Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Enriching the uranium isn't the same as building a weapon, though.

In what way may I ask? I unwittingly addressed that question in the intelligence report I linked to earlier.

1. Design and build an implosion trigger. Not easy to do.
2. Test that implosion trigger. Not easy to hide.
3. Build the bomb itself - combine the trigger and the uranium payload.
4. Test the bomb. Impossible to hide.
5. Build a delivery system. Impossible to hide.
6. Test the delivery system. Impossible to hide.
Enriching the uranium isn't the same as building a weapon, though.

Why do either? Still waiting..


From who?

Not from anyone.

Its to put pressure on us, Israel, and the rest of the club.

Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers.

You know if you said Iran was doing it out of fear of being nuked youd actually have a point to troll on, but dude, you are leaving yourself vulnarable by a genius like me to simply hit you with common sense bro. However, what you said was horribly dumb. You are saying they WANT to be nuked.

No, they really don't want to get nuked.

There's only one way to absolutely guarantee that it will never happen, and a lot of ways to avoid it happening. Iran has a number of routes it can take from here.
4. Test the bomb. Impossible to hide.
5. Build a delivery system. Impossible to hide.
6. Test the delivery system. Impossible to hide.

Given that they've already seen what implosion type bombs can do from historical precedent, there isn't much need for a test. And like I said earlier, they already have missiles with sufficient delivery capabilities.

1. Design and build an implosion trigger. Not easy to do.
2. Test that implosion trigger. Not easy to hide.
3. Build the bomb itself - combine the trigger and the uranium payload.

You really must think Iran is full of idiots. Wrong. I wouldn't necessarily undersell their ability to do these things without anyone noticing (as in ways that wont draw anyone's attention).
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4. Test the bomb. Impossible to hide.
5. Build a delivery system. Impossible to hide.
6. Test the delivery system. Impossible to hide.

Given that they've already seen what implosion type bombs can do from historical precedent, there isn't much need for a test. And like I said earlier, they already have missiles with sufficient delivery capabilities.

They're not working from the blueprints of Little Boy - they've got to design it themselves. If they don't test it, they don't know if it works. That's why a lot of people aren't sure that North Korea has a functioning bomb - we've detected that their tests have been fizzles - the bombs didn't go off during the tests.

And you're incorrect. They do not currently have any missiles with sufficient delivery capabilities. They can build one, but they have not.

1. Design and build an implosion trigger. Not easy to do.
2. Test that implosion trigger. Not easy to hide.
3. Build the bomb itself - combine the trigger and the uranium payload.

You must really think Iran is full of unintelligent people, don't you? I wouldn't necessarily undersell their ability to do these things.

No, I think that Iran has many brilliant scientists working on it, given enough time I'm sure they'd be capable of doing so. But it will take time, and they won't be able to hide it.

Not from anyone.

Its to put pressure on us, Israel, and the rest of the club.

Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers.

You know if you said Iran was doing it out of fear of being nuked youd actually have a point to troll on, but dude, you are leaving yourself vulnarable by a genius like me to simply hit you with common sense bro. However, what you said was horribly dumb. You are saying they WANT to be nuked.

No, they really don't want to get nuked.

There's only one way to absolutely guarantee that it will never happen, and a lot of ways to avoid it happening. Iran has a number of routes it can take from here.

Knowing Israel will use heavy explosives and possibly a nuclear isolate explosion to wipe out Irans nuclear capabilities should they get a bomb or simply come close why go further with it and not stop? You say it's because they DON'T want to be nuked. There only real threat for that is Israel which has said they won't allow it to happen.

You are full of shit. Just be honest, bro.

Not from anyone.

Its to put pressure on us, Israel, and the rest of the club.

Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers.

You know if you said Iran was doing it out of fear of being nuked youd actually have a point to troll on, but dude, you are leaving yourself vulnarable by a genius like me to simply hit you with common sense bro. However, what you said was horribly dumb. You are saying they WANT to be nuked.

No, they really don't want to get nuked.

