Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

We do not negotiate with terrorists. Iran has been found to fund terrorist activity...making them, in my eyes, a terrorist nation.
"negotiating an agreement" is I support the letter. When we finally have a real it a democrat or a republican.....any treaty will be struck down.

We negotiate with terrorists all the time. Get real. Just ask Reagan.

Okay, the problem with this letter is that really, it invalidates ALL treaties. If you say, "Hey, this treaty is no good whent hat guy leaves,", what's the point of signing a treaty?

The problem is, Russia, China, Europe aren't going to keep not trading with Iran forever if we say so if the Iranians come to the table in good faith and we don't keep our own word.
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Bernie Sanders Explains How 47 Treasonous GOP Senators Tried To Sabotage World Peace

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) explained that the treasonous behavior of the forty-seven Iran letter senators is a danger to world peace. …

Uh, let's not hyperventilate, DropSoap.

While this is really, really bad form, it's not like anyone really expects there to be a treaty that will mean anything or can get ratified in Congress.
sure gaybait you are a right wing regular bastard pretending to be a normal are strictly a wing nut...
We negotiate with terrorists all the time. Get real. Just ask Reagan.

Your great hero Scott Walker has refused to negotiate with labor on accounts he thinks organized labor is the same as terrorist ISIS

Yeah, well, when Labor threatened to "Gut his wife like a deer", maybe he had good reason for thinking that.

Threat to Scott Walker s wife gut her like a deer - Blaska s Bring It - November 2013
Walker said in a statement:
Republican Presidential Hopefuls Scramble To Support Seditious Iran Letter

Republicans need to ensure that any deal President Obama reaches with Iran receives congressional review. Unless the White House is prepared to submit the Iran deal it negotiates for congressional approval, the next president should not be bound by it. I will continue to express that concern publicly to the President and directly to the American people.

Petition seeking treason charges for Iran letter hits 100,000 signatures
5 hrs ago - Backlash continued to mount Tuesday after 47 GOP senators sent to a letter to Iran’s leaders on Monday warning any nuclear deal wouldn’t be valid without congressional approval. Not only was a White House petition started urging charges be filed aga ... (Tampa Sun Times)
We negotiate with terrorists all the time. Get real. Just ask Reagan.

Your great hero Scott Walker has refused to negotiate with labor on accounts he thinks organized labor is the same as terrorist ISIS

Yeah, well, when Labor threatened to "Gut his wife like a deer", maybe he had good reason for thinking that.

Threat to Scott Walker s wife gut her like a deer - Blaska s Bring It - November 2013

Really? That was an actual official statement from a union representative or are you painting all labor unions with the actions of one individual, Joe?
Walker said in a statement:
Republican Presidential Hopefuls Scramble To Support Seditious Iran Letter

Republicans need to ensure that any deal President Obama reaches with Iran receives congressional review. Unless the White House is prepared to submit the Iran deal it negotiates for congressional approval, the next president should not be bound by it. I will continue to express that concern publicly to the President and directly to the American people.

Petition seeking treason charges for Iran letter hits 100,000 signatures
5 hrs ago - Backlash continued to mount Tuesday after 47 GOP senators sent to a letter to Iran’s leaders on Monday warning any nuclear deal wouldn’t be valid without congressional approval. Not only was a White House petition started urging charges be filed aga ... (Tampa Sun Times)

Yeah, it is pretty good idea to bring the thread back online with the mission ... Kudos.
The good doctor explaining how Iran doesn't want to, and is probably incapable of building a bomb ... So they can pressure the US and Israel by joining the nuclear club was starting to crack me up.

Walker said in a statement:
Republican Presidential Hopefuls Scramble To Support Seditious Iran Letter

Republicans need to ensure that any deal President Obama reaches with Iran receives congressional review. Unless the White House is prepared to submit the Iran deal it negotiates for congressional approval, the next president should not be bound by it. I will continue to express that concern publicly to the President and directly to the American people.

Petition seeking treason charges for Iran letter hits 100,000 signatures
5 hrs ago - Backlash continued to mount Tuesday after 47 GOP senators sent to a letter to Iran’s leaders on Monday warning any nuclear deal wouldn’t be valid without congressional approval. Not only was a White House petition started urging charges be filed aga ... (Tampa Sun Times)

Yeah, it is pretty good idea to bring the thread back online with the mission ... Kudos.
The good doctor explaining how Iran doesn't want to, and is probably incapable of building a bomb ... So they can pressure the US and Israel by joining the nuclear club was starting to crack me up.


I couldn't tell if he was serious. theDoctorisIn

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