Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

The Gang of 47 aren't 'traitors,' they're cowards, fools, and partisan hacks – their letter amounts to a childish temper-tantrum because the president won reelection.

I think their anger is over Obama giving aid and comfort to a nation dedicated to the destruction of the United States.

The Senate loves America, Obama loves Iran.
We do not negotiate with terrorists. Iran has been found to fund terrorist activity...making them, in my eyes, a terrorist nation.
"negotiating an agreement" is I support the letter. When we finally have a real it a democrat or a republican.....any treaty will be struck down.

You do realize (well, maybe you don't) that one person's "terrorism" is another person's "freedom fight"?.......After all, were the resistance fighters in WWII terrorists? Were our founding fathers also terrorists against the Brits?
QST: Does anyone else think that Tom Cotton's letter was actually written by Israel's Bibi?....after all, the letter supports Israeli's interests a heck of a lot more than our own.
You do realize (well, maybe you don't) that one person's "terrorism" is another person's "freedom fight"?.......After all, were the resistance fighters in WWII terrorists? Were our founding fathers also terrorists against the Brits?

This is your "freedom?"

You democrats are utter scum.
QST: Does anyone else think that Tom Cotton's letter was actually written by Israel's Bibi?....after all, the letter supports Israeli's interests a heck of a lot more than our own.

Are you Iranian?

Cotton's letter supports America's interests - which conflict with the interests of Iran, radical Islam, and their little dog Obama.
You do realize (well, maybe you don't) that one person's "terrorism" is another person's "freedom fight"?.......After all, were the resistance fighters in WWII terrorists? Were our founding fathers also terrorists against the Brits?

This is your "freedom?"

You democrats are utter scum.
This is your freedom...

This is your Democracy ...any questions

Are these guys aware that they are dealing with a bunch dangerous, fanatical zealots who would happily watch America burn to the ground just because it dares to stand against their twisted ideology?

I mean seriously, someone should warn the Iranians that these Republican senators are crazy.
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You do realize (well, maybe you don't) that one person's "terrorism" is another person's "freedom fight"?.......After all, were the resistance fighters in WWII terrorists? Were our founding fathers also terrorists against the Brits?

This is your "freedom?"

You democrats are utter scum.
This is your freedom...

This is your Democracy ...any questions


The Khmer Rouge was "democracy?"

Hey, you might be a filthy liar, but at least you're stupid as a dog turd. :thup:
Are these guys aware that they are dealing with a bunch dangerous, fanatical zealots who would happily watch America burn to the ground just because it dares to stand against their twisted ideology?

Yes, they know they are dealing with Obama and the democrats.

I mean seriously, someone should warn the Iranians that these Republican senators are crazy.

Do you ever regret sticking the ice pick in your eye socket to it's hilt and vigorously rotating?
The Gang of 47 aren't 'traitors,' they're cowards, fools, and partisan hacks – their letter amounts to a childish temper-tantrum because the president won reelection.

Really, they create their own problem-- before the war FDR was a fan of Mussolini
Once people saw the horrors of socialist movements after the war, the left ran hard to redefine themselves, again

I love it when fascists go on this weird bent.

Indeed from the 'right wing" Dailykos...

FDR s Endorsement of Benito Mussolini Is Stunningly Tone Deaf and Troubling

Earlier last century, President Franklin Roosevelt endorsed Italian dictator Benito Mussolini as an admirable Italian gentleman.

He also said, in a letter to an American envoy, of all people, that I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished.

truth is hard for the left, in fact it is their worst enemy

Character assassination is easy for the right, concern for truth too high a hurdle.

Daniel Webster is known for this comment, one which may be to difficult for a conservative - locked in an intellectual box - to understand. Thus for others, consider his sage words:

"Inconsistencies of opinion, arising from changes of circumstances, are often justifiable."