There's only one way to absolutely guarantee that it will never happen, and a lot of ways to avoid it happening. Iran has a number of routes it can take from here.

Knowing Israel will use heavy explosives and possibly a nuclear isolate explosion to wipe out Irans nuclear capabilities should they get a bomb or simply come close why go further with it and not stop? You say it's because they DON'T want to be nuked. There only real threat for that is Israel which has said they won't allow it to happen.

You are full of shit. Just be honest, bro.

Who said anything about them "going further"?

They're at the perfect bargaining position right now.
From who?

Not from anyone.

Its to put pressure on us, Israel, and the rest of the club.

Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers.

You know if you said Iran was doing it out of fear of being nuked youd actually have a point to troll on, but dude, you are leaving yourself vulnarable by a genius like me to simply hit you with common sense bro. However, what you said was horribly dumb. You are saying they WANT to be nuked.

No, they really don't want to get nuked.

There's only one way to absolutely guarantee that it will never happen, and a lot of ways to avoid it happening. Iran has a number of routes it can take from here.

Knowing Israel will use heavy explosives and possibly a nuclear isolate explosion to wipe out Irans nuclear capabilities should they get a bomb or simply come close why go further with it and not stop? You say it's because they DON'T want to be nuked. There only real threat for that is Israel which has said they won't allow it to happen.

You are full of shit. Just be honest, bro.

Who said anything about them "going further"?

They're at the perfect bargaining position right now.

So they are going to get rid of all of their equipment and all uranium for a big deal where everybody over their gets rid of their nukes? You think Obama is smart enough and influential enough to pull that off?

You are officially off the reservation, bro. Just give in. I know it's not in libs nature, but you look really bad now, bro.
Not from anyone.

Its to put pressure on us, Israel, and the rest of the club.

Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers.

You know if you said Iran was doing it out of fear of being nuked youd actually have a point to troll on, but dude, you are leaving yourself vulnarable by a genius like me to simply hit you with common sense bro. However, what you said was horribly dumb. You are saying they WANT to be nuked.

No, they really don't want to get nuked.

There's only one way to absolutely guarantee that it will never happen, and a lot of ways to avoid it happening. Iran has a number of routes it can take from here.

Knowing Israel will use heavy explosives and possibly a nuclear isolate explosion to wipe out Irans nuclear capabilities should they get a bomb or simply come close why go further with it and not stop? You say it's because they DON'T want to be nuked. There only real threat for that is Israel which has said they won't allow it to happen.

You are full of shit. Just be honest, bro.

Who said anything about them "going further"?

They're at the perfect bargaining position right now.

So they are going to get rid of all of their equipment and all uranium for a big deal where everybody over their gets rid of their nukes? You think Obama is smart enough and influential enough to pull that off?

You are officially off the reservation, bro. Just give in. I know it's not in libs nature, but you look really bad now, bro.


The CIA and Mossad agree with me.
And you're incorrect. They do not currently have any missiles with sufficient delivery capabilities. They can build one, but they have not.

In what way may I ask? I unwittingly addressed that question in the intelligence report I linked to earlier. They already have the means, all they need is the payload in place of a conventional warhead. They have all sorts of missiles capable of reaching Israel, I do believe.

Those include

The Soumar Surface to Surface missile (range of 1,500 miles), which they just revealed YESTERDAY, plus the Qadr and Qiyah LRBMs (Long Range Ballistic Missiles) that are capable of hitting the US, over 9,850 miles away (provided that New York is the target).
And you're incorrect. They do not currently have any missiles with sufficient delivery capabilities. They can build one, but they have not.

In what way may I ask? I unwittingly addressed that question in the intelligence report I linked to earlier. They already have the means, all they need is the payload in place of a conventional warhead. They have all sorts of missiles capable of reaching Israel, I do believe.

Those include

The Soumar Surface to Surface missile (range of 1,500 miles), which they just revealed YESTERDAY, plus the Qadr and Qiyah LRBMs (Long Range Ballistic Missiles) that are capable of hitting the US, over 9,850 miles away (provided that New York is the target).

