman John Hancock had been off-handedly telling people he was Jewish even though he attended an Episcopal church.

"Tom called this anti-Semitism, and of course it was," Danforth
said during the eulogy on Tuesday, as quoted by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "The only reason for going around saying that someone is Jewish is to make political profit from religious bigotry."
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

You fear monger well, now, how about a rational dialogue on how to reduce tension and work toward a win-win solution - Obama's goal? Your's and the neo cons seem intent on playing a zero sum game.
Tom Cotton is a dangerous dude - maybe even psycho.

Of course Shitting Bull. This is a man who openly supported the ally of the United States against the enemy of the USA. You demagogues only support those who oppose America.

Cotton strongly advocates higher defense spending and a more aggressive foreign policy. As The New Republic’s David Ramsey noted, “Pick a topic — Syria, Iran, Russia, ISIS, drones, NSA snooping — and Cotton can be found at the hawkish outer edge of the debate…During his senate campaign, he told a tele-townhall that ISIS and Mexican drug cartels joining forces to attack Arkansas was an ‘urgent problem.'”

More: Immediately After Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal, Senator Tom Cotton to Meet with Defense Contractors - The Intercept

Omagahd... you must be pissing yourself... He opposes Mexican drug cartels - the fiend...

Shitting Bull, you are one STUPID motherfucker.

I suggest you buy a dictionary, or, look up demagogue on line. It seems your ignorance far exceeds realpolitik and intrudes into your understanding of the meaning of words.
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Problem. Iran isn't limited to its geographical borders. It holds influence over multiple countries in the ME.

Well, don't stop there. Post the political map of the ME, and show us Irans friends and foes. You do know that Iranians are not Arabs, I hope, and most are Shiite, and most Arabs are Sunni.
Yo, how quickly we forget? Just a few days back the "Socialist Progressive Democrats" showed their true colors as traitors! They boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech, our only ally in the middle east? Now who is the real Hypocrite in Washington?


View attachment 37678

Umh...what does boycotting a speech have to do with anything? :dunno:

Yo, use that tiny brain if possible?:cuckoo:


Translation: I can't come up with a coherent response so I'll just fling some monkey poo

So folks are now "traiters" if they boycott a foriegn national's speech? Will wonders never cease...

Yo, Traitors? If you can`t see it? Then maybe night school might help you, main subject needed: History!


Welcome, whatever forum banned you accomplished one thing, the average IQ of their forum rose, and ours declined.
I suggest you buy a dictionary, or, look up demagogue on line. It seems your ignorance far exceeds realpolitik and intrudes into your understanding of the meaning of words.


noun dem·a·gogue \ˈde-mə-ˌgäg\
: a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason

Shall I hold my breath waiting for your apology?

Nah, that would require character on your part....
You do realize (well, maybe you don't) that one person's "terrorism" is another person's "freedom fight"?.......After all, were the resistance fighters in WWII terrorists? Were our founding fathers also terrorists against the Brits?

This is your "freedom?"

You democrats are utter scum.

Well, if you had a half-a-brain you'd tilt to that side....You (as most uneducated right wingers) are confusing ISIS (Sunni) bastards with Persians Shia's......Do you realize that Iranians are currently fighting against those very same murderers you show that picture of????
AIR out the Senate Arrest Impeach Recall ...the 47 percent of the Senate [100 % GOP ] that just shat on America ...

I strongly encourage you Communists to take up flags demanding "DEATH TO ISRAEL" and "KILL THE JEWS," then march on the Capitol to depose these Senators on behalf of Iran and radical Islam.

Don't wait, seize the moment. Make sure American cannot ignore EXACTLY what you of the demagogue party are. Break lots of windows on your way.

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