The date of the quote attrituted to FDR would be telling, honesty requires it be presented for it to have any relevance. Those who understand history, and the era of the Great Depression in particular, understand the significance of the date.
EXCLUSIVE Emergency Committee for Israel Spends Big on Rep. Cotton LobeLog

The people who helped lay the groundwork for the war in Iraq have a favorite candidate for today’s midterm election, and that candidate is Rep. Tom Cotton (R) from Arkansas’ 4th congressional district, who is challenging Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) for his Senate seat.

According to newly released FEC filings, Cotton received $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last month from the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI), a right-wing group headed by the neoconservative pundit, Bill Kristol, who infamously predicted that the Iraq war would last two months. At its inception, the ECI was based out of the same Washington office as the Committee of the Liberation of Iraq, a pressure group that lobbied for the 2003 invasion.
Russia will support Iran, yes, but that does not mean we need to go to war with Iran to keep them from getting nukes. The sanctions are never going to be let up much if they don't back down verifiably. The people will overthrow the Ayatollahs if the sanctions stay in place. The Iranian leadership knows that.

The sanctions were already let up, and they were given our money to just be nice. This is the kind of blithering idiots we have in the white house.
That does not make any sense.
It appears to me that the treasonous letter sent by 47 recalcitrant Senators was part of a two pronged attempt to derail the Policy course decided by our Democratically elected President Obama.

The other prong of this classic "Hammer and Tong" operation was the invitation [without notification of the POTUS] to Netanyahu to come the Congress and sandbag the President...Unnnbelievable treachery ....NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON >>>>>>>>>>>
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Character assassination is easy for the right, concern for truth too high a hurdle.

Rich irony.

What OTHER than demagoguery do you democrats offer then nation? In fact, the name of your filthy party should rightfully be changed to the "demagogue party."

Daniel Webster is known for this comment, one which may be to difficult for a conservative - locked in an intellectual box - to understand. Thus for others, consider his sage words:

"Inconsistencies of opinion, arising from changes of circumstances, are often justifiable."

The date of the quote attrituted to FDR would be telling, honesty requires it be presented for it to have any relevance. Those who understand history, and the era of the Great Depression in particular, understand the significance of the date.

I'm not sure your point, but perhaps your efforts would be better spent removing the beam from the eye of your own party, rather than obsessing on the mote in the eye of your hated enemy...
It appears to me that the treasonous letter sent by 47 recalcitrant Senators was part of a two pronged attempt to derail the Policy course decided by our Democratically elected President Obama.

The other prong of this classic "Hammer and Thong" operation was the invitation [without notification of the POTUS] to Netanyahu to come the Congress and sandbag the President...Unnnbelievable treachery ....NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON >>>>>>>>>>>

It appears to me that you are a drooling fucking retard.
"Neither the President nor the Senate, solely, can complete a treaty; they are checks upon each other, and are so balanced as to produce security to the people."

-James Wilson of Pennsylvania, delegate and signatory to the United States Constitution

In that respect, this treaty, with the terms as they are, would not only endanger Israel, it could necessarily threaten that of the world and ultimately the United States.

Executive agreements are made Annotation 12 - Article II - FindLaw

Suddenly, Congress is having a hissy fit.

There is no indication yet that it would endanger israel or threaten the world or the US.

However - being forced into a military conflict most certainly would threaten us.

So ya don't feel that promoting the means of nations vehemently hostile to JEWS... acquiring Nuclear weapons, is indicative of a threat to THE JEWISH NATION?


What you're seeing there is what is OKA: THE PROBLEM!

The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end, only neo cons and fools want to escalate an already tense situation into a violent one.

Assholes like keys have no solutions, no ideas and thus no credibility.
Tom Cotton is a dangerous dude - maybe even psycho.

Cotton strongly advocates higher defense spending and a more aggressive foreign policy. As The New Republic’s David Ramsey noted, “Pick a topic — Syria, Iran, Russia, ISIS, drones, NSA snooping — and Cotton can be found at the hawkish outer edge of the debate…During his senate campaign, he told a tele-townhall that ISIS and Mexican drug cartels joining forces to attack Arkansas was an ‘urgent problem.'”

More: Immediately After Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal, Senator Tom Cotton to Meet with Defense Contractors - The Intercept

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