It's not as simple as just swapping one warhead for another. Atomic warheads are many times heavier than conventional warheads.

Ballistic missiles, particularly long-range ones, are essentially rockets. They have to leave the atmosphere. The weight of the payload is a pretty big deal. Iran would need to partially rebuild their rockets for them to carry an atomic payload.
One good thing if Iran thought they could make obama crawl on his belly like the bitch he is, another president isn't bound by that agreement. It might make them not go as far as they thought they could.
I'm not really posting to you as I recognize you're just a flaming imbecile; but I am responding to a point you inadvertently make for the benefit of others with an IQ higher than 40....

The message those 47 Republican Senators sent, not just to Iran, but to the entire globe, is .... don't make deals with America -- we don't possess the honor to keep them.

Republicans did now to our image as a nation what they did to our credit rating a few years ago... they sabotaged it in an effort to undermine Obama and cost us our credibility.
No sir! The intended message is in 2 years you will face a POTUS with a set of balls.

obama cost us our last shred of respect in this world.
Iranians were laughing their asses off until 47 patriots warned them that the US won't always be a paper tiger.
I saw an Iranian politician brilliantly and sophisticatedly take the piss out of 47 boorish US Congressmen.
They probably still don't understand what happened.

In another week they'll be having a quiet moment then one of them will suddenly go..."Haaanng on...what did he say?!"
That is why the world is laughing at the US.
You know if you said Iran was doing it out of fear of being nuked youd actually have a point to troll on, but dude, you are leaving yourself vulnarable by a genius like me to simply hit you with common sense bro. However, what you said was horribly dumb. You are saying they WANT to be nuked.

No, they really don't want to get nuked.

There's only one way to absolutely guarantee that it will never happen, and a lot of ways to avoid it happening. Iran has a number of routes it can take from here.

Knowing Israel will use heavy explosives and possibly a nuclear isolate explosion to wipe out Irans nuclear capabilities should they get a bomb or simply come close why go further with it and not stop? You say it's because they DON'T want to be nuked. There only real threat for that is Israel which has said they won't allow it to happen.

You are full of shit. Just be honest, bro.

Who said anything about them "going further"?

They're at the perfect bargaining position right now.

So they are going to get rid of all of their equipment and all uranium for a big deal where everybody over their gets rid of their nukes? You think Obama is smart enough and influential enough to pull that off?

You are officially off the reservation, bro. Just give in. I know it's not in libs nature, but you look really bad now, bro.


The CIA and Mossad agree with me.

I thought you mods were supposed to be the smart ones here on usmb. Wow, was I wrong. The big whopper is how liberal you all are. Explains everything.
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:

If it's so god damned important, why is it being spearheaded by Kerry and Obammy?
Russia will support Iran, yes, but that does not mean we need to go to war with Iran to keep them from getting nukes. The sanctions are never going to be let up much if they don't back down verifiably. The people will overthrow the Ayatollahs if the sanctions stay in place. The Iranian leadership knows that.

The sanctions were already let up, and they were given our money to just be nice. This is the kind of blithering idiots we have in the white house.

Hmmm, ain't that interesting...

Cotton was married in March, 2014, in a hush-hush wedding because the GOP wanted him to be married before running against Pryor in November. No announcement was made before the wedding.

Cotton has been spotted in more than one gay establishment in DC and environs and the rumor mill (including possible very, very compromising videos) is just working this one overtime.

My 6th sense tells me that Sen. Cotton is the next Larry Craig in the making. I bet that the Tea Party is in for a real shock, a real disappointment, when this whole thing blows up.

Poor Mrs. Cotton.
One good thing if Iran thought they could make obama crawl on his belly like the bitch he is, another president isn't bound by that agreement. It might make them not go as far as they thought they could.
I'm not really posting to you as I recognize you're just a flaming imbecile; but I am responding to a point you inadvertently make for the benefit of others with an IQ higher than 40....

The message those 47 Republican Senators sent, not just to Iran, but to the entire globe, is .... don't make deals with America -- we don't possess the honor to keep them.

Republicans did now to our image as a nation what they did to our credit rating a few years ago... they sabotaged it in an effort to undermine Obama and cost us our credibility.

excellent point! Country First was always a slogan, one they dropped along with the Big Tent liel Today's Republican Party is beginning to look like the Democratic Party in the first five decades of the 19th Century.

Republicans want nothing short of war with Iran.
Naw I think they are more about a war with Obama, and good on them for it.

Of course it is about opposing Obama, but they are willing to start a war and waste the lives and money of out country to do it. How can they tell a mother that their child's life was sacrificed because the right doesn't like having a black president?

Oh how cute, another idiot tosses the race card. The race card is bankrupt, and is now useless.
"Neither the President nor the Senate, solely, can complete a treaty; they are checks upon each other, and are so balanced as to produce security to the people."

-James Wilson of Pennsylvania, delegate and signatory to the United States Constitution

In that respect, this treaty, with the terms as they are, would not only endanger Israel, it could necessarily threaten that of the world and ultimately the United States.

Executive agreements are made Annotation 12 - Article II - FindLaw

Suddenly, Congress is having a hissy fit.

There is no indication yet that it would endanger israel or threaten the world or the US.

However - being forced into a military conflict most certainly would threaten us.

Perhaps you didn't see the post above the one you quoted. I know exactly what an EA is. It is legal to a point. Reid v Covert covers that.

Reid v. Covert 354 U.S. 1 1956 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

I'm just wondering why - suddenly - Republicans are having a hissy fit over something routinely done by presidents.

I think I know why...because, even with their limitations, they do carry the weight of law internationally and once in place, they are very difficult to dismantle. The Republicans are trying to scuttle it because they won't have much effect on it afterwards.

Coyote do you understand what you just said. Obama can unilaterally create international law that this country is bound by and the congress has no say in it. If such is true, and I don't believe it is, then you have just made the republican case. And remember, the only way Obama is able to pass big ticket items is to lie to the American people(see obamacare ) and keep details of a settlement secret until after it is passed(see FCC decision). Sound familiar.

But the floats in the repub stupid parade just keep on passing by. The lunatics are running the asylum. Let's see if i got this right. With two weeks to the treaty deadline, a deadline that would not have been met, repubs just gave Obama the perfect out. I could have had peace if it hadn't been for those warmongering republicans. The focus will be on stupid republicans and not an inept Obama. You can't even make this stuff up. Which Mensa republicans came up with this strategy gem. They couldn't have just waited and then sent a letter. And let's pile on after the Boehner invite to bibi undercutting the presidents negotiating stance by letting only the republican senators, not a bipartisan group,peacock strut in front of the mullahs to confirm their impotence and total lack of class. Democrats don't even have to worry about talking points, the republicans write em for them.

You know this can't get any worse and so I am offering myself up for free for 90 days as a pr/strategic consultant. Once I have turned around the republicans in Congress I will be available for the campaign. Suicide is not painless.
Brilliant posting. I am travelling right now so texting a lot with Tapatalk is a pita. ...

But essentially I think you are saying:

1. The current GOP crop sucks at strategema.

2. Opposition just for the sake of opposition is no strategy. It has backfired on the GOP more than once.

More later. ..m

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One good thing if Iran thought they could make obama crawl on his belly like the bitch he is, another president isn't bound by that agreement. It might make them not go as far as they thought they could.
I'm not really posting to you as I recognize you're just a flaming imbecile; but I am responding to a point you inadvertently make for the benefit of others with an IQ higher than 40....

The message those 47 Republican Senators sent, not just to Iran, but to the entire globe, is .... don't make deals with America -- we don't possess the honor to keep them.

Republicans did now to our image as a nation what they did to our credit rating a few years ago... they sabotaged it in an effort to undermine Obama and cost us our credibility.
No sir! The intended message is in 2 years you will face a POTUS with a set of balls.

obama cost us our last shred of respect in this world.
Iranians were laughing their asses off until 47 patriots warned them that the US won't always be a paper tiger.
Hillary has balls? !?!?